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*** Content warning: non-consensual reality manipulation / mind control ***

As usual I kept my head down as I walked along the side of the road. It was about a quarter to nine and I knew if I didn't hurry up I'd be late, but I didn't really care. With only three weeks till graduation there wasn't a whole lot the teachers could do about it. Even if I spent the last three weeks of high-school in detention it wouldn't make any difference to my life.

I wouldn't be at risk of being late if I let Sarah give me a lift, but that was even worse than when dad drove me. The last thing I needed was to show up at school riding with a hot-looking young woman. People would ask and I'd end up having to tell them that no, the sexy blonde wasn't my girlfriend. She was my dad's new squeeze.

And as much as I loved my dad, I hated that he'd fallen for her. She was young enough to be my big sister, and I was positive it was obvious to everyone but dad that she was just in it for his money. He wasn't even that well-off. Sure he had a big house and a flash car, and he sent me to a rich-kids' school, but compared to the kind of money my classmates' parents had, my dad may as well have been in the poor-house. A fact that the other guys at school reminded me about constantly.

Almost all of them had their own cars, birthday gifts from their wealthy folks, or just something they got because they wanted it.

I was a half block from the school when something on the ground caught my eye. It lay next to the curb, along with the usual gravel and bits of broken glass and other small crap. It looked like a smooth black stone, sort of flattened-oval shape. It was a little over an inch long, a little under an inch across, and maybe a half inch thick. The surface was sort of shiny, if it was stone someone had obviously polished it.

I bent over and picked it up, and immediately noticed it didn't feel like rock. It wasn't warm, but it wasn't cold. And it felt heavier than some random stone. I thought maybe it was metal, but it didn't feel that heavy. I wondered if maybe it was some kind of black glass. 

As I turned it over in my hand I was surprised to find a weird carving on the other side. It was a single glyph made of straight lines, and it sort of reminded me of the bluetooth icon except not quite. The lines were inlaid in the smooth black surface, and lined with a lighter-coloured material that had a faint pink or purple hue to it.

I had no idea if it was worth anything, but mostly I just found it interesting. Like it wasn't the sort of thing you usually found on the ground. 

After studying it for a few moments I started walking again, but I kept that weird stone in my hand. 

I was still staring at it a few minutes later when I got to the school. As I walked across the parking lot I nearly bumped into a couple other students who were standing around outside by their cars. I caught myself just in time and went to go around but it was too late. They obviously saw I wasn't paying attention, and they certainly weren't going to pass up the opportunity to hassle me.

"Hey loser," Glen asked in a taunting voice. "Still no luck finding a boyfriend?"

I tried to ignore him as I gave him and the others a wide berth. Him, Jake, Cheryl and Steph were the worst. All four of them were attractive, athletic, smart, confident, and rich. Glen and Jake were both big on the school's football team, they were both tall, muscular, and fit. 

The two girls were pretty much the same. Steph had been Glen's girlfriend all through grade twelve, while Cheryl had been dating Jake since the end of grade eleven. Cheryl and Steph were cheerleaders, plus they were pretty good at soccer and track and field. And they were cute, slim, sexy. They were everything I wasn't. 

As much as I tried, I was never manly enough to be 'one of the guys'. Dad said I was lazy and undisciplined, but I just didn't have the willpower to stick with weights and fitness stuff. I wasn't fat, but I was soft. And I didn't have the body for it anyways, I wasn't a tall broad-shouldered guy with the chiselled jaw and striking features. I only stood about five-eight, my face was kind of rounded. 

If I was allowed to let my hair grow long I could almost look like a girl, but I wasn't pretty enough to pull it off. Not that I'd want to, I was a guy. I just wasn't very good at it. And not that I'd admit it to anyone, but I wasn't sure I wanted to be better at it anyways. I heard how guys like Glen and Jake talked and acted towards girls when their girlfriends weren't around. 

