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*** Content warning: graphic sex; reality manipulation / mind control; identity alteration ***

"Oh fuck YESSSSSS!" Autumn screamed as her body shook with her latest orgasm. 

I kept my fingers deep inside her and continued sucking her clit until her body stopped quivering and she slumped back onto the bed. Her enthusiastic screams were music to my ears and left a smile on my face. She'd always been loud and vocal in bed, but the last few hours she'd got even louder.

Autumn let out another happy moan as her hands squeezed and massaged her boobs, and I pulled myself up into a sitting position on the bed by her feet to watch. Despite having just come, my horny goth girlfriend was already eager for more.

It was entertaining, but also a little bit of revenge. Earlier today she did something to me with the magic stone so almost anything would make me come. I probably came twenty times as I spent an hour writhing around on the bed. Fortunately she got bored of that and undid whatever it was. I hated being that helpless, even if it did feel really good at the time. I preferred being in control like I was now. To be honest I was probably a bit of a domme.

About an hour ago I finally got my hands on the damn stone, which meant it was my turn to make the rules. And rule number one stated that my girlfriend was insatiably horny, until I said otherwise. So whether it was my hands or mouth, one of my vibrators, or her own fingers, Autumn was going to want constant stimulation for a while yet.

The magic stone was safely clutched in my right hand, and I wasn't about to let go of it any time soon. It was half past seven Saturday evening, and I had a feeling we'd spent the entire day in my bedroom doing this sort of thing. I couldn't be sure though, some of my memories were kind of fuzzy. I knew that's because my girlfriend messed around with my mind at least once or twice, but I wasn't sure yet what to do about it.

There was a chance of fixing whatever she'd done to me, if Autumn remembered exactly what she changed or if she remembered what my unchanged self was like. I could use the stone to make her tell me the truth, but if she'd forgotten any details or accidentally changed her own memories I was probably out of luck. Even worse if she changed things about me or removed memories from me that she didn't even know about, there'd probably be no way to fix that. I had no idea if the stone's magic could recover information lost that way.

On the other hand, there was a temptation to just burn all the bridges. I knew she messed with my mind, and even if I didn't know what she did it'd only be fair to do the same for her. And I already had a few ideas of what I might like to try with her. If I went ahead and did that there was probably no chance of ever getting myself back to normal, whatever normal was for me. I really had no idea at this point. 

Currently I was a tall strong bisexual Celtic warrior named Cerys, with long fiery red hair, emerald green eyes, and rather epic breasts. I was positive at least one or two of those details was wrong, but I had no idea which. 

If I had to guess it'd be my height. On the one hand I was sure I'd been five-foot-ten since I was sixteen, but on the other hand I felt like I might enjoy being a couple inches shorter. I wasn't as certain about my boobs, if she'd made them so big or if they were always this size. I had a feeling they were always like this, I could remember being proud of them as far back as grade eleven when I realized had the biggest bust of any girl in my high-school.

On the subject of not knowing what was normal, I had no idea about Autumn either. I was confident she was always a goth, I couldn't remember her ever wearing clothes that weren't black or jewelry that wasn't silver. I wasn't that certain about anything else though, like her height or body shape. And I could only remember knowing her for about six months, but I couldn't even be sure that was accurate. Maybe we'd been together for a year or two, or maybe we just met last week.

It all came down to whether or not I was comfortable enough with our current reality to burn any chance of finding out which details were normal and which ones weren't. I wasn't ready yet to make that decision, but I was sorely tempted. Anything goes, after all. And I didn't hate who and what I was now.

My musings were momentarily distracted as my cute goth girlfriend started moaning louder. Her right hand was grasping one of her breasts and her left was between her legs, with a couple fingers buried deep in her pussy. Her eyes were closed and a look of pleasure on her face. Her muscles were taut and her back arched again, as she fingered herself to yet another orgasm.

As she slumped back on the bed once more I grinned and grabbed the ten-inch vibe from my bed-side table. I watched as Autumn slowly started over, then slid the toy inside her and turned it on and left it there. Her happy moans and gasps got louder and her hand found the toy and she started pumping it in and out of herself.

After watching for another half minute I decided to let her off the hook after this. With a thought directed at the magic stone in my hand, my girlfriend's constant arrousal would fade after her next orgasm. 

While she was busy humping the vibe I got up and strode out of the bedroom and into the washroom. After taking a few moments to freshen up, I stood in front of the mirror and looked myself over. 

Just like I remembered, I was tall strong and beautiful. My boobs were maybe my best feature. They were big, rounded, sort of teardrop shaped, and tipped with thick pink nipples. Best of all they remained perky, without any sign of sag. My long fiery hair was another point of pride. It took a little more effort to care for it, but it was time well spent. 

