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I've been feeling unwell since the middle of last week, and am finally getting some energy back. (We're not quite sure what's causing it yet, but there's nothing indicating that it's serious.) I may or may not be able to get a video ready for this week, and next week's episode might be on the casual side (though I think it'll be fun and interesting). But I also have a *ton* of other long- and medium-term projects in the works that I'm hoping to finish in 2022...one of which is the behemoth pictured above, along with a slightly newer (and more compact) cousin that will need some serious work to get going again.

Thank you all for your support! I hate not being able to deliver bonus content on a regular basis, but if all goes well I should at least have a new episode for you Monday ;-)




No worries, we can wait. Your health is more important than keeping us entertained. Hope you feel better soon!


Get well !