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"Right now the important thing is just don't panic," Susan said. She had a sip of her coffee and added, "Lily will be back soon, and she'll figure it all out."

Amber pouted, "That's easy for you to say. You didn't wake up to find out all your clothes were several sizes too big."

Melissa smirked, "There's an easy short-term solution to that problem."

Her solution was fairly obvious, neither she or Susan or I were wearing any clothes. Though to be fair Amber hadn't gotten dressed yet either, she was still wearing the tunic top she had on last night. Except now the thing was big enough to almost be a dress on her.

And for that matter she didn't actually seem to be panicking. She was maybe a little nervous or uneasy, and she definitely wanted answers or an explanation, but on the whole she wasn't taking the situation that badly.

Thinking back to last night I was positive it happened when Lily's spell went off. After that Amber said she felt weird, and I remembered thinking how cute and adorable she was but I probably wasn't paying close enough attention to notice she'd actually literally shrunk.

Since her transformation two months ago she was my height, about five-foot-four, but she always felt smaller to me. Like she just had this smol cute bean vibe going on. Only now it wasn't just a vibe or a feeling. None of us had a measuring tape or a ruler or anything, but just having the two of us stand next to each other and it felt like she'd lost at least three or four inches.

Rather than a verbal answer, Amber made a face at Melissa in response to her suggestion. Then the cute little brunette had a sip of her root beer. She was sitting curled up in one of the big comfy chairs, and her compact pose surrounded by big cushions just made her look even smaller and cuter. 

Susan and Melissa were sitting on the sofa together, and I was in the other comfy chair across from Amber.

"What about everyone else?" Susan asked, though she was mostly looking at me. She smirked and added, "Any new horns or tails or other surprise appendages? Scales in awkward places maybe?"

I shook my head, "If there were you'd have a pretty good view of it wouldn't you?"

"No wings either," I added with a pout, then had a gulp of juice.

Melissa grinned at me as she teased, "Maybe it just takes some time for these things to grow in."

I rolled my eyes then asked "What about you two? Feeling more succubussy or whatever?"

"I don't know," Melissa replied. "Definitely still feeling horny though."

She had another gulp of her coffee then made a show of cuddling up closer to Susan. 

Sue put an arm around Melissa and asked, "So I guess the answer to my question is, nobody else has manifested any physical changes? It's just Amber this time."

Amber nodded towards me and said "Your tail and horns are longer than before."

Sue and Melissa both turned to stare at me, and I reached up to check my horns while I lifted my tail up off my lap and held up upright in the air in front me.

"You're right!" I said with a grin. 

I hadn't even noticed but now that I was looking, my tail had to have gone from four feet to about five feet long. It wasn't just longer, it was thicker now too. Like it used to be sort of skinny but now there was some heft to it, as if I'd been bulking it up and lifting weights or something. 

"Awesome!" I said as my grin got wider. My horns felt larger too, like they'd grown another inch or more. And they felt a little more pointy than they used to.

"So both Mara and Amber have some physical changes," Susan stated. "Probably because the two of them were closest? While Melissa and I are unchanged."

Melissa corrected her, "No visible changes. We don't know yet what sort of subtle changes any of us have experienced."

Amber drained her root beer then set the empty tin on the table by her chair. Finally she sighed, "When we get home, Tracey's never going to stop teasing me about this. Like she was already pretty excited about the fact that I was a little shorter than her? Once she sees how much smaller I am now, I'll never hear the end of it."

Melissa responded, "Don't get too upset about it, ok Amber? I'm positive Lily can fix it once she's back."

"Yeah," Amber said quietly, though she didn't actually sound too enthusiastic or hopeful. "Good point."

Melissa looked to me and asked, "Do you know if the experiment was successful? I mean we're all talking about side-effects but there was a point to the whole exercise, right?"

"It was successful," I replied. I gestured towards my ankle, "Three more runes have been cleared. That's the same as at the solstice, which makes me think the energy last night was about the same amount as we got in December."

Sue smiled, "Well that's good news at least. I'm sure Lily will be happy."

I agreed, "She'll know for sure but I think it was a success. And from what she said, it'll let her fine-tune the process in the future? So maybe the whole thing can be done safely without having to travel four hours out of the city."

"I'm sure she still won't want to do it at home just in case," Melissa pointed out. "But maybe the local park will be good enough next time."

"Yeah," I nodded then finished the last of my juice.

The four of us were quiet for a bit. Susan and Melissa finished their coffees then topped up their mugs again. We all seemed pretty relaxed for now. Nobody was in a hurry to get dressed or do anything else. And nobody mentioned breakfast, so I had a feeling nobody was hungry. I wasn't, but if someone else was I'd have got up and cooked for them.

Eventually Amber got herself another can of root beer from the fridge and she grabbed me another bottle of juice, and we all just sat there relaxing and quietly enjoying our morning drinks. It was around mid morning when I finally felt my demon mom's presence return.

"Lily's up," I told my girlfriends. "I'm going to step inside and see her, then we'll go from there."

I put my bottle down on the coffee table then sat back and closed my eyes. A moment later I was in her apartment giving her a hug.

"Good morning Lily!" I grinned. "Have you got caught up on everything, or do you need a minute?"

She smiled as she held me, "Good morning Mara. And yes, I've already got myself up to speed on the results from last night's experiment."

I finally stepped back from her and asked, "So what do you think? If you can clear three runes every time you do it, you could be free in like five or six months right? If we just do this at the new moon each time?"

