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*** Content warning: graphic sex; non-consensual reality manipulation / mind control ***

I kept a close eye on her, but so far there hadn't been any huge freak-outs. I hadn't seen a ton of euphoria yet either, but it was possible that was masked by the shock.

Autumn spent a few more minutes staring at herself in the washroom mirror, then we finally returned to the living-room. I topped up both our glasses, and she had a gulp of her wine as she continued to process the situation.

"Are you ok?" I asked her again. "Like I said, I can change things back if you're freaking out."

She looked uncertain for a few seconds, then finally shook her head. "I'm not freaking out. Or, I'm not freaking out a lot? It's... Holy shit I don't even know how to respond?"

After a sip of wine I suggested "Maybe you could tell me how you feel? Like ok there's some freaking out. Is there anything else? Like positive or negative thoughts or feelings?"

Autumn frowned slightly and looked down at herself again. "I um. I just don't know? I guess I have questions. Like why did you make me so short? Why all the black clothes and hair and stuff? Why's my name Autumn?"

I couldn't hear anything in her voice or see anything in her expression or body-language to suggest she was on the verge of a break-down. She was still in shock, but she sounded curious. Like she wanted to understand. And I noticed she didn't ask the single biggest question, why did I turn her into a girl.

After weighing the pros and cons for a few moments I decided to tell her the truth. "I've kind of always liked the goth look, but it never felt like me? Having a goth girlfriend seemed like the next best thing. And Autumn feels like a really good goth name."

"As for why smaller," I added with a smile, "You've been towering over me for the last six months, I thought you might enjoy the different perspective. I know I do."

"I was only five inches taller than you," she frowned. "That's hardly towering."

I had another sip of wine then commented, "You didn't ask me why I made you a girl. You aren't curious about that?"

She drained the last of her wine then shrugged, "Like you said, you're bi. I figured you wanted to change things up after a half year with a guy."

"You're taking it pretty well," I pointed out. "Better than I think most guys would."

Autumn shrugged again, "Maybe I'm more adaptable? Anyways, I trust you. Like I said before, I know you won't do anything too weird."

That almost made me laugh. I was positive being turned into a little goth girl would qualify as 'too weird' if she'd been a cis guy. Still, she didn't seem ready to admit she liked this. 

I decided to give her a little more time to come to terms with it before getting more direct about her gender identity. Maybe later I could drop some hints that this could be forever if she wanted. After all, everyone else in the world already thought she'd always been Autumn. 

She got to her feet while I was mulling over that, and announced "I'll be back in a minute. Time to use the washroom."

It struck me she didn't sound worried or nervous about that, but just in case I offered "Call me if you need any help."

Autumn rolled her eyes, "I'll be fine. I know how it works even if it's not quite the same as before."

With that she disappeared into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

Since it seemed like I wasn't going to have to rush to change her back, I got up as well and hurried into my bedroom. I carefully put the stone away in my memory box and tucked that back in the drawer by my bed, then returned to the sofa. I was just topping up both our wine glasses again when my goth girlfriend emerged from the washroom.

I was a little surprised to see she'd taken off her boots and tights, though it brought a smile to my face seeing how short she was without the heels on. 

She set the boots and tights on the floor by the end of the sofa then sat down beside me again and commented, "You should have given me programmers socks instead of tights."

"Programmers socks?" I blinked at her.

Autumn shrugged, "Sure. Thigh-highs? I'm a programmer right? It's a meme or something. They call thigh-high stockings programmers socks."

I knew that, but I didn't realize she did too. It was another trans girl thing, and the fact that she knew it left me even more convinced I was right about her. Maybe I'd drop some hints sooner rather than later.

"Maybe I'll do that tomorrow," I finally responded. "Then we can go out for dinner and drinks. Oh, I know a lesbian bar we can visit. It'll be a nice girly date."

She frowned and had some more wine, then finally said "We'll see. I'm not sure yet how comfortable I'd feel going out in public like this."

"Of course," I nodded. "And like I keep saying, I can change you back if you want. On the other hand... Everyone in the world believes you've always been Autumn, right? You could stay that way forever and nobody would know any better."

I was watching her expression again, and she looked thoughtful but there weren't any strong reactions either way. Instead she just quietly sipped her wine as she continued to ponder my words and her situation.

