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Imagine a small black stone with a single cryptic rune engraved into one side of it. It seems innocuous enough. Yet when you hold that stone in your hand, you can literally rewrite reality. You can change yourself, your circumstances, even the people around you, and nobody but you will ever notice anything's different. 

What would you change, if you had that kind of power? Would you improve your life, the lives of your friends? Or would you have a little fun with it? 

A series of three short dark NSFW stories that get progressively darker, the last one probably counts as psychological horror. I wrote this in October but it's taken till now for me to work up the courage to start posting it. Due to the graphic nature of this story it'll be restricted to Inner Circle tier & above. I don't have a fixed posting schedule, but probably daily for chapters within each episode / short story, with longer delays between the episodes.

Blanket Content Warnings:
Sensitive readers may find these stories disturbing. Many chapters will contain graphic sex. Many chapters will also contain mind-control and reality bending. Sex, mind control, reality bending all span both consensual and non-consensual or of dubious consent. Individual chapters will be prefaced with applicable warnings. 

Episode 1: The Bad Egg
Synopsis: A confused teen egg finds a reality-bending magic stone and uses it to mess with some school bullies, a teacher, and dad's girlfriend. After the stone accidentally falls into the hands of one of their victims the egg learns their lesson, and then some.

Episode 2: Anything Goes
Synopsis: Suspecting her lover might be a trans girl in denial, a young barista decides to share a powerful magical secret in hopes it will help her partner break out of their shell. Things don't go according to plan as it turns out using reality-bending magic to try and hatch an egg was maybe not her best idea.

Episode 3: Best Friends
Synopsis: After her best friend reveals he's gained the power to change reality, a closeted trans girl receives an unexpected instant magical transition - but it comes with a price. At first she believes she can live with the terms her friend demanded, but after his abuse of power goes too far she comes to realize she has to try and stop him.



This looks really promising :D


you know, i didn't actually think about it like that till you mentioned it? but yeah, it does.