She gave me a patient smile, "Perhaps Mara. Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves though. I'll need more time to understand exactly what happened and how it happened, then it may take more time to tweak my spell accordingly. And don't forget, we also need to come up with a solution that will ensure your safety, particularly towards the end of the process."

If I didn't know better I'd almost think she was trying to stall or downplay the success. I shrugged, "Yeah I get all that, but it's still good right? Like nobody died, nobody turned into a full demon or a tentacle monster or whatever?"

Lily blinked and stared at me, "A tentacle monster?" 

"Sorry," I blushed. "I was looking at that book Amber brought with her. She's into some pretty wild stuff, you know?"

Her cheeks grew darker as she replied curtly, "Indeed. Now I should probably step out into the body and address your girlfriends, don't you think?"

"Ok Lily," I smiled. "Oh I guess you already know about Amber? She's a little freaked out about shrinking, but we told her you could fix it right?"

"Yes Mara that's one of the things I'll be discussing," she agreed. 

I sat down on the leather sofa to watch as she vanished out into the body. 

A moment later she addressed the others, "Good morning Melissa, Susan, Amber. As you've already surmised, last night's experiment was a success. The information I've gained will help me to fine-tune the process going forward. As I just told Mara, I don't have any sort of schedule or target date worked out for when I'll be ready to try this again. Perhaps some time in the next two months, but we'll see."

Susan spoke up first, "Neither me or Melissa have any obvious changes this morning. Amber got smaller and Mara's horns and tail got bigger. Can you tell if there's any subtle changes in the four of us?"

Lily nodded, "Indeed there is. As I warned you all..."

My demon mom was mostly looking at Amber when she said that part, "Exposure to demonic energy has further enhanced your succubus nature. Melissa, Susan, I think you're both going to find you're more succubus than human now. Though it likely won't feel like that much of a difference as you've both had since December to get accustomed to your succubus nature. This won't be as big of an adjustment, just taking what was already there and making it 'more'."

Amber gulped and half-squeaked, "What about me? Am I more succubus too? And why'd I shrink?"

I could tell Lily was fighting to hold back a smile as she looked at the small brunette curled up on the big cushy chair. 

"Amber," she replied in a sort of motherly but reproachful tone, "You insisted on being here. You insisted on being as close as you could get to the ritual. I hope you aren't regretting those decisions?"

Even sitting on Lily's sofa in her apartment and watching this through our eye-windows I suddenly wanted to reach out and give Amber a big hug. She was blushing and she managed to make herself look even smaller as she curled up a little tighter into the chair's cushions as she cringed.

"Not regretting it," she replied in a small soft voice. "Just surprised I guess? Curious?"

Lily finally let out the wide smile she'd been fighting. I was positive she had the same urge as me, to go hug Amber and tell her everything would be ok. Must protect smol shy bean!

Instead my demon mom stayed put as she replied, "The answer to your questions Amber is yes. You are more succubus than human now. You said last night you wanted to catch up to the others, and you've certainly done that. However, I can't say how exactly that will manifest for you because your situation is unique. As for the physical change, the answer to that is simple. You've become smaller because you like being small."

Amber seemed to be ok with everything Lily said, right up until the very end. Then her eyes widened as her face went red. She actually looked like she was thinking about ducking her head down to hide behind the chair cushion, but she managed to hold off on that.

"So you can't make me my normal size?" 

Lily replied, "Oh I could, but it would be a waste of energy. If I made you bigger you'd only shrink again. Maybe not immediately, but likely within a few hours."

Melissa spoke up, "Um, how's that work? Did Amber somehow get the same kind of magic that Susan got when she joined us?"

Lily nodded, "She did. And so did you. It's something full succubi do, they're shapeshifters. When seeking their next meal they assume a form that their prey will find most appealing. When Susan asked for that kind of magic I simply gave her access to that natural succubus talent. After last night, you and Amber have access to those same abilities. Susan can teach the two of you how to do this consciously and deliberately."

That put a wide smile on Sue's face. She looked at Melissa and exclaimed, "Cool! You'll be able to do the sorts of things that I've been doing!"

The tall busty blonde slowly shook her head, "Maybe? But I don't actually want to do that. This is what I want to look like, this is what I'm comfortable with. I got everything I wanted last summer, I don't really want to change any more."

"Then you won't," Lily assured her. "As I said, Amber only became smaller because she wanted to be smaller. If you're happy as you are Melissa, that is how you'll stay."

She added, "If you were to become a full succubus then you might feel an urge to start using that talent when feeding, but you'd still return to the shape you're most comfortable with afterwards."

Melissa seemed satisfied with that information, while Sue got a thoughtful look on her face. And Amber just remained a cute tiny blushy mess for the moment.

"What about me?" I asked from inside. "Can you tell how much I've changed, apart from my horns and tail?"

I added with a pout, "I didn't get wings, obviously."

Lily replied with a smile, "No Mara, you didn't get any wings, sorry. Melissa, Susan, Amber, if you don't mind I'm going to step inside and have a private conversation with Mara."

My girlfriends were surprised, but none of them complained. For that matter I was surprised too, and maybe a little worried. I was left wondering what was so bad that Lily felt she needed to tell me in private.



Now what could that private conversation be? 🤔 I just lean out of the window and guess that Lily has discovered some more details about Mara's soul's origin/past/connection to herself/somethingsomething. 😁