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*** Content warning: reality manipulation; mind control ***

"Come on Jay," I asked again. "Tell me what's going on man? We've known each other for what, five years? We've been friends for four years. Best buds for the last three. You can't hold out on me like this, what's the secret?"

He still had that funny little smile on his face as he shook his head and refused once more. "Nope. Not telling. Sorry bro."

I sighed then had a swig of my beer as I frowned at him. 

He looked the same as ever. My best friend wasn't ugly, but he wasn't especially handsome either. He was kind of average height, maybe five-foot-nine if he was lucky. Skinny, but with some muscle on him. Messy sandy-blond hair that was probably three weeks over-due for a trim. Tanned skin. Blue-grey eyes. He had a bit of stubble on his chin, it looked like he didn't bother shaving this morning but normally he kept himself clean-shaved.

And he certainly wasn't dressing any different now than he did before. He was wearing a pair of loose well-worn blue jeans, his favourite sneakers, and a t-shirt he picked up at some concert we went to a few years back.

The thing was, even though my friend didn't seem any different there was absolutely something going on with him.

He and I were kind of on a similar trajectory through life. I lived in my parents' basement, he was still in the little bedroom he grew up in at his folks' house. Neither of us were popular in high-school, we had the same small circle of friends. We weren't athletic, we weren't into anything the popular kids considered cool. Neither of us had a girlfriend, most girls wouldn't even talk to us. That pattern continued last year when we started college, except we both had fewer friends because some of the people we knew at school went off to different colleges or universities.

Then last month things changed. Jay moved out of his parents' house at the end of August, he got this sweet two-bedroom apartment not far from the campus. He wouldn't say how he could afford it, but I was positive he didn't earn anywhere near enough money working as an apprentice on a construction site for six weeks over the summer. 

When we started our second year at the beginning of September, things got even more inexplicable. 

He started dating, sort of. More like, he started having girls coming on to him. And not just any girls, but some of the hottest girls on the campus. Two weeks ago the most popular cheerleader dumped her popular handsome jock boyfriend and went home with Jay instead.

In the last four weeks he'd been with at least four different girls, all hotties, and none of them would have given him the time of day last semester. People were starting to talk, I'd overheard a couple guys griping about Jay's sudden popularity with the girls and how he'd stolen at least two of them from their boyfriends.

Except he didn't actually seem to be dating any of them. He was obviously sleeping with them, but he didn't go out with them, didn't hang out with them. I didn't even see him spending time with them at college, except if he bumped into one and they made plans to hook up that night.

So on the one hand I was a little worried he was going to get into trouble, some of those guys could be jealous and all of them were bigger and tougher than Jay. And on the other hand I was curious, like we'd been friends for years and I was dying to know what changed over the summer that he was suddenly such a stud.

We had some movie streaming on his new home entertainment system, but I was way more interested in whatever secrets my friend was hiding. 

After another sip of my beer I looked over at him once more.

Jay was slouching in his new favourite chair, he got it when he got the apartment. It was a big easy-chair that looked like something you could easily fall asleep in. He had a bottle of beer on a little table to his right, but at the moment he was fidgeting with something in his hands. It looked like a small polished black rock today, but if it wasn't that it'd be the cap off his beer or a pen or a coin or something. He was constantly fidgeting with whatever small object was close at hand.

"Seriously Jay," I asked again. I just couldn't leave it alone, I had to know what was going on. "It's like you're building a little harem or something, you know? You gotta let me in on your secret. I swear I won't tell anyone."

He was still playing with that little rock or whatever it was, he smiled as he stared at it while he fiddled around with it in his fingers. 

After another minute or so he finally looked at me. He had a sort of mischievous smirk on his face as he said "Ok bro, I'll tell you. But on two conditions."

"Of course," I stated. 

Jay laughed, "Wait till you hear the terms before you agree!"

