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"Hi mom! Hi Carol! Come on in," I greeted them both then motioned them into the house.

Mom was carrying a canvas shopping bag, Carol had a large potted plant in her arms. Mom's little sedan was parked in the driveway behind Melissa's car. 

"Happy birthday Mara," mom greeted me with a hug, then held out the bag and added "Just a little something I know you and your girlfriends enjoy."

I accepted the hug and replied, "Thanks mom!"

Then Carol set the plant down then hugged me as she greeted me too, "Happy birthday Mara, it's nice to see you again."

"Thanks Carol," I replied, "Great to see you too!"

It was Sunday May third, and mom and Carol were finally visiting our new place. It was also my birthday, the first I'd had since becoming Mara. Though it felt kind of weird since it was really just a day Lily picked at random to stick on my new ID. 

As we let go, she gestured to the plant, "A housewarming gift for the three of you."

The bag contained a couple boxes of vodka coolers, which ended up on the kitchen counter for now along with the plant.

Then I took mom and Carol on a very quick tour of the place. From the kitchen we went down to the basement and I showed them the den and our little office and stuff. Then we went back up to the kitchen and I pointed out the backyard with its patio. We'd be enjoying that a lot as the weather got nicer, but it was kind of cool and maybe rainy today so we'd be spending our time indoors.

Susan and Melissa were both relaxing at the other end of the house on the sectional in the living-room. They greeted mom and Carol as the three of us headed in that direction, but before we got comfortable I took them upstairs and showed off the bedrooms and the bathroom.

"If you two want to indulge you're welcome to stay the night," I mentioned. "The spare room at the end of the hall has a queen-size bed."

Mom smiled, "Thanks Mara, but we have to get back home tonight to take care of Farah and the cats. Plus I have classes in the morning and Carol has work."

Carol added, "I've already volunteered to handle the driving, so Emma's free to partake."

"Aw ok," I replied. "I forgot you had to get back home to look after the critters."

They joined my girlfriends in the living-room while I went back to the kitchen to get some drinks. Mom and Carol sat down on the love-seat together, and soon enough mom was sipping a glass of wine while Carol had a soda. Me and Melissa and Susan were all drinking coolers of course. We also had some snacks out, there was some chips and dip, and we had some veggie sticks as well so we could pretend to be health-conscious.

As we got comfortable mom had a sip of her wine then gave me a hard look.

"Mara," she asked in a wary tone, "Am I seeing things, or have your horns and tail gotten bigger?"

My eyes widened slightly and I felt my cheeks going red. Even though it wasn't even two weeks ago, I'd already forgotten about that. It only took me a few days to get used to their new size and after that it all but slipped my mind.

I cringed slightly, "Um, yeah. Yeah they did."

Mom didn't have to ask, her raised eyebrow said it all.

After a couple gulps of my cooler I explained, "We did some magic stuff on our little vacation at the cottage? It was sort of like the stuff that happened back in December, except we didn't break anyone's house or anything. There was some more of that demonic magic, and it maybe made me a teeny bit more demon? But not much."

I quickly added, "Nothing new happened! It just made my horns and tail a tiny bit bigger, that's all."

"Mara," mom sounded stressed. "Is this going to keep happening? Lily told me she wasn't going to keep changing you..."

"No!" I insisted. "Actually after the thing at the cottage she told me she's not going to let it happen again. Even though..."

I blushed and admitted, "Even though there's some stuff I do kind of want to happen? But Lily says no. So this is it."

My mom still looked unhappy, and I got some strong vibes off her that she was worried and maybe thinking about talking to Lily again about me.

Fortunately I was saved, as the front door opened and Amber came in.

"Yay!" I exclaimed, maybe a little too enthusiastically. "Amber's here! Come meet my mom and her girlfriend!"

Our small shy blushy brunette girlfriend looked for a moment like she might just turn around and make a run for it, but fortunately she decided to stay. She was wearing her big hoodie like usual and kept it on for now.

