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*** content warning: more mind control; sex / masturbation ***

It turned out my idea worked, but it wasn't as quick or easy as I thought. Mostly because Evelynn couldn't just sit there and cast spell after spell after spell. She didn't know about Stats, but I'd already figured out she didn't have a ton of mana points. And when she ran out of mana, she needed almost a full day to recharge.

So we fell into a bit of a routine. We'd talk in the mornings before breakfast, and sometimes I'd get her to put on a little show for me. Naturally it turned her on like crazy knowing I was 'secretly' rubbing myself under the sheets to her performance. I may or may not have influenced her opinion on that little detail.

Then during the day we both went our separate ways and I focused on my classes and my growing friendship with Candice.

And after dinner me and Evelynn would meet up in our room and I'd get another hour or two of class and lectures, as she'd teach me all she knew about magic.

For spells she couldn't cast 'at' me I got her to teach me the traditional way and they were added to my notebook. Spells that could target me I had her use on me as long as they were safe and wouldn't hurt. Through trial and error I figured out I had about a seventy-five percent success rate when it came to dispelling and acquiring the spells she cast. Most of the time when I missed it wasn't a big deal, but a couple of them were embarrassing.

The best part about acquiring spells with my Scrutinize special was I learned them at the same grade they were cast at. The ones I had to learn the other way all started at grade one.

Now it was the end of day six, I just got back to my room after dinner, and I was tired but I figured my progress was pretty good. I still hadn't levelled-up though, which was frustrating. I sat on my bed and called up my Status screen to have another look at it.

My Dispell Magic ability got upgraded at some point in the last couple days, just from using it so much. And according to my level Info, I was about three-quarters of the way through level one. It was progress, but it felt like slow progress.

The spells that went in my notebook didn't show up on my status screen and I wasn't sure yet what the difference was, but I could still use them so I wasn't too worried about it. The ones on my status screen read like... 

Yeah. My new life was one of *those* stories, wasn't it? As if I couldn't guess from all the other clues.

I went down the list and got Info on the changes and additions.

'Dispell Magic (2): Natural ability, active (cost: 1 mana/level). You can attempt to disrupt and dispell magic that is affecting any target in a 2m radius around you.'

Scrutinize hadn't changed, but it was tied to Dispell so as that got upgraded Scrutinize would get more effective too.

'Thought Skim (3): Active spell (cost: 2 mana/level). You can attempt to skim the surface-thoughts of another sentient being. If successful you will read what they are thinking at the moment you cast the spell. Casting range: 3m. Duration: 15sec/level.'

'Mind Read (1): Active spell (cost: 3 mana/level). You can attempt a deep read of the thoughts and memories of another sentient being. If successful you have access to surface and buried thoughts, recent and distant memories. Casting range: touch. Duration: 1min/level.'

'Sleep (3): Active spell (cost: 2 mana/level). You can attempt to put a target into a deep sleep. If successful the target will not wake on their own until the spell is ended. Casting range: 5m. Maximum duration: 1hr/level.'

'Arrousal (2): Active spell (cost: 4 mana/level). You can attempt to induce a state of strong sexual arrousal in your target. If successful they will be distracted and unable to focus or concentrate on anything other than sex until the spell has ended. Casting range: 1m. Duration: 15mins/level.'

The last two both took me multiple attempts to get them, much to my chagrin. Sleep wasn't so bad, and Evelynn could end the spell early rather than leaving me out cold for four hours. Arrousal was exactly what it said on the label. When that hit I couldn't think magic, couldn't read, couldn't focus on anything. Literally I had two choices, spend all my mental energy trying not to give in, or give in and come as fast as I could.

And once I finally learned it, of course I had to give it a try. It was pretty amazing, and more than a little entertaining, watching Evelynn frantically fingering her pussy and pumping her shaft in her desperation for relief. I probably should have let her take her nightgown off first, but oh well. She'd have time to do laundry on our next rest-day.

I finally let the status screen fade. A few days ago the system finally stopped flooding me with bullshit notifications, like yay I found the dining hall, yay I found my first class. Most of the ones I got were still kind of annoying but at least they were slightly more meaningful. Like yay I dispelled the magic I was deliberately trying to dispell, and yay I learned the thing I was deliberately trying to learn.

It also stopped giving me pointless mini-quests and goals. Like whether you prompt me or not, I'm going to find my next class and I'm going to do the next assignment. That's how school works, I don't need the reminders.

My thoughts shifted gears slightly to a new pressing concern. Today marked six days for me here, and that meant some time in the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours Evelynn's Obedience spell was going to wear off. And by this point I knew I couldn't let that happen. Despite all the work I'd put into it, I was still level one. She was level four, she'd probably kill me as soon as her spell was over.

Then there was the whole thing about how the school expected us to do this stuff to each other. Starting with second semester they'd pit me and Candi against each other, we'd either wind up rivals or one of us would be subordinate to the other. Not to mention all the other first-year girls I'd have to contend with.

At least we didn't have to worry about the older students picking us all off.

According to Evelynn you got way less benefit for nabbing girls who were too inexperienced compared to you. It literally wasn't worth the effort for third-year and higher girls to take first-years. It was barely worthwhile for the second-year girls. She only did it to Michelle because the girl attracted Evelynn's ire with an unfortunate comment. 

That suggested to me that things probably worked the other way round too. If a first-year could get a second year girl on her side, that'd probably be a really big accomplishment. Maybe getting a few more second-years under her control would be even more special.

Remembering the stuff she told me at the start of the week, I set myself a challenge for tonight. I had to figure out a way to get Evelynn to cast that spell on herself again, without letting her know she was doing it. And by the time she joined me in our room a half hour later, I had a plan in mind.