He finally stopped fidgeting with whatever that little black thing was, and held it in his left hand as he took a gulp of his beer. After he set the bottle back down he started fidgeting again, and rather than look at me he was focused on the thing in his hands.

"So first condition, I'll tell you the truth but you won't be allowed to repeat it to anyone. Strictly between you and I."

After a brief hesitation he smirked again then added, "Second condition, I get to add you to my 'harem'. Though I don't really think of it like that. I'm not building a harem."

I found myself staring at my friend for a few seconds before I finally found the words. "Uh, yeah. I'm not actually attracted to you Jay? I like you as a friend, but that's about it? And I didn't think you were into me like that either?"

"Don't worry about that," he replied with a dismissive shrug, though he still had a little smirk on his face. "You'll understand all the nuance when I explain it to you. So do we have a deal? You agree to my terms?"

I had another sip of my beer as I thought it over. I had no problem keeping his secret, but his second condition was confusing. Neither of us were into guys, neither of us were into each other. Then I got a crazy idea that maybe he joined a swingers club, and he was trying to recruit me into it. That might explain him hooking up with those girls without really dating them. 

"Ok," I finally decided. In the end my curiosity got the better of me. "I agree to both conditions."

"Cool!" Jay grinned at me, then went back to fidgeting with his rock again. He took a deep breath, then told me his secret.

"So towards the end of August I came into some magical powers," he said in a nonchalant voice. "I learned how to manipulate reality, change things, bend the world here and there. When I do it, nobody else notices anything unusual's happened? Like they just assume whatever I've done has always been like that. I've read enough fantasy stories to know that sort of thing can bite me in the ass, so I've been really careful not to overdo it, not to be too greedy or get too relaxed about it? First thing I did though was arrange this sweet apartment. Got me out of my parents' house. Then when we started back at college, I decided it was time to get myself some action."

He grinned again as he continued, "So yeah, I can make any girl want to have sex with me. Whenever I want, as often as I want. I'm not making them fall in love with me or anything like that, I don't want that any of that yandere shit. I don't want a half dozen babes hanging off my arms all day long or following me around everywhere. That's why I don't say I'm building a harem? Like they still have their own lives, their own stuff going on. And I'm not making huge changes to their personality either. They just come over here for some sex now and then, and when we're done they leave and get back to their lives again."

"The only greedy thing I've done," he added, "Is I don't let them screw other guys. They can bang other chicks if they want, but once they're with me I'm not sharing them with other dudes. So like you said, there's a couple unhappy guys at college. But whatever, they can't do anything about it."

Jay glanced over at me when he finally finished, and from the smirk on his face I could tell he already knew I didn't believe a word of it.

"Seriously dude?" I asked as I rolled my eyes. "Reality-bending magic powers? That might make for a fun story, but come on. I thought you were going to tell me your secret, not spin me some power-fantasy bullshit."

He went back to fidgeting again, but kept the smirk. "Don't worry, now that I've told you about it I'm going to give you a demonstration. Like I said, normally people don't notice when I use the magic to change stuff? But since we've been friends for so long, I'm going to do it a little differently. So you'll be able to see what's changing."

Before I could respond he suddenly asked "If you were a chick what name would you want?"

I nearly choked on my beer and for a second I worried he somehow figured out my secret. He'd be one of the first I told regardless, but I definitely wasn't ready to come out yet. I'd only just started hormones two months ago, I was planning to be a little further along in my transition before telling anyone.

And while all that was spinning through my head, my mouth seemed to move on it's own as I told him, "It's going to be Kimberly. But friends can call me Kim."

As soon as the words were out of my mouth I felt my cheeks go bright red. I had no idea why I just shared my chosen name so quickly and easily.

Jay seemed to catch my reaction as well, he glanced at me and raised an eyebrow. "You sound pretty certain about that bro. Got something going on I don't know about?"

"I'm not out yet," I started telling him, despite all my attempts to keep my damn mouth closed. "But yeah, I'm trans. I'm still in the closet, but I started medically transitioning during summer break."

