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Early access to our DBZA 52 reaction



The craziest thing is that’s basically how it went in the actual show. Everyone made the wrong decision and it was the exact scenario that Cell needed to become perfect

Jennifer Sunderland

This arc (and Abridged in general) is actually pretty true to the main plot points of the original. And this arc in particular unfolds in almost the exact same way as the source material. Cell really did convince Vegeta to let him power up by appealing to his ego and promising him a challenge. Trunks really did refuse to intervene until Vegeta was unconscious because he didn't want to destroy Vegeta's pride. Krillin really did pick up on the fact that Trunks was holding back his power. Krillin being in love with 18, and the attraction being mutual, is canon. Team Four Star have the benefit of hindsight which means they're able to script a lot of the moments better (and inject a lot of humour), they also don't have as tough a schedule to keep ahead of which means they can devote more time to clever writing. And they do cut out some material (in the original, Cell toyed with Vegeta for much longer and actually made him think he had a chance, before he dropped the hammer). But the actual story beats themselves are very true to the original.


It's funny that until this day, people discuss if Cell tried to dodge that attack on the last second or not. At first he was cocky (as every saiyan is, to a certain point - which usually causes them to make mistakes or misjudge things). He clearly was surprised by Vegeta's blast (as we saw in the last second before impact), so some people assume that Cell felt that if it hit him, he could really die. Some also argue that Vegeta actually missed the whole body, and some say that he hit, but the blast wasn't that large as the animation showed. In my opinion, it's still the first one, because that blast WAS something else.

Jennifer Sunderland

I think Cell just realized that it was going to hurt, when he expected it to do nothing. Given everything else we see, I think there's zero chance that it could actually have killed him.

Chiro Magi

Vegeta's Final Flash is one of the most iconic power plays in the original Dragon Ball Z run. An impressive display, Final Flash's only true fault is the charge time. It takes a ridiculous amount of prep work, dwarfed only by the Spirit Bomb itself. The result is a damage dump of nearly Biblical proportions, a beam that would consume the entire world if Vegeta ever fired it straight down. Without teleportation or movement techniques, dodging Final Flash also isn't much of an option due to the ridiculously massive size of the attack. For whatever reason, to my knowledge/memory Vegeta never uses it again until Super, which itself had callbacks to many techniques that were only ever used once in Z. To his credit, Vegeta had gotten much better about the charge time and focus by then, making Final Flash faster and have less collateral while still maintaining the huge damage. I've seen some fan theories suggesting that Cell moved himself a bit when he took Final Flash, since his pride and arrogance wouldn't permit him to dodge it. Him moving the way he did in that last-second panic is the reason why he lost an arm instead of his entire body being obliterated. I don't know if it's true, but seeing how the attack left the planet the way it did, I can't help but believe it.


So. Many. Great. Lines! I love Perfect Cell so much. I'm glad to see you guys enjoying him as well. The combined frustration from the two of you when the episode ended was so great, and it makes me so happy to you both SO invested.


The story does go down the way TFS shows it. Vegeta and Cell fight for a bit longer though, Cell smiling as Vegeta can no longer touch him and that kick was something Cell allowed only to show Vegeta that it did nothing. The Final Flash is an amazing scene that I believe could’ve killed Perfect Cell just that he dodged at the last second. As for Trunks, he only wanted to intervene when Vegeta got knocked out. Their time in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber isn’t covered too much in this version but basically Vegeta and Trunks trained alone, not really helping one another like Goku and Gohan. Vegeta would be broken and feel disgusted in himself if he knew Trunks was stronger, he’s already upset that Goku seems to surpass him most of the time. Perhaps the biggest difference is how Gohan went SSJ. In the original dub, he felt useless in their fights because he was scared or too weak. He transformed after getting angry over the idea of losing everyone which was believable since many of his friends had died already

Jeffrey Fevrier

😂 😂 y’all reactions when they ended the episode like that got me laughing like crazy lol

Vito Bambino

The Parks And Recreation reference is one of my fav Cell lines.


The following comment has spoilers that can be implied for anyone that doesn't know what comes next in the story. I thought it was pretty clear that he attempted to dodge the attack. We know that an energy wave of that size is perfectly capable of killing Cell if it's powerful enough to disintegrate his cells, and we see that the wave did disintegrate the cells that it did hit. It was supposed to be foreshadowing for the finale.


The last paragraph is pretty much what I thought. But beam sizes are very inconsistent in the series, so it's hard to compare. Still, my favorite beam clash in the series is still the first kamehameha vs galick gun. The effects and animation on that one are way better than most of what we see now (and in the future).