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*** content warning: you know what, at this point maybe just assume there's going to be some degree of either mind control or sex from here on out? ***

"I know how to cast Obedience," Becky explained, "But I don't really use it that much. It tires me out so badly, like it's exhausting to cast? So I've been focusing on other spells and figuring out how to get similar effects."

She and Evelynn were sitting together on my roommate's bed, I was across from them on my own bed. After Evie did her command thing I dropped the Control spell and Becky woke up. I was prepared for a fight just in case, but the stuff my roommate did worked. We were all friends now, and the two of them were cuddled up close. Becky was happy that she was finally girlfriends with her crush. And Evie was happy that I'd forgiven her like I said I would. 

I wasn't unhappy, but I did feel a bit awkward. I was trying not to dwell on the philosophical question of whether their happiness was 'real' or not, and if that made any difference in the grand scheme of things. Like I was pretty sure Becky's crush was something Evie caused in the first place, though it's possible there was already some attraction there that the brunette just built on when she enthralled her friend. 

Instead I tried to focus on the conversation the three of us were having, as we discussed different ways to basically do the same thing to our fellow students.

"You mean the Control spell?" I asked Becky. "You've been working with that one a lot haven't you?"

The blonde nodded, "Yeah I learned that last year, and I've spent a lot of time experimenting with it. I've learned some really effective tricks with it. I suppose you can do the same things with Obedience, but like I said that spell's really exhausting. Between Control and Telepathy, I think I can get the same sort of results, even if it takes a little longer."

I grimaced slightly, having first-hand experience with her expertise in those spells. "Speaking of which, do those effects ever wear off?"

She blushed and looked down at the floor, "I'm sorry Absinthe, I know I shouldn't have used them on you. I thought you were going to take Evie away from me."

"Well now you know, and you won't be using magic against me anymore, right?"

"I promise," Becky replied. "I'll never use magic on you again, unless you specifically say it's ok."

"Good." I repeated my earlier question, "For what you've done so far, will the effects ever wear off?"

She was still blushing and looking at the floor, but shook her head slightly. "Not really. I'm sorry Absinthe. If I only did it for a week or two, then maybe? But after a month... It's probably stuck in there really good."

"Ok," I sighed. I'd have to figure out some other way to deal with it, but at least it wasn't anything too awful. It only really affected me when I saw or thought about Evie's... Crap I did it again.

I shifted on my bed so my thighs were pressed tightly together, then addressed my roommate. "Evelynn, next time you see your friends I want you to make absolutely sure both Trina and Rosie know they're not to enspell me or Candice. And if they've done anything to either of us in the past, I want to know about it."

"Of course Abby," she nodded. "I'll make sure. Are you going to become friends with them as well?"

I smiled, "Yes I think we'll all be friends soon. Not right away though. Me and Becky need some time to get to know each other better, before I make friends with either Trina or Rosie."

"Actually," I added, "Why don't you go find Trina and Rosie right now Evie? Let them know about the new rules, so they won't try and use magic on me or Candice. I need to speak with Becky for a few minutes, then she'll come see you after."

Evelynn got to her feet as she agreed, "Ok Abby. I'll go do that right now."

Once she was gone I moved over to take her place sitting next to Becky, and I took her hand in mine.

The tall blonde looked down at me and asked, "What did you want to talk about, Absinthe?"

My thumb was positioned in the right spot over the back of Becky's hand, and I applied some gentle pressure there. I needed to make sure that she was truly mine and not just playing along because she thought that's what Evie wanted.

"Close your eyes Becky," I told her in a quiet but firm voice. 

Her eyes shut immediately, and I smiled. I continued to apply that gentle pressure to the back of her hand as I gave her a new set of orders.

"Becky you still love Evelynn but you no longer obey her. And as much as you love and crush on her, your trust and respect for me is that much greater. You'll never do anything to cross me, never raise your hand or your voice against me. You'll do your best to protect me and keep me safe, inform me of any threats to me that you find out about. And above all Becky, you obey me. When I'm holding your hand like this, my words are the words of god. They are the absolute undeniable truth, and they can change your perception of yourself and the world around you. My words are so powerful you'll never consciously remember anything we discuss like this, but you'll always do what I tell you. Do you understand?"

Becky nodded and repeated the whole thing back to me word for word so I knew she got it right. I'd seen her do that with Evelynn earlier and I figured it was part of the stuff my roomie set up originally. It wasn't a bad idea either, like confirming everything.

I hesitated as I thought about maybe messing with her a little bit. After everything she'd done to me over the past month there were all kinds of ways I could get her back for that. In the end though I decided not to. I'd already won and I didn't feel vindictive. I didn't need to make things unpleasant or uncomfortable for her.

Before I let go of her hand I asked, "Becky do you know of any way I could remove or undo the effects of your Control spell on me?"

"I don't think it can be removed," she replied quietly. "Other girls I've used that technique on still have the full effects months later."

I sighed, "So there's nothing we can do about it?"

She shook her head slightly, "Maybe the trigger could be changed to someone or something else?"

That left me thinking for a few moments, as I had to ask myself whether it would be better or worse for me to be absolutely infatuated with anything other than my roommate's big beautiful cock. And if I'd trust anyone else enough to let them mess with me enough to make that change.

In the end I decided I'd just leave it for now. I knew there was a pretty good chance I'd be giving in to those urges on a regular basis now that I'd already done it once, but as long as that only happened in the safety and privacy of my room at night maybe it wouldn't be a problem. And I couldn't deny the fact that I really, really enjoyed it. I honestly never would have imagined how good it felt to...

Crap! I had to stop doing that.