My face had to be beet-red by that point, and my heart was racing. I wondered if that beer hit me harder than I thought, or if my best friend slipped me some kind of drug or something. 

He gave me a look then shrugged, "I guess you were planning on telling me eventually huh?"

Once again I found myself answering him immediately, "You were going to be one of the first I told, but I wasn't ready yet."

"Ok," he nodded. "That's cool. Actually that makes this even better, knowing you want it."

"Knowing I want what?" I asked nervously. 

Jay glanced at me with another smirk, then went back to fiddling with that rock again. He stated "Your name is Kimberly."

"Yeah," I responded in confusion. "We've known each other for five years, I'd be a little sad if you didn't know my..."

My voice trailed off as it suddenly hit me. I remembered him calling me by my chosen name right from the first time we met. My parents too, even teachers at school. Except I knew that wasn't right. I was positive there'd been another name. I had a change-of-name application hidden in my desk at home. I was going to change my name to Kimberly, there'd been some other name before.

I found myself staring at Jay. I gulped and asked nervously, "What just happened?"

He didn't bother looking at me this time, but he was still smiling. "I just purged your deadname from reality. You've only ever been called Kimberly now. Or like you said, friends call you Kim."

"Except me," he added a moment later. "I call you Kimmie."

I gulped but shook my head slightly, "I don't really like being called Kimmie. Just Kim or Kimberly."

This time Jay's voice got a little harder as he stated, "Other people call you Kim or Kimberly. Only I'm allowed to call you Kimmie. You like hearing me use that name, it makes you happy. Isn't that right, Kimmie?"

My heart was racing and I felt a cold heavy feeling in my stomach, but despite the fear that suddenly gripped me, hearing him use his private pet name for me put a smile on my face.

I nodded slightly, "Yeah, you're right."

My best friend glanced at me again, this time there was no smile, no smirk. He looked serious as he stated, "May as well get the rest of this over with. But hey, look at the bright side? You don't have to worry about transitioning or coming out or any of that stuff."

That fear gripped me a little tighter and I gulped, "What are you..."

My voice trailed off as I felt a sudden wave of dizziness pass through me. It only lasted a few seconds, then it was gone and I took a few deep breaths to try and steady my head. As I calmed down again I realized something about his living-room felt off. There were some subtle differences, but it was really hard to put my finger on what had changed.

Jay was back to fidgeting with his rock again, but he suggested "You know where the washroom is, you probably want to go have a look at yourself. Warning you up front I'm not likely to change anything if you don't like it. You probably already know what kind of chicks I'm into, so you should have known what to expect."

He was right, I'd seen some of his porn folder. I didn't even have to look to know that whatever else he'd done to me, my boobs were going to be big.

My heart rate spiked anyways as I looked down at myself and saw my tight scoop-neck top straining over the huge mounds on my chest.

"Holy fuck," I whispered as I got up off the sofa, then froze again as I stood there looking wide-eyed at myself then the room around me.

There was another wave of dizziness as the room around me once again seemed wrong. It took a few seconds to clue in that the different perspective was because of my height. I was shorter than before. A lot shorter.

My mini-skirt swished against my hips and thighs as I stumbled towards the washroom. The light switch was higher than I remembered, but once I got the light on I stared in shock at the petite cutie staring back at me in the mirror.

Ten minutes ago I was a closeted trans girl cursed with a painfully masc body. I was a few inches taller than Jay, I stood about six-foot-one. Like my best friend I was skinny, but where he had some muscle after working construction all summer I was just slender. I'd only started growing out my short black hair about four months ago, but it wasn't long enough to do anything fun with so it just looked messy. And while I did my best to stay clean-shaved, my dark facial hair was another bane of my existence, along with the equally dark body hair that plagued the rest of me.

Except now I was a short petite busty girl. I wasn't sure how much shorter, but it felt like a lot. Like maybe a whole foot shorter. 