Once she finished her wine she set the empty glass down then gave me a sly look, "So you turned me into your tiny goth girlfriend because I made your boobs bigger. Maybe it's time I got to enjoy them a little? You were complaining that shirt was too tight, why not take it off and get more comfortable?"

I raised an eyebrow as I looked at her. Between the two of us, I was typically the one who had to initiate any kind of intimacy. Asking me to take my shirt off wasn't much, but even that was unusual for her. Though I suspected her hesitance about intimacy was tied to some dysphoria, and if that was the case then it made sense she'd be feeling more comfortable now.

After thinking it over I smiled slightly and teased, "How about I'll show you mine if you show me yours?"

Autumn rolled her eyes but asked "Is there any trick to getting out of this dress?"

"Just pull it over your head," I replied.

To my surprise she stood up and pulled the dress off then draped it over the back of the sofa. Next she reached around behind her and fiddled with the closure on her black lace bra. As she struggled with it she made a face, "This is harder than you make it look."

I sat and watched in mild shock as Autumn finally got the clasp undone. 

She shrugged the straps off her shoulders and her boobs jiggled free. She put the bra with her dress, then hesitated. With a smirk she slipped her panties down too, and set them with the bra and dress.

My girlfriend finally sat back down next to me then looked at me and commented, "I noticed you made me shaved down there. Naughty girl."

"Just means I don't have to worry about getting any hair in my mouth later," I replied in a nonchalant tone, though I was still a little surprised how calm she appeared.

Her eyes widened and her cheeks turned red, but she had a little smile on her face. "Um... Good to know."

After a moment she gave me a look and reminded me, "Your turn."

There was a brief struggle to get my massive chest free of the tight shirt, then I pulled it off and tossed it in the direction of my bedroom, where I'd thrown my bra earlier.

She looked me over with a grin. "Wow. They're exactly like I imagined."

"What about those?" I asked as I nodded towards her own chest. "You're still handling this ok?"

Autumn hesitated. She frowned slightly and looked thoughtful, then finally nodded "I guess? Yeah. Still ok, and..."

She glanced at my big bare boobs then smiled. "And maybe ready for more. You're overdressed compared to me."

Once again I was a little surprised at how she was taking the initiative, but I definitely wasn't going to complain. I smiled back at her and got to my feet, then unbuttoned my jeans and shimmied out of them. I pulled my panties down at the same time, and finally straightened up as I stepped out of them.

Finally I stood in front of her with my hip cocked, hand on hip, and an eyebrow raised. 

"What do you think girlfriend?" I asked her. "Would you like another glass of wine, or shall we take this into the bedroom?"

Autumn grinned and got to her feet as well. Then she gulped slightly as the height difference really hit her. Without the heels she was about three inches shorter than me. It wasn't a huge difference between us, but it was a big adjustment for her. She went from five inches above to three inches below. 

After a couple seconds she regained her composure and replied, "Bedroom. That was the plan wasn't it? Just you and me for the whole long weekend."

I smiled slightly, "Good girl."

That seemed to hit her almost as hard as the height thing and she gulped again.

It only took a few seconds to turn off all the lights and things, then I led her into my bedroom. Her confidence seemed a little unpredictable at the moment so for now I took charge. I was used to that with her anyways, and I was sure it'd be familiar for her too.

I guided her onto the bed, then had her lay back and get comfortable. I had a few extra pillows supporting her head and shoulders, to be sure she'd have a good view of her body and everything I'd soon be doing to it.

I took things slowly at first, so she wouldn't get too overwhelmed. I kneeled, straddling her smaller figure, then leaned forward and started kissing her. On the cheeks, then her lips, and finally I pushed my tongue into her mouth as our kisses went from gentle and almost chaste to much more passionate. Her arms wrapped around me and I let myself lean forward more, so my huge boobs pressed against her own large assets. 

That left her overwhelmed for a few moments as her brain processed the new sensations. 

When I felt like she was ready for more I shifted again, I was on hands and knees above her. My boobs were still pressing against her as I slowly crept backwards. I felt my nipples harden as they gently rubbed along her soft tender skin, while Autumn stared captivated at my body moving against hers.

I paused again and leaned forward. My lips met the slopes of her breasts, and I started planting kisses all around those two beautiful mounds. I took my time before reaching the peaks, which were both already standing up in need of attention.

A soft moan escaped my girlfriend's lips as I took her left nipple in between my lips. Using my lips, tongue, and even some gentle action with my teeth I teased and tormented both her nipples, one after the other. 