I finally let go of Becky's hand and told her, "Thanks for the chat Becky. You can go catch up with Evie now, and you two have fun together."

"Thanks Absinthe!" she grinned as she got up and hurried off to find her crush.

As she left I moved back to my own bed and slumped back on it as I tried for the two-hundredth time to not think about that particular part of my roomie's body. And happily something came up that was a perfect distraction.

'New level achieved: Level 5!'

Holy crap, I wasn't expecting that! I figured it must have been because I just made Becky mine. I hadn't used any magic since I did the Control and Mind Read spells a few hours ago, that was the only thing I'd done recently. And it was interesting to know, apparently we gained experience or whatever the system called it, not just from using magic but also from taking advantage of previously-used magic.

I had a smile on my face again as I called up my Status screen, but when it came up there was a new overlay ontop of it. Candi told me that level five unlocked a new spell, but she wasn't sure how that process worked. She wondered if something was randomly assigned, but she'd hoped you could pick from a list or something.

And that's exactly what I was looking at. There was a drop-down list with a half dozen options, and instructions telling me to choose one before I could proceed to my Status screen.

Level 5 Bonus: Unlock a New Spell
Please select one (1) option from the following list:
Command (3)
Enlarge (3)
Ignite (3)
Levitate (3)
Shrink (3)
Upgrade an existing spell to grade (5)

I found myself staring at the list for several minutes as I agonized over the choices. The single most frustrating thing was none of the available spells were described. Like I could guess what most of them did, but without any details it was just guesses. 

Like what did Command do that I couldn't already do with Control or Obedience? And what did Ignite do? Did it mean I could light candles with magic, or did it mean I could burn down buildings? Or was it a combat spell you were supposed to use on people? That sounded horrific, I didn't want to hurt anyone. 

It crossed my mind maybe I could find out what these spells did if I went to the library and checked through the books there, but apparently this wasn't a decision I could put off. Now that I had that overlay on my vision it wouldn't go away until I made a choice.

And that last option... That was calling to me as well. Upgrade any spell I already had to the maximum? There was only one spell I wanted to upgrade and I just learned it yesterday, I hadn't even cast the thing once.

After another minute or two of going back and forth on the subject in my head, I finally made my selection. The list vanished and my updated Status screen appeared.

My smile grew wider as I stared. So my mana jumped up by a good chunk this time, but my health only went up by four. Well, as long as I didn't get hurt I'd be ok. 

Next I called up the Info on my newly-upgraded spell.

'Transformation (5): Active spell (cost: 15 mana/level). You can make physical changes to another living being. Changes may not exceed +/- 50% of the target's original mass, to a maximum of 50kg. Casting range: touch. Maximum duration: 3hrs/level.'

My smile got even wider. Plus or minus fifty percent of their mass, I could use that to mimic Enlarge and Shrink. And at three hours per level, anything I did with it would last more than half a day. 

The only drawback was how much it cost to cast it. I really had to give it a try though. It wouldn't be so bad on a level-one girl. Or myself, but I couldn't think of anything I actually wanted to change about myself. 

I decided I had to talk with Candi. Both to share the good news, and to get her input. 

Maybe she'd like to see me demonstrate that spell on her roommate or one of her other 'volunteers'. Or maybe, I thought with an excited shiver, maybe she'd like to see me demonstrate it on myself. Just because I couldn't think of anything I wanted to change, didn't mean my girlfriend might not have any ideas.

There was still over an hour before dinner time, but I decided I couldn't wait. I exited my room and headed up to the third floor and went straight to Candi's door and gave it a few good knocks.

After a half minute the door opened a crack and her roommate's voice asked, "Who is it?"

"It's Absinthe," I replied. "Is Candice there?"

There was another long pause, then the door opened and Brianna stepped aside so I could enter. The brunette closed the door again behind me as I took in the scene.

Candice was sitting on the edge of her bed with her legs spread wide. She was leaning back, just barely supporting herself with her arms as her fists were gripping the bedsheets tightly. Her chest was heaving as she took in deep breaths of air, and her eyes were half closed. She had a satisfied smile on her face.

Kneeling on the floor between my girlfriend's legs was that cute redheaded friend of Alice. Mia, according to her Info. The look on her face almost mirrored the tired happy blissful look on Candi's face.

And all three of them, Brianna included, were stark naked.

I grinned as I looked around at them all, then offered "I can come back later if you're busy."

"S'ok," Candi said in a tired happy voice. "Just give me a minute."

Brianna moved to sit crosslegged on her bed, while I went over to the table and pulled out a chair. I turned it around and sat facing my girlfriend, and I watched as she gradually recovered. After another minute or two Candi sat up straight and told Mia, "Lie down next to Brianna and wait for my next instructions."

The redhead got up and quietly climbed onto the brunette's bed, then lay down and closed her eyes. At the same time, Candi motioned me to come sit beside her.

I moved and sat next to her on her bed and she slipped an arm around me, pulling me into a hug against her. 

As she held me she whispered, "I had to give it a try. I just cast Obedience on Mia. Next step is to give her some long-term orders."

I wrapped my arm around her waist and cuddled against her as I whispered back, "What about Brianna?"

Candi shook her head, "I don't think I need to use Obedience on her. I've got her really well trained just using Control so much."

That made me grimace slightly, "You should compare notes with Becky. She prefers Control because it's easier to cast."

"Maybe you can properly introduce us later," she replied with a grin. "Right now I need to have some words with Mia."

Brianna got out of the way, and the brunette and I watched quietly while Candi sat on the bed next to Mia and started whispering commands into the redhead's ear.



Wow! This storyline gets better with every chapter !