I didn't want to be like that. That sort of thing made me embarrassed to be a guy, like I really didn't want people to think I was like that just because I was a boy. But when I tried to call the other guys on that sort of thing last autumn they decided I had to be gay. According to them, no normal straight guy wouldn't feel like they did towards the girls. Hence the comment about me not having a boyfriend. 

I wasn't gay though, I wasn't into guys. I liked girls, I found them attractive. Fascinating even, but the one or two times I tried talking to them I got rejected and ridiculed.

Not manly enough to be one of the guys, too big a loser to talk to girls. Story of my life.

So I did the usual thing, I tried to ignore the taunt and just kept walking for the main doors.

"Hard to believe he's not somebody's bitch yet," Jake commented loudly. "Hey loser, I've been trying to help you out there! I've been leaving your phone number in bathroom stalls at bars downtown, tell me you've at least had a couple offers?"

Mother fucker. The last two weeks I'd had a bunch of weird calls. I stopped and flashed him an angry look, which was a mistake. Jake and Glen both cracked up laughing at me. The only thing worse than being teased was acknowledging the taunt upset you. That just encouraged them to keep doing it.

My emotions boiled over though and I made another mistake. Mouthing off at them would probably earn me an ass-kicking at some point today, but in the moment I didn't care. 

I glared at them and stated, "The way you two are always hanging out together, you're a hell of a lot gayer than me. You're like the gayest guys in the whole school. And you make such a cute couple, too."

Glen and Jake both stopped laughing and gave me a funny look. I braced myself, expecting one or both to charge at me with fists swinging. 

Instead, Jake put an arm around Glen's shoulders and said "We better get to class cutie, the bell's going to ring any minute now."

"Right," Glen replied with a smile as he slipped his arm around Jake's waist.

As they walked past me towards the main doors the two most popular guys in school exchanged a little kiss.

I just stood there staring, wide-eyed and open-mouthed. 

The two girls followed the guys. Cheryl gave me a funny look as she asked, "What's the matter? Never seen a couple cute gays before?"

• • • • •

As usual I sat by myself in a corner of the cafeteria. That was about the only normal thing going on though.

I didn't bother with food, I just sipped a can of cola as I stared.

The popular clique were all at their table like usual. Eating, talking, joking. Except Glen and Jake were sitting together, like extremely close together. They were acting like a couple cute gay young men in love. And nobody else seemed to think that was weird.

Even their girlfriends seemed to think it was perfectly normal. Cheryl was still sitting near Jake, and Steph was on the other side of Glen. But instead of the two girls hanging off their boyfriends' arms, they just seemed to be casual friends with their former boyfriends.

I definitely wasn't the smartest guy in school, but I was no idiot either. I'd already spent first period ignoring the teacher and thinking about what happened in the parking lot. I was holding that weird black stone in my hand when the guys were hassling me. It had to be what happened.

After another sip of my drink I dug the stone out of my pants pocket and stared at it. I turned it over in my fingers, and ran a fingertip along the engraved glyph. 

There was a little flutter in my gut as I wondered if I could do that again. And another flutter as I knew I was going to try.

This morning Glen and Jake both heard me when I told them they were gay. So did Steph and Cheryl. Nobody else did though, but everyone else seemed to just accept it like they'd always been gay. That made me wonder if people needed to hear me say stuff or not, and I was about to put that to the test.

Clutching the stone in my hand I looked across the cafeteria at the popular clique again. I felt nervous as I whispered, "Steph and Cheryl, you're the hottest lesbian couple in school."

At first nothing seemed to happen. I stuffed the stone back into my pocket and drained my cola, as I started to figure they needed to hear me say it or something. Or maybe the stone only worked once. Or maybe it had nothing to do with me or the stone.

Then Cheryl got up from her chair, and a moment later Steph did as well. They were leaving the group early, it looked like they had something they needed to do before next class. Then just like Glen and Jake this morning, the two most popular cheerleaders gave each other a hug and kiss, before leaving the cafeteria holding hands.

And no-one else batted an eye. 