Within a few minutes Autumn was breathing hard, in between making more adorable little moaning noises.

Before moving on, I gently reached out and took both her hands in mine. She didn't resist as I moved her hands to her chest. When I let go she started slowly massaging her boobs, while she kept her eyes on me.

I backed further down her body, and when I got far enough I took a moment to slightly reposition us both. Rather than straddling her, now I was kneeling between her spread legs.

Next I lavished some kisses around her belly, then I backed down even more and kissed along her inner thighs. I kissed and teased her mound, and at long last I reached the goal.

By this point she was already wet. Her breathing was quick and shallow, and she sounded like she was getting impatient.

I glanced up at her and our eyes met. She nodded quickly, her head bounced up and down in a few quick jerky movements. I was right, she was definitely ready for this.

After giving her a loving smile and blowing her a kiss, I leaned down again. My next kiss was right at the top of her labia, and Autumn responded with another quiet moan.

It was music to my ears. I continued to take my time, but what I lacked in urgency I made up for with intensity. I licked along her lips, then slipped my tongue inside. I got my hands involved as well, gently stroking her thighs and caressing her glistening labia. 

She was already lubed up enough on her own I could easily slide a finger into her, and she responded with a gasp and moan. My tongue circled her clit and finally I started gently sucking on it while I slid a second finger deep inside her.

Autumn's breathing was growing ragged and the muscles in her ass and legs were growing taut. She lasted another half minute or so before her back arched and her body twitched and shuddered. She let out a long sensuous moaning gasp as her first orgasm as a woman washed over her body. She didn't make much noise, she was always pretty quiet in bed as a guy and it seemed that trait carried over now that she was Autumn.

I kept at it for another minute or so after she finally slumped back down against the blankets and pillows, then I slowed things down before finally ending with a few more kisses along her wet tender lips.

When it was over I was kneeling between her legs as I smiled at her, "Well Autumn? What did you think of that?"

"Mmmmm," was the best she could manage, but it was enough.

It was only about ten or fifteen minutes before she was ready for more. 

• • • • •

When Saturday morning arrived, neither Autumn or I were in any great rush to get out of bed. I had a feeling she was still maybe a little giddy from the number of times I got her to come last night, and the variety of ways we did it. I'd have to clean both my vibrators this morning when we did finally get out of bed.

And after we were both awake, we ended up making the most of that time in bed before either of us thought about anything else.

Around half past ten I finally decided I needed to get up and get moving. I was never one for lounging around in bed all day long.

"Ok," I announced. "I'm ready for a shower. Care to join me, or are you going to stay in bed?"

She pulled the blankets a little tighter around herself like a tiny cutie cocoon and mumbled, "Bed."

I grinned but left her to rest while I walked naked out of the bedroom. My huge boobs were distracting as they jiggled and swayed with my movements, but I figured I'd be stuck with them and the long blonde hair a while longer. Autumn didn't seem to be in any hurry to be changed back. And she certainly enjoyed playing with them last night.

The shower was refreshing, though it was a chore washing that much hair. When I was done I grabbed a couple towels. I wrapped one around my hair then started drying off the rest of me. Finally I unwrapped my hair and stood in front of the mirror as I worked on that with the blow dryer. I was nearly finished with my hair when things suddenly changed.

My long curly blonde locks became fiery red while the curls all went slack as my hair straightened. At the same time the blonde bush between my legs shifted to red then vanished entirely, leaving me as hairless down there as Autumn. My eyes changed from bright blue to brilliant emerald green, and my tan faded as my skin grew very fair, apart from some freckles on my cheeks, my shoulders, and the upper slopes of my huge boobs. And finally, the colour of my nipples lightened from their original darker shade to a soft pink tone.

My heart was already racing as I turned off the hair dryer and ran out of the bathroom. 

"Autumn stop!" I shouted as I dashed into the bedroom. 

My cute goth girlfriend was sitting crosslegged on the bed. My bedside drawer was open, my memory box was on the little table, and she was clutching the magic stone in her right hand.

She had a wide excited smile on her face as she looked up at me and exclaimed, "Oh my god you look amazing!"

My heart was still pounding as I shook my head, "Autumn please put the rock down! It's dangerous."