My skin was fair, and there was no sign of any facial or body hair anywhere I could see. The hair on my head now hung down to my shoulders, and instead of being black it was a light pastel purple colour, similar to lavender or lilac. My eyes had changed from dark brown to a very pale light blue. My face went from long and angular to rounded and cute, with a little nose, full wide pink lips, and thin arched eyebrows. 

My loose black t-shirt and black jeans were now a tight black scoop-neck top and a black miniskirt with grey trim and highlights. Under the t-shirt my boobs were contained within a lacy dark purple bra. I was still wearing sneakers, but now they were significantly smaller than the ones I used to own and they'd gone from black to black with pink accents. My plain white gym socks were now a pair of pink knee-highs.

The outfit showed off my smooth sculpted legs, the skirt flowed over my cute rounded butt and wide hips, and my tight top accentuated my narrow waist and the large breasts my best friend gave me.

As I took in all these changes I whispered again, "Holy fuck..."

My voice was different too of course. It fit perfectly, I sounded as cute and girly as I looked.

I slowly reached up and cupped my huge boobs, and my heart rate spiked again. Even through my top and my bra I could feel their soft yielding warmth. I gently squeezed them, and that sent some exciting tingling sensations through my nipples and down between my legs.

With a gulp, I pulled up the hem of my skirt to have a look at my groin.

The first surprise was the lack of panties, apparently I was going commando today. And the second... Well it wasn't so much of a surprise, having seen some of Jay's porn folder. I was completely shaved down there.

Those details aside, I felt my heart racing again as I stared at myself. My pussy, my labia. Despite my fear, despite the shock of everything Jay told me and being unexpectedly changed like this, I couldn't deny the joy. I'd heard about gender euphoria, but I never thought I'd get the chance to experience it so strong, or so soon.

After a few more minutes I finally stumbled back out of the washroom. 

Jay was still slouched in his chair, he drank the last of his beer then went back to fidgeting with his little black stone again.

"So what do you think?" he asked as he glanced up at me. "Happy?"

I gulped, "Yeah? I mean... I couldn't have got anything like this with a normal transition. It's..."

I grimaced slightly but continued "There's stuff I wouldn't have picked if it was up to me, but yeah. It's a thousand times better than what I'd have got on my own. So um, thank you."

He smirked slightly and went back to fidgeting again.

"There's one thing I have to ask though," I said as I moved back towards the sofa. "Why no panties?"

Jay glanced at me once more and his smirk grew wider. "You never wear panties Kimmie. You love going commando. Along with your short skirts, it turns you on knowing you might be flashing folks now and then."

My eyes widened as my heart rate spiked and my stomach lurched slightly. He was still changing stuff, and I could feel it. At the same time I knew he was right, I hated wearing panties and it gave me a thrill knowing when I sat down in class someone might catch a glimpse of my cute bare pussy. But I also knew that was something he just did to me, he literally just gave me some sort of kink with his reality-bending magic.

"Dude what the fuck?!" I gasped as I stared at him. "What'd you do that for?!"

He shrugged and added, "The other reason you don't wear panties is they get in the way. This way there's instant access, any time you want or need sex. Just pull up the skirt and you're ready to go."

My heart was pounding as I took a step back. "Jay? What are you..."

"Don't worry Kimmie," he said, and hearing him say my name helped calm me down a bit. It was hard to be scared of him when he used his special pet-name for me. 

"I'm not going to turn you straight or any bullshit like that," Jay assured me. "Like I said before, I don't want you fucking other guys. So you're still into chicks. You're cute enough you'll probably find a girlfriend pretty quick, too. But in addition to being into girls, you're also into me. No yandere shit though, it's just about the sex. From best friends to friends with benefits. And those benefits start now."



Wow! Great story. I have other but right now I’ll just say I hope jay gets his comeuppance.


Oh gosh, this is shaping up to be a rough one... I don't think I'll be able to read the nsfw parts of this one