My heart was racing and I almost felt nauseous, between the excitement of realizing the stone really was magic or something and the fear of what would happen if I got caught. I spent the rest of lunch trying to figure out exactly how the stone worked.

I'd read enough stories about magic and stuff like that to realize that this stone was somehow letting me change reality. It was more than just making the four most popular kids in school gay. If that's all that was happening, everyone else would be freaking out and questioning what was going on. 

The way everybody just seemed to accept it meant they thought it was normal. It meant nobody else knew that reality had changed. They all believed that Glen and Jake were the gayest guys in school, that they'd always been a cute couple. And now everyone thought Cheryl and Steph were a hot lesbian couple. 

It was almost time to get to class and everyone was starting to get up and leave the cafeteria, when another idea struck me. If I could change reality, was I limited to the stuff I'd done so far or could I do more? I'd basically just done mind-control stuff on four people, could I make changes to their bodies? Their clothes?

I stuffed my hand into my pants pocket and pulled the stone out, and held it tight in my fist as my eyes swept over the cafeteria and picked my next target. 

She was another girl in the popular clique, a cheerleader along with Cheryl and Steph. I couldn't remember her name but I'd seen her around with them. She was a tall slim blonde, and like the rest of them she was attractive and had rich parents. 

As I focused on her I whispered to myself, "Your hair is short, wavy, and brown."

The moment I finished saying it, her long straight sunny-blonde hair seemed to contract upwards as it wrinkled into waves, while a dark colour washed outwards from her scalp down to the tips. At least three other people were in a position to see that happen, and not one of them reacted. Like nobody noticed it but me.

The feeling I felt right then was a lot like the feeling you got on a roller coaster as it plunged over the first hill. It was a rush of adrenaline, mixed with something like fear. Like I knew in my heart that messing with people this way was wrong, but at the same time it was just so damn tempting. And it didn't take much to convince myself it was ok. After all, pretty much everyone in this school hated me. I didn't have any friends here, nobody ever stood up for me when I was being teased, picked on, or otherwise bullied.

So what if I turned the four most popular kids from a pair of hetero couples into a gay and a lesbian couple? They were all still friends, they'd probably still go on double-dates together. And so what if I just changed some random cheerleader's hair? Girls were always experimenting with hair styles and colours. They got to do that all the time, while I was stuck with my boring brown hair and stupidly short cut.

Feeling justified, I stuffed the magic stone back in my pocket and hurried to get to algebra.

Instead of paying attention I ended up spending the entire class thinking about that magic stone and wondering what else I could do with it. It didn't take long to come up with a few more ideas of stuff I wanted to test. The first thing was I had to find out if I could use it without saying stuff out loud. Like that could potentially get me in trouble, but if I could change reality without having to talk about it that would be a huge improvement. 

I also still needed to test if it could change things like clothes and other stuff, but I was pretty confident it would. I figured if it could change people then changing clothes or other inanimate things should be even easier.

And the last thing I wanted to find out was if I could do stuff to myself. That was maybe the most scary but the most exciting. If I could do stuff to make myself better, that would be huge.

So as soon as algebra was over I hurried out of the class and into the nearest boys washroom. I took a moment to verify there was nobody else in there with me, then I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself as I slipped my hand into my pocket and grasped the stone.

Rather than say stuff out loud I just focused on my reflection and sort of thought really loudly what I wanted to happen. I tried to make myself more manly, stronger, more fit. Basically all that stuff my dad kept telling me I should be. 

My eyes widened as I saw myself change. My face changed, my shoulders got a little broader, my gut became more trim. 

"Holy fuck," I whispered, and I realized my voice sounded slightly deeper.

There was another little sensation of nausea, and I found I didn't actually like myself this way. Then again, I didn't like how I looked normally either. 

I pulled my shirt up and my eyes widened again as I took in my six-pack abs and firm muscular chest. 