I got up and put an arm around her while I did the introductions, "Mom, Carol, this is Amber. She's the newest member of the DLP, she lives just around the corner from us. And Amber, this is my mom Emma and her girlfriend Carol."

"Pleased to meet you," Amber mumbled, while the two older women both smiled and greeted her back. I could tell they both thought Amber was absolutely adorable, which she was. 

Then I guided Amber to sit with Melissa and Susan while I grabbed her a cooler from the fridge. Finally I sat back down with my girlfriends and the four of us got into some mostly safe conversation with mom and Carol.

Once she got a little more comfortable Amber got more talkative, and she told our guests how she was part-succubus like Sue and Melissa but her thing was different. She didn't say anything about being trans but that was fine, it wasn't important and it wasn't really anyone else's business anyways. And fortunately my folks knew better than to ask.

In fact mom and Carol both seemed taken by the cute little brunette, and the fact that she was a cuddle-succubus. Though they were kind of surprised when they found out Amber sold sex-toys as part of her supernatural work.

And I felt my cheeks going red as I got some strong vibes off both mom and Carol that they were suddenly thinking about visiting Amber's store at some point when she was working. Apparently they were both very interested in the idea of enchanted sex toys.

Fortunately the conversation soon veered away from that stuff as mom asked, "Amber, were you planning on moving in here with the rest of your girlfriends?"

"I've been thinking about it a lot lately," she admitted. 

Sue gave her a warm smile, "Like I said, you're always welcome here."

Amber smiled back, "Thanks Susan. I still haven't come to any decisions though. Maybe the four of us can talk more later? Unless anything drastic happens I don't think I'd be doing anything right away though. Maybe wait till summer break?"

Melissa agreed, "That sounds like a good plan. Though if you changed your mind and wanted to move sooner that'd be fine too."

We all continued talking and getting caught up and stuff. I still talked to mom all the time on the phone but this was the first time we'd seen each other since before spring break. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, we all had plenty to drink but nobody overindulged. Then when it got a little later in the afternoon me and Melissa excused ourselves to get started on dinner. 

We were doing burgers, Melissa was going to take care of the grill and stuff while I was doing the side dishes and the toppings. So she went out onto the patio and got the BBQ going while I got to work in the kitchen making some coleslaw and I got some frozen fries baking in the oven.

It was all very low-key and casual, and about a half hour later we had a bunch of burgers fresh off the grill along with toasted buns and melted cheese. I had tomatoes and onions and pickles and stuff all finely sliced and ready, and everyone came into the kitchen and just sort of helped themselves.

Then we all went back to the living-room and got comfortable again to eat. I made sure everyone had lots to drink, and it was a nice relaxing informal sort of meal.

After everyone had enough to eat me and my mom got up to take care of the dishes and the cleaning up. My girlfriends offered to handle it for me since it was my birthday and everything but I told them I didn't mind. Plus it was a chance for me and mom to talk sort of privately, away from the group. 

A couple minutes later the two of us were in the kitchen standing by the sink, I was washing the dishes and she was drying them.

"Amber's a lovely girl," mom commented quietly. "Shy, but once she comes out of her shell she's quite approachable."

"Yeah," I smiled. "She's super cute and cuddly too. But you should see her at work, she's like the complete opposite? All confident and calm and self-assured. It's pretty cool."

Mom blushed slightly at that mental image, then quickly changed the subject.

"This is a lovely place hon. I take it you and your girlfriends are all comfortable here?"

I nodded, "Yeah, it's really nice. The location's good, like it's still close to college and it works for Sue getting to university. And since the renovations and everything, it's almost perfect."

Mom glanced at me and asked, "Almost?"

My cheeks coloured slightly as I shrugged, "I'd be happier if it had more space around it, like your house? We get some funny looks from the neighbours sometimes, I think they've caught a few glimpses of us through the windows? We uh, don't always wear clothes around the house."

That made mom blush again too, and for a few moments she focused on drying the dishes. Then she commented, "You could always invest in some curtains Mara."