I glanced at the stone in my hand again and thought once more about my options. It was annoying having to hold onto the thing constantly, but I knew if I put it down my sneaky girlfriend would find it and I'd be at her mercy again until I got it back. I had an idea that would solve that problem, but it definitely involved burning all the bridges.

For the next few minutes I quietly weighed all the options as I stared at myself in the mirror. Anything goes, that's what we both agreed to. Whoever had the stone got to make all the rules. 

I realized we probably should have set some actual rules, or at least some guidelines. But Autumn was so eager to get started, and I couldn't deny the past twenty-four hours had been a lot of fun. Most of it anyways, and even the parts I wasn't so thrilled with still felt good.

It was almost hard to believe we had another forty-eight hours to go in this long weekend, but if I went ahead and did what I was thinking I'd more or less win. And I definitely liked to win. I chalked that up to my 'warrior' nature, I'd always been a competitive girl. 

In the end I didn't make any decisions yet. I tore myself away from the mirror and went out to the kitchen. I was pretty sure we had plans to go out for dinner tonight, but I didn't feel like it anymore. By the time we both showered and dressed and did our hair and make-up and everything it'd be ten o'clock. Then Autumn would insist we took a ride-share instead of my Harley. She always grumbled when I made her ride on the back when she was in one of her cute goth dresses. Then there'd be all her complaints about what the helmet and wind did to her hair.

The thought crossed my mind, with that stone in my hand I could always change things up so my cute goth girlfriend was a bit of a biker girl like me. Or at least I could make her enjoy riding as much as I did. She just needed to appreciate the positive aspects of that powerful engine rumbling right between her thighs. And it wouldn't mess her hair up so much if she'd go with a long braided pony-tail like I usually did. 

While I was thinking about that, my eyes drifted over towards the front door. The two bike helmets were resting on the hall table like usual, and my black leather jacket was hanging on a peg above them. It was all perfectly normal and familiar, but at the same time it left me wondering if I always drove a Harley. Then again I remembered how happy I was when I bought it. That was a little over two years ago, long before I met Autumn.

"Hey Cer," the quiet happy voice from the bedroom door pulled me out of my thoughts. 

I turned around and grinned. Like me she was stark naked. She was also a bit of a mess, with her long black hair all over the place and her thighs and hands visibly slick and sticky. I honestly thought she'd need longer to recover after that work-out. She definitely looked like she needed a nap, but it turned out there was another reason she'd got out of bed.

She wandered towards me as she pouted, "I'm hungry."

"You've got the cutest pout, you know?" I teased. "And it's your own fault you're hungry, silly girl. If you hadn't made us spend the whole day in bed we'd have been able to get brunch, or lunch, or dinner."

Autumn's eyes flicked towards my right hand, she could tell I was holding the stone in there. Now I had to keep my guard up. She'd probably be trying to get it away from me one way or another.

The cute goth was still pouting as she joined me. When she was directly in front of me she looked up at me and asked, "Can we conjure up some food with that magic rock?"

I actually laughed. I'd never thought to try that, it seemed like a complete waste and abuse of power to use reality-bending magic as a shortcut to getting dinner.

"C'mon Cerys," Autumn's hands both wrapped around my right fist as she tried to pry my fingers open. "Make food happen. I want sushi."

"Nope," I shook my head, then reached my right hand up and held it over my head out of her reach. "Tell you what Autumn, I have a couple questions for you. Answer my questions, then I'll get us dinner."

The pout was back and she gave up trying to get the stone. She was a half foot shorter than me and wasn't anywhere near as strong, there was no chance of her forcing me to relinquish it. 

Instead she shifted tactics and curled up on the sofa to sulk, while complaining again about being hungry.

I suppressed another laugh as I sat down on the opposite end of the sofa, then asked "Do you remember what you changed about me? Or what I was like before? I know you did stuff to my head cutie, do you know how to undo it?"

My tone was calm but my voice carried some authority. I wasn't angry or upset with her, but she'd know I was serious. I didn't bother using the stone to compel her to answer or tell the truth, but if she insisted on being more of a brat that was always an option.

Autumn frowned and bit her lower lip. She looked like she was trying to remember, and she also looked like she was feeling guilty. After a couple seconds she admitted, "Maybe a couple things? But...I'm sorry Cerys. I don't remember all the details."

I was watching closely, and either she was a better actress than I gave her credit for or she was being honest. 