"C'mon," she rolled her eyes. "I'm just having a little fun. You made me your petite goth girlfriend, I'm just returning the favour. Now you're my tall Celtic warrior girlfriend."

As she said it, I felt another little shudder go through me and my perspective changed slightly. I blinked and glanced down at myself and around the room to figure out what just happened. A moment later it hit me, I'd become several inches taller. I was stronger too, while still being feminine. There was a layer of smooth lithe muscle under my soft supple skin.

Autumn had a wide smile on her face as she looked me over, I could tell she was getting arroused. She liked what she saw, but I knew she was probably also a little excited about having that kind of power in her hand.

"Please Autumn," I tried not to let on how scared I was. I knew what that stone was capable of, I knew how easy it was to do something she'd regret later. "Just give me the stone."

She shook her head, "I'm not done yet. You need a proper Celtic name."

"What are-" I started to say before she interrupted.

"Your name is Cerys," she decided.

My eyes widened as it hit me. I couldn't remember being called anything other than Cerys. And I knew my ID, all my records would show that name.

"Autumn!" I tried to keep my calm, "This wasn't part of our deal! Now please give me the stone."

She grinned and asked innocently, "What deal was that?"

I started to answer when I felt my stomach lurch with fear. I couldn't remember the deal. I knew I agreed to something, I knew it was important, but I couldn't remember what it was. And I knew that could only mean one thing, she'd just used the stone to alter my mind, my memories.

It took all my willpower not to start panicking. I tried to keep my voice level and my hands from shaking as I said "Autumn you're messing with my head. Please, this is really dangerous. Let me have the stone, let me try and fix things before it's too late."

She looked down at her right hand, it was clutched into a fist so I couldn't even see the stone in there. And while I was doing my best not to freak out or panic, she was sitting there looking horny and playful. 

"Please Autumn," I said again. "I'm begging you, give me the stone."

She grinned, "Ooh, begging! I like the sound of that."

"I'm serious Autumn," I gulped, "There's a chance I can fix this, if you give me the stone. Please?"

My cute goth girlfriend hesitated, like she was thinking it over. For a moment I thought she was going to listen to reason, but instead she just smirked. "The deal was anything goes till the long weekend's over. Whoever has the stone makes the rules. That's what we both agreed to, Cerys."

I frowned and shook my head slightly. I remembered the two of us agreeing to that last night, but it didn't feel like something I'd do. I knew how dangerous that stone was. She was still holding it, I knew she could be using it as we talked. Though it was ok if she was, that's what we agreed on.

"That doesn't sound right," I said, and this time I couldn't hide the uneasiness in my voice. "I know how dangerous that thing is, I'm sure I wouldn't have agreed to that."

Autumn still had that little smile on her face as she reminded me, "It was your idea Cerys, you suggested it."

"Oh yeah..." I nodded slowly.

After we had pizza last night I suggested a wild memorable weekend, using the stone for no-holds-barred fun with each other. I knew we could do all kinds of sexy stuff to each other with it, that's why I suggested it in the first place. But I also knew how dangerous it was, and that left me feeling conflicted.

"Anyways," she added, "I'm a little too worked up to worry about that stuff. And now you are too."

"Wha-" I started to ask before it hit me. All my fears and worries about the magic stone fell away as I realized how silly I was being. Sure there were risks but we both agreed to this game. And more importantly it was fun. We had the power to bend reality so why not use it? 

At the same time I felt my body reacting, I hadn't realized how horny I was till that moment. For a little while I almost forgot about the stone as all I could think about was how much I needed more sex with my adorable little goth girlfriend.

I climbed on the bed and stalked towards her on all fours. She giggled and squirmed as I took hold of her and pulled her back so she was laying down, then I crawled above her into a sixty-nine position. I had her smaller body pinned down beneath me, my sex in her face. The size difference between us meant this position wasn't quite as easy, but I was flexible and made it work.

Somewhere in a dusty back corner of my mind a quiet little thought briefly stirred. I knew having sex while that stone was in bed with us was probably a mistake. Brains can go in a lot of strange and unexpected places while doing it, and that stone could make any random orgasm-inspired idea into reality.

It was just a quiet lonely concern though, and it was completely drowned out by the feeling of Autumn's tongue on my labia and the taste of her sex on my mouth.



Wow! It’s getting exciting now!

Day Dreamer

Hmm... While playing with magic, it's important to avoid making any mistakes that prevent you from making more mistakes!