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Our classes were getting progressively more hectic as we worked through the last week of May. There were lots of assignments to be completed, while the profs were all giving us new ones ontop of the old ones. It almost made me think they were competing with each other to see which one could give us the most work. Either that or they were placing bets with each other to see which students would crumble under the pressure.

As usual Melissa was doing really well while I was just barely hanging on. One nice thing though was we could both use a bunch of those pictures we took at the cottage for some of our assignments. And almost all of us remembered to remove the x-rated pictures of our cottage orgy before uploading the contents of our memory cards to the school's server.

That earned me a thirty minute meeting with Professor Blackthorn, but luckily he was pretty cool about it. The real lucky break was he found those pictures before Professor Nichols saw them. So instead of having it turn into a federal case, I got off with a warning about how pornographic images weren't permitted on the school's servers. Plus I had to write an extra paper on the importance of not mixing up photographic assignments.

The really weird thing was he didn't say a single thing about my horns and tail, or Susan's tail, or the other anatomically improbable alterations Sue had given herself that day. 

All that stuff was clearly visible in half the pictures, and I knew he'd seen all of it. As he lectured me he kept glancing at the top of my head like he expected to see the horns appear there any minute. And thanks to my demonic intuition thing I knew he downloaded and saved copies of all those pictures before he purged them off the server. 

The worst part of that whole experience was the lecture I got from Lily and my girlfriends afterwards. Amber wasn't too happy knowing some skeezy prof was probably getting off to pictures she was in, but the rest of us weren't too worried about that. 

Susan and Melissa were more worried about the supernatural stuff that was revealed in the pictures. We all debated a bit whether any of that was actually a concern, since he was more likely to assume that was costumes or edited in afterwards or whatever, rather than believe there was actual magic stuff going on. On the other hand Blackthorn was a photography prof and might be able to tell the pictures weren't modified or anything. The way he was looking at my head made me think he was wondering how the horns were attached anyways.

In the end Lily decided to take care of the problem herself. She wanted to make sure the pictures were purged or deleted from wherever the teacher saved them, so we could be sure he wasn't sharing or distributing them.

That happened last night, and she didn't say what she did but whatever it was it didn't involve eating our teacher which was good. I liked him and he didn't hate me, so I was happy his soul wasn't dark enough or whatever to appeal to my demon mom.

Now it was the last Friday of May, and the four of us were relaxing together in the living-room at Sue's place. 

Melissa and Susan were on the sectional, me and Amber were on the love-seat, all four of us were drinking coolers, and we even had a fire going. Probably the last one though, it was nearly summer and it was already almost too warm in the house. 

Sue ordered sushi and stuff from our usual again, and we were talking about all our plans for June while we waited for dinner to arrive.

"I've already picked a half dozen classes I want to take next year," Amber said as she cuddled against me. "It's an assortment of writing, literature, photography, and business management classes. I'm not aiming for another diploma in anything, it's just a few different things I'm interested in."

"And that way all four of us will finish school at the same time," I grinned. 

Sue asked, "Did you find enough classes to keep you busy for a year?"

Our cute brunette girlfriend shrugged, "I don't want to be a full-time student next year. The stuff I picked is spread across first and second semesters, so I can split my time between college and the shop. I talked to my manager on Tuesday and again last night, she said she's happy to give me as many hours as I want."

With a blush Amber added, "She said my sales numbers and customer satisfaction are both so high, I could practically pick my shifts and hours and she'd give me almost anything I wanted."

Melissa grinned, "You must be doing really well to get that kind of leeway with the manager."

Sue added in a teasing voice, "Either that or you're sleeping with her."

"I'm not!" Amber protested loudly as she blushed even brighter. She cuddled tighter against my side like she almost wanted to hide behind me, then added quietly "Not that Christine hasn't offered. At least once or twice a week she tries to tempt me."

"If she's bothering you, I could go take one for the team?" Melissa offered. "Maybe she'll leave you alone if I give her a taste."

Our shy blushy girlfriend's cheeks remained bright red as she mumbled "No thank you. I can handle it."

Susan laughed, "I think you like the attention -"

Whatever else she was going to say was cut off by a knock at the front door. It was dinner, and Sue took care of that while the rest of us got the plates and cutlery and more drinks and stuff.

Soon enough we were all sitting together on the sectional with a nice spread of yummy food on the coffee table in front of us.

I noticed Melissa was starting to get more into the sushi lately, though she wasn't as big a fan as Amber and Sue yet. I was still leery of most of it, there were only a few safe ones I liked. And even at that it wasn't my favourite, so I mostly stuck with the familiar cooked food.

As we all got eating, Amber changed the subject. "So today's May twenty-ninth? I've picked June twenty-ninth as my move-date. One month from today."

"Cool!" I grinned. "That's exciting!"

She nodded, "Yeah. Exciting, maybe a little bit scary but I'm really looking forward to it."

Melissa asked, "Why the twenty-ninth? That's a Monday isn't it?"

"Yeah it's a Monday," Amber replied. "I had to take a couple days off work so I picked the slowest days? I'm not working that Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday. Then the Wednesday's a holiday, and I got Thursday off as well. I figured that's more than enough to take care of the move, considering it's just around the corner."