After a few moments to think it over I decided I still wasn't upset. I wasn't angry with her, or scared or worried about myself. We both agreed to the whole 'anything goes' thing, we didn't set any ground rules or parameters. And I wasn't unhappy with who and what I was, even if I had no way of knowing what was original and what wasn't.

"Ok," I said slowly. "Let me ask a few specific questions, and we'll go from there. Was I always a barista at that upmarket cafe? Did I always like that kind of low-responsibility job?"

Autumn nodded, "Yeah. I still think it's kind of weird, but you really liked that job. You didn't want work that had a bunch of responsibilities, like what I do."

It felt good to hear that. I thought of the next thing that stuck out, "I was shorter before, wasn't I? I feel like I should be a bit shorter."

My girlfriend blushed and grimaced, "Sorry Cerys. You weren't that much shorter, just a couple inches, but yeah."

Once again I felt better hearing that. It made me think I had a good handle on what mattered to me after all. Like whatever else she may have done, the things that counted either weren't changed, or if they were I could feel something was off. Anything she changed that didn't feel off to me was probably something superficial or something I didn't feel that strongly about.

I gestured at the apartment around us, "This is where I always lived, right? I didn't have a big fancy house or mansion or anything, I wasn't super rich."

"Yeah," Autumn nodded. "You said you were happy and content with your life, you weren't greedy and didn't want to change stuff so you were rich or ruled the world."

That had me convinced. I was still me, in all the ways that counted.

"Ok cutie," I smiled. "Now let's talk about you. Do you remember what stuff I've done to you so far? Could we make you normal again?"

Her eyes widened slightly and she shook her head and half-whispered, "No. I don't remember."

This time I was positive she was lying, which surprised me at first. The only reason I could think of for her saying that was if she didn't want to go back to normal, whatever that was.

"Are you happy with who and what you are now?" I asked her. "You like being my cute goth girlfriend?"

Autumn bit her lower lip again as she quickly nodded. "Yeah, very happy with who I am. And I love being your goth girlfriend, Cerys."

After a moment she blushed and added, "I'm sorry. I made you forget who I used to be, because I was embarrassed. I didn't want you to remember the old me, I didn't want to take the chance you might turn me back later. I know I shouldn't have done that but it was... I got scared and it happened before I really thought it through. I just really wanted to sweep my past self under the carpet and forget about it."

Her expression and tone became more guilty and sad as she admitted, "That's how I fucked up both our memories. When I was trying to get you to forget my past from the other reality I accidentally made you forget your other past too. And somehow instead of forgetting my own past I forgot parts of yours... I fucked everything up Cerys, then I tried to distract you with sex and stuff."

She looked scared and upset now, like she was afraid I'd freak out or start shouting at her. Or worse. I still had the stone in my hand, I could do some pretty dreadful things if I'd been so inclined.

Instead I told her, "Shhh it's ok Autumn. I'm not mad at you. It was a stupid game and I never should have suggested it in the first place. We both got carried away, but the main thing is we're both ok. You're happy being Autumn, right? I'm happy being Cerys. Maybe there's a few minor changes here and there, but I'm confident my core values are the same. I'm the same person I always was, in all the ways that matter."

She looked guilty again, and ended up staring quietly at the floor.

After another couple seconds to think it over I made my decision. "I'm going to use the stone once more, then our game will be over. I know we said it'd go till the end of the long weekend, but I think we've done enough already."

There was a worried look on her face but before she could ask I told her, "Don't worry. You'll get to keep being my cute goth girlfriend."

Autumn gulped but nodded, "Ok Cerys. Thank you."

I gave her a little smile, then I focused on the stone and started making the last few adjustments to our reality. 

First I shrank a few inches. I may have remembered being five-foot-ten for the past six years, but it felt too tall. I shrank to about five-seven, which was a little more average-sized and felt like a better fit for me. I didn't just get shorter, my whole body scaled down slightly so I kept the same proportions. I was still the same strong Celtic warrior woman, just three inches shorter.

Second, Autumn's body shrank by the same amount. I liked being half a foot taller than my cute goth girlfriend, so my five-seven meant she was five-one. Her eyes widened slightly as it happened, but she didn't complain.

Third, I made sure all our clothes and things had scaled as well. Everything would fit, it wasn't just our bodies but all reality that adapted to our new sizes. I was always five-foot-seven, she was always five-one.

The fourth thing was maybe unnecessary, but between the way she'd been acting kind of bratty today and my natural desire to win at everything, I felt like I had to make a slight change to her personality. My cute little goth girlfriend became a little more subby towards me, especially in the bedroom. I let her keep the brattiness though, it added to her charm.