"Hi Abby," she greeted me after the door was closed. She put her books away in her desk and continued, "Sorry I had to badmouth you at lunch today. Becky and Trina were with me and I had to keep up appearances and everything, but you know I didn't mean a word of that stuff."

I smiled, "I know Evie. It's ok, I forgive you."

She looked relieved as she sat down beside me on the edge of my bed. "What do you want to work on tonight?"

I made a show of thinking it over, then asked "Remember you offered to help me with that Obedience spell?"

Evelynn grinned "Yes! Is your pink-haired friend coming to visit us this evening?"

I started to respond in the negative when I stopped myself and frowned. "Wait is that allowed? Could she come visit me in my room?"

"Sure," my roomie shrugged. Then she frowned as well, "Ok it's not against the rules? But actually my friends might start asking questions if I let you bring other first-years in here. Like they all think it's my room, right?"

"Hmm," I frowned. "Maybe I could sneak someone in here if you were off spending the night with one of your girls."

She grinned, "That would work! Except then I wouldn't be here to help you with that spell."

"Right," I grimaced. "Ok never mind. Anyways no Candi isn't coming over tonight. I was hoping you could sort of go through the motions with me, so I could observe? I've been studying it in my notebook but some stuff's still beyond me, and it'd really help for me to see it in action."

Evelynn nodded, "Ok sure. Just to be clear though you don't want me to actually cast it on you? Not like the Sleep spell and Arrousal and stuff?"

I shook my head, "Definitely don't cast that one on me. But um... Could you pretend there was someone else here and you were casting it on her? Let's pretend we've got a tall sexy brunette visiting us and her name's Lynn. You're going to use the Obedience spell on her. Oh actually here's an idea! Let's role-play, I'll be you and you be Lynn."

Evie grinned "Sure thing Abby!"

The whole thing was just too damned easy. I was prepared for a bunch of subterfuge and elaborate scheming, but as long as she was under the spell's influence she was just too easy to manipulate.

We both got naked, Evie 'pretended' to be under a control spell and I had her kneeling on the floor before me, kissing and licking my inner thighs. I wouldn't let her get any closer than that though, I counted oral as 'sex' and wasn't going to break that promise to myself.

A very slight flaw in my plan was even going this far got me really horny. It did the same for Evie too though, and that worked to my advantage. She was doing a good job role-playing the hapless Lynn, but she had to stop for a few minutes to prepare the Obedience spell. I didn't remember her doing that stuff last week, but then I was pretty damn distracted at the time thanks to her Control spell on me.

With only a week of classes behind me, my magical sight was still pretty weak but I could just make out the lines of force wrapping around Evelynn's big beautiful cock and balls as she prepped the spell. When that was finished the main part of the spell was basically all loaded up and ready to fire.

Then she went back to role-playing Lynn again, and after another minute or so I cast Arrousal on her and let her go to town on herself. 

I made sure I was well out of the way as I watched, and when I could tell she was just about ready to pop I reminded her for about the twentieth time this week to aim for her mouth. I probably didn't even need to say it anymore, it was practically habit for her already. 

And even my weak magical sight could see the magic surge through her body and mind as the spell was renewed for another seven or eight days. 

Magical sight was a bit of an oddball. It was more like an ability than a spell, and apparently it was specific to sorcery. It didn't cost mana to use and you could leave it on all the time if you wanted, but you usually only used it when you needed it. 

Like if you just left it on you'd be overwhelmed with useless information. It only made sense to turn it on when you needed it, when you were focusing on some specific magical thing. That's why people didn't leave it on all day long and use it as a sort of low-budget detect magic ability.

With the spell complete Evie slumped back and lay sprawled naked on the floor between our beds, her face and boobs once again sticky with her enchanted jizz. I made sure she licked up as much of it as she could before she got too comfortable. Then I let her lay back down on the floor, still panting. Her eyes drifted shut as she needed to recover, both from the orgasm and from the spell she just cast.

After that performance I was horny as fuck but I forced myself to wait. I had a little more work to do while she was recovering.

I quietly kneeled next to her head then leaned over and started whispering her new instructions to her.

"You're such a good girl Evelynn, I'm so proud of you. We've been secret best friends for a week but it feels like forever. You trust me with your life, you admire me more than anyone else in the world. You want to help me even more than yourself. You live to please me, and my praise is like a drink of water after a month in the desert. You'll do anything for me Evelynn, you love and respect me that much. Whatever I ask of you, you'll do without question, doubt, or hesitation. We still need to keep our friendship secret for now, so you'll continue acting like you hate me when you're in public. I'll keep up my act too, but when we're in private we can both drop the act. Finally Evelynn, whenever I talk with you like this, with you on your back and your eyes closed, you'll take my words to heart because they are gospel, but you won't actually remember the conversation. Nor will you remember demonstrating the Obedience spell for me tonight. All you did this evening was put on a little show for me Evelynn. And it made me happy. You're such a good girl."

She was still panting, her eyes were still closed, but she grinned. My little compliment at the end almost made her preen.

I smiled then slipped into my bed and pulled the blankets over myself. I was desperate to take care of my own needs after the evening's performance, but right as I was getting started a new notification popped up in my view.

'New level achieved: Level 2!'



Oh wow congrats on the ding Abi. I’m really enjoying this story. At first the warning got me kind of nervous but I feel a lot better knowing it’s happening to other people and not the protag. At least when they deserve it or it’s a turn about. Keep up the good work I’m eager to read more.

Yet Another Martin

Arr-ousal must be a special spell to make pirates horny ... ;-)