"I'll be packing stuff up ahead of time so that'll all be done and out of the way," she added before popping a raw salmon roll into her mouth. "Moving will mostly just be carrying boxes around the corner."

Susan asked, "What does your family think about you moving in here with us?"

It took a few moments for Amber to finish munching on the sushi, then the she grinned "Tracey thinks it's cool, but I think she'll miss me when I'm gone? She won't have anyone to tease anymore. My dad seems ok with it, he thinks it's a milestone on the road to becoming a real adult. And of course my mom's acting like she doesn't approve."

She rolled her eyes and added, "I think she's uptight about me being 'on my own', or maybe she's worried about me living in the same place as Mara? Both mom and dad still get a bit funny whenever Mara's name comes up. At least they didn't try and stop me moving in with all of you. I'm not sure what they think though? Like if they actually think there's demonic stuff, or just some strange magic?"

"Tracey still wants in on that by the way," she continued with a sigh. "Even after me and Susan talked to her about it. She kind of gave up for a while, but lately she's started dropping hints and things? I keep telling her no, so maybe it'll sink in one of these days."

I kind of expected a comment from Lily on the subject, but my demon mom stayed quiet. After a few seconds I realized she might be embarrassed about the whole thing, like that night was the first and only time she's ever gotten drunk. It wasn't her fault but she still acted a bit funny and said some things she wouldn't have said if she'd been sober.

There was a pause in the conversation so I spoke up, "Maybe we could come up with something that's not demonic? Like claim we're witches or something? Witchy Lesbian Polycule?"

Sue shook her head, "That might not be much better. Some people think witches are devil-worshipers, even though that's total bullshit."

"How about just 'magic' then, instead of witch or demon? Magical Lesbian Polycule," I suggested. "We could even get decoy t-shirts with MLP on them?"

For some reason that made Melissa giggle. She shook her head, "People will think we're pony fans."

Amber smirked and mumbled, "Well, friendship is magic after all."

That got another giggle out of Melissa, but I had no idea what the two of them were talking about. I got the feeling it was some sort of in-joke, or maybe it was from a book or something they'd both read that I hadn't. 

"Anyways back to the subject of moving," Susan said, getting us all to focus on the topic at hand. "That's ten days after classes are over so all three of us should be available to help right? I'll make sure I don't have any plans for those three days. And I'm sure we'll want to celebrate once you're settled in? If not that night, then maybe later in the week?"

I nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah we have to have a party to welcome Amber to the house!"

"Just for the four of us? Or are we inviting people?" Melissa asked the blushy brunette. "How about Matt?"

"Oh..." her eyes widened and she bit her lower lip as she thought quietly. "Um. Yeah that might be nice actually? I'll think about inviting him. Are we doing anything for Canada Day though? That'll be on the Wednesday. It might be too much if we have a party when I move in then another one two days later."

Sue grimaced, "Oh right, good point."

"Mara, why don't you check with your mom?" Melissa suggested. "And I'm going to talk with Sam. We'll figure out if we have other commitments for Canada Day, or if we want to invite other folks here? And if we want to celebrate Amber's moving-in at the same time or do two separate get-togethers."

I thought for a few moments, then said "I'll call mom but we never did anything for Canada Day in the past? So I'm going to kind of suggest she and Carol do that together, then maybe we can visit another time. Whether we're celebrating Amber moving in or doing a Canada Day thing with Sam and Troy, I don't really want to party with my mom."

Susan and Amber both nodded in agreement.

"Yeah good point," Melissa grimaced. "I didn't think of that, I was thinking about last year when you and I spent it with her."

She got out her phone and tapped out a text to her brother, but I waited till I was finished dinner before I got on the phone with my mom.

We didn't talk long, but she agreed about spending the holiday with her girlfriend. It turned out Carol's birthday was just two days later on the third, so they already had plans for both Canada Day and that weekend. And instead of making plans for a big get-together me and mom ended up agreeing on a little one-on-one afternoon together next weekend.

By the time I got off the phone with her Melissa heard back from her brother. She announced, "Sam and Troy haven't made any plans yet, so if we want to have them over on Canada Day they're available. Amber what do you think? Want to invite Matt as well, we can have a big BBQ patio party?"

"Um," she hesitated for a few moments, then finally nodded "Yeah ok. It'll be fun..."

I didn't need any demonic intuition to guess what she was thinking. She wasn't used to big parties, and the last time Sam and Troy were here probably felt really awkward for her. Having all that plus Matt here too might be even more awkward. On the other hand, Matt was her friend and she probably wanted to work at being more social and stuff like that.

"Cool!" Melissa grinned as she started tapping out another text to her brother.

Susan smiled as well, "Too bad it's a whole month away, I'm already looking forward to our first patio party."

"Me too!" I agreed with a big grin.

Amber nodded quietly as she got her phone out as well, then sent off a text to invite Matt to our big Canada Day bash.


Day Dreamer

LOL "almost all of us remembered to remove the x-rated pictures..." Mara is a hoot, and I love your writing.


Oh dear. I'm getting a feeling Matt might learn things during that party. Either about himself or the polycule, or both ^^