Next I gave Autumn a warm smile, then gave her what she said she wanted. Who and what she was now became her normal, she wouldn't remember ever being anything else. Like all I could remember was being the strong redheaded Celtic warrior girl, as far as Autumn knew she was always the cute petite subby goth girl. 

And finally I made her forget about the magic stone and the game we'd been playing. The last twenty-four hours we had a lot of epic sex together, but there was no reality-bending, no magic. 

That last change sealed the deal and burned the last bridge. Anything she remembered about the old me was lost forever, and I'd already forgotten anything I knew about the old her. We were Cerys and Autumn, and we always were.

Our game was over, and I won. 

My girlfriend blinked a couple times then pouted, "Enough stalling Cerys I'm starving! What are we doing for dinner?"

"Sorry cutie," I grinned. "Let me get my phone, I'm going to order us some sushi."

That put a smile on her face. 

I left the magic rock on the coffee table, now that she didn't know what it was or how to use it I didn't have to worry about holding on to the damn thing all the time. I went into the bedroom and grabbed my phone out of my purse, then returned to the living-room.

"What's this?" Autumn asked. She was holding the stone, turning it over as she stared at it.

I sat down next to her and gently took it out of her hands as I explained, "It's a good luck charm. I'd rather you didn't play with it, it's important."

"Sorry Cerys," she apologized as she snuggled up against my side.

I left the stone on the coffee table again, then opened up the app. Within a few minutes we picked everything we wanted and submitted the order.

"There," I stated. "Forty-five minutes and we'll have more sushi than you can eat."

Autumn managed to cuddle even closer as she grinned, "Yay thanks!"

I grinned back, "You're welcome cutie. Now the question is, should I let you get dressed before I make you answer the door?"

Her eyes bulged and her cheeks went red as she sputtered.

"Just kidding," I laughed. "I'll put something on and take care of the door. I don't want you wearing clothes till we have to go to work on Tuesday."

• • • • •

Tuesday morning came around all too soon. Long weekends never felt long enough, but me and Autumn made the most of it. Even without abusing the stone we had some pretty epic sex from Saturday night through till Monday night.

Now we were both getting ready for work. She pulled on her striped thigh-high socks while I buckled up my black leather boots. I already had my leather pants on, and a green silk blouse. My hair was done in a long braided ponytail again, courtesy of my cute girlfriend. She refused to let me braid hers, she didn't think a ponytail was goth enough for her.

I pulled on my leather jacket and she slipped on her oversized black hoodie. We both got our purses, and finally we picked up the two helmets.

"Whats this?" I asked as I picked up my keys from the table. There was something new hanging from the keyring.

Autumn grinned, "A little surprise? I figured if you have a good luck charm, you need to keep it with you when you're riding."

The magic stone had been encased in a tightly-knotted lattice of black cord, like some kind of knot-work craft project. 

"Huh," I smiled. I usually left the thing at home in the drawer next to my bed, but it was certainly more convenient keeping it with me. "Thanks cutie."

A few minutes later the two of us were out in the parking lot. I was straddling my bike and the engine was purring. 

"How am I going to do this without flashing everyone?" my girlfriend asked with a blush. I told her to go commando today, but she had to hike up her skirt to get on the back of the bike.

I chuckled, "Don't worry about it Autumn. Once you're behind me you can scoot up close to me and nobody will see anything."

She continued blushing brightly but she did what I suggested. Once she was ready and her arms were firmly wrapped around my waist I dropped the bike in gear and we pulled out of the lot.

Traffic was bad as usual but I cheated a few times. One of the advantages of a bike was you could squeeze between cars or along the shoulder, so it only took us ten or twelve minutes to get Autumn to the office tower where she worked. She was blushing again as she got off the bike, then handed me the spare helmet. We exchanged a hug, then she hurried inside while I clipped her helmet on the back. Finally I headed back the other way, to my barista job at the uptown cafe.

About fifteen minutes later I was parked around back of the cafe. I slipped off my helmet, then pulled the keys out of the bike and froze.

"Oh fuck," I sighed. The vibration of the bike must have loosened Autumn's careful knot-work, and my 'good luck charm' was nowhere to be found.

It had to have slipped out somewhere on the road. Going downtown to drop her off then uptown to the cafe, weaving through traffic and around cars... Even if I could exactly retrace that, the odds of finding a little black stone on the busy city streets were almost nil. 

I stood there next to my Harley for another minute or two as it sank in. The last bridge really had been burned. This was now my body, my life forever. Same with Autumn. Fortunately we were both happy like this, and we were together. 

The thing that worried me most of all was I knew she'd blame herself for losing my lucky stone.

~ The End ~



Cute ending!


Ah right. That was indeed a bit dark. But at least neither of them is unhappy :)