After another furtive glance around I grabbed the stone in my pocket and tried one more thing. I knew guys were supposed to be obsessed with how big their dicks were. I didn't really get that, but based on what I'd seen looking at porn on the internet I knew mine was on the small side. I gulped and focused on that, and sure enough I felt something shift down there.

I ducked into a stall and dropped my pants, and once again my eyes widened. It was huge now, or at least it seemed that way to me. It was definitely the sort of thing I'd seen on a guy in a porn video though.

Once again I didn't actually feel any joy or happiness, which confused me. I'd gone from a soft slightly overweight loser to a ripped chiselled dude with a huge cock. It's exactly the sort of thing I was told every guy wanted, but it didn't really do anything for me.

It didn't feel any better than my normal self. It actually felt kind of worse, but I chalked that up to the fact that it was all so new. I figured maybe I needed time to get used to it, and considering I didn't like my normal self either I didn't feel any great urge to change back. 

So I straightened up my clothes, made sure the stone was safely in my pants pocket, then hurried to English before I was late.

Nobody in class reacted to my new fit muscular self, but I realized to them I'd always been this way. Everything I changed seemed to change reality with it so nobody noticed anything out of the ordinary.

And once again I found it almost impossible to focus on the lesson. From my seat at the back I could see everyone else in class, or at least I could see everyone's backs. Plus Miss Clark, who mainly ignored me like usual. And I found myself tempted to experiment some more.

I ended up picking the teacher as my next test subject. It seemed appropriate since she loved hitting us with tests. And when she wasn't ignoring me she was usually picking on me, so I wouldn't feel too guilty about picking on her for a change.

My hand slipped into my pocket and I gripped the stone as I focused on her.

She was kind of a MILF, she was only about thirty and had a pretty face. She kept her blonde hair short, in a sort of professional bob. Her body wasn't bad either, and today she was wearing slacks and a tight sweater that showed off her narrow waist and the curve of her chest. 

My heart started racing again and I felt that flutter in my stomach, like excitement and nausea as I started bending reality. She was in full view of the entire class and nobody seemed to notice, not even Miss Clark, as she began to change.

First her hair grew out, till it hung halfway down her back. Then her waist got a little smaller, while her hips and ass grew a touch bigger. And finally her boobs started to swell, they were kind of modest before but by the time class was over she had a substantial rack hidden under that tight sweater.

Her clothes changed as well, though not as much. Her slacks became skinny-jeans, her flats became three-inch pumps, and her sweater and bra both changed to accommodate her substantially increased assets. The sweater even opened up in the front with an oval boob-window that showed off her cleavage.

My last trick before class ended was a little attitude adjustment. Rather than being a bit of a hard-ass bitch, Miss Clark would be fun and friendly, perhaps even a bit flirty now and then. Her resting bitch face was replaced with a friendly smile, and when the bell rang she grinned and bid us all a good afternoon.

Once again my heart was racing and I had that excited-but-nauseous feeling in my gut as I stuffed my books in my backpack and walked out of class. Like before, I knew I really shouldn't have done all that to her. But I justified it, she was an unpleasant person and took it out on me and other students. Now she was a lot friendlier and sexier. I had no idea if she had a partner, but I figured they'd appreciate the changes even more than I did.

And apart from that nagging guilt, I was still sort of revelling in the amazement of what I'd been able to do, and the power I suddenly had. I knew one way or another, it was going to make my life a hundred times better. I just had to figure out how.

I still didn't feel any more manly, despite the changes to my own body. When I stopped to think about it, it kind of made me feel worse. Like it made me feel fake, since I really wasn't the strong chiselled attractive guy everyone now saw me as. Maybe I'd feel different tomorrow, after I slept on it.

For now I headed out the front doors, thinking about what I'd try changing next. Then I came to a halt and my shoulders slumped. Sarah was there waiting for me in her convertible. 

"Hey I missed you this morning," she said with that cloying fake smile of hers. "Hop in, I'll give you a lift home."



I like the storyline! I can’t wait to see where you go with it!