I suppressed a giggle and pointed out, "We got those fancy blinds for all the windows. But we sometimes forget to close them all the way? And we like having natural light in here, it's a big wide open space, it works great with natural light."

She rolled her eyes then changed the subject slightly, "The renovations couldn't have been cheap. And it looks like there's a lot of new furniture as well? It's none of my business but is Lily helping the four of you out in that regard?"

"Yeah I guess," I shrugged. "Apparently Verothilas had a lot of money and stuff? Stuff she'd saved up or whatever, after eight thousand years? So when we beat her in December, Lily was able to find out where all that was being kept, and now Lily has access to it."

After a moment I added, "For that matter some of it's probably Lily's stuff Verothilas took after Lily was imprisoned a thousand years ago? Anyways, whatever. Yeah Lily's looking after us. She gave us some money, and she gave Sue money to cover the house repairs and everything since we broke the place doing that magic in the first place."

As we finished with the dishes, mom helped me get more plates and stuff out since there was still cake. We put on the coffee machine, and as we were getting all that prepared she asked "And this business about becoming more demonic on your little vacation? What was that about?"

I sighed but gave her a very quick short version, "Lily is working on a way to get herself free, so she and I won't be bound together anymore? It might be over in a year, instead of a lifetime? Melissa and Susan and Amber would all be free as well. The thing at the cottage was the first step and it was sort of a learning thing? Next time it won't affect me at all. Lily said she won't allow it. So I won't change anymore, but Lily should still be able to free herself."

Mom's expression was hard to read, and my intuition thing was kind of muddled as well so I didn't get any clear impressions from her. 

After a few seconds she nodded, "Ok Mara. I'm glad you're not going to change any more. And perhaps you and I can talk more some time soon, maybe we can get together for a while when it's just the two of us, and we can catch up properly.

She added, "For now let's get back to the party before people start to think we've abandoned them."

"Ok mom," I smiled. "I like the idea of spending some time alone. A little mother-daughter get-together would be cool."

Mom, Carol, Melissa, and Susan all had some coffee, while me and Amber both had another cooler. And everyone had some birthday cake, as we all relaxed and talked some more together.

At some point Amber finally shed her hoodie, then not long after that she wound up practically on my lap as she decided I needed some birthday cuddles. Which was kind of cute, she was like a cat sometimes the way she could always get people to cuddle her when she wanted. Though by 'people' I was mostly referring to Susan and myself. 

And eventually the festivities came to an end, as mom and Carol had to head back home before it got too late.

Several hugs were exchanged as they got ready to leave, and in the end they both wished me happy birthday again, and bid all four of us a good night. Then I saw them out to their car and wished them a safe drive.

Back in the house, my girlfriends and I finished tidying things up. Amber decided to stay the night but she crashed in the bedroom next to ours, while Susan and Melissa dragged me into the master bedroom so the three of us could end the celebrations in a manner appropriate for a pair of half-succubi and a half-sex-demon.

~ End of Book 4 ~

Note: Mara & Lily & the DLP will be back in a few days with the start of Book 5!

Acknowledgements: Thanks to the Coven of Kylie for helping us with the problematic stuff and for all their support! And thanks to Jess for helping with character development! Thanks to all the great writers we've met on Discord and Scribblehub. And huge thanks as always to all my awesome Patrons for your support! You're amazing! <3



Merci pour ce tome 4 hâte de voir la site mais une question r est telle la réincarnation de s la fille de Lily ?


Et dommage qu'il n'y est pas eu plus de développement et détails ^^ mais cela reste un très bon tome 4 juste moi qui suis trop gourmand avec votre histoire ce qui veut dire a que point elle est bonne ^^ il reste combien de tome encore pensez vous ?


thanks for reading & i'm glad you enjoyed the story! as for whether Mara is really a reincarnation of Lily's daughter, Mara thinks the answer is yes but Lily doesn't want to discuss it. We'll find out for certain eventually though. Maybe in book 5! ^^ (also sorry - je ne parle pas francais)


there will be volumes 5 and 6 for sure! thanks again, I'm glad you're enjoying the stories! ^^