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Early access for our reaction to DBZA 51



Hahahaha. The shirts. Love it.


The shirts 😂😂😂

Chiro Magi

I want to comment on how good the reaction video is, but the shirts kill me XD Also, for anyone who likes Android 18, this episode gets downright *haunting* at moments. Bonus points for the running gag of Krillin's owned counter going from funny and amusing to kind of sad and painful. He's doing his best just to help others, following his heart and putting his life on the line, but his absolute best amounts to a momentary punchline.


Now you see another advantage Cell has by having everyone’s DNA, he knew exactly what buttons to push to get Vegeta’s ego going, also not sure if you noticed but Cell shares the psychical features of the androids he absorbs, that’s why after absorbing 17 he’s more humanoid, and after absorbing 18 he’s more attractive, hence all the “Perfect Cell is handsome” and “All Perfect Cell wants to do is fight and look pretty while doing it” jokes in the fandom

Spencer Thurmond

What a fantastic episode! This is one of my favorites for sure! The opening and closing songs are amazing and the introduction of perfect cell is well, perfect! 😂😆 great reaction as always guys!


The mixture of delight and confusion on your faces when Perfect Cell started singing was great. We now get to see my all-time favorite villain at his best, and I'm excited to see your thoughts on him. Fun Fact, the song at the beginning was a parody of the song Giant Woman from the show Steven Universe. If yall ever get a chance, assuming you haven't watched it, I'd recommend it as a show to react to.


Awesome shirts 🤣 I really need to look into some for myself, haha! The episodes really are amazing at this point, both songs are great. Tbh many people are to blame for 18 gettin absorb and I love TFS for making fun of that so much.


Even though Krillin screwed up, he destroyed the remote for the sake of another while Vegeta let his ego get played. TFS kept the narrative the same as the original with why they both do what they did, but with the added jabs from Piccolo and Tien. But of course Vegeta pays for his actions. :)


I love the fact that Cell is humming his own theme song when stalking 18. It's both hilarious and quite disturbing.

Jeffrey Fevrier

😂 😂 😂 at Bethany reaction when 18’s head exploded at the end

Inhale Burrito

That's a W for the shirts.

David Villalobos

Funfact: @ 10:54, cell momentarily hums his villainous theme song from the actual series