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*** Content warning: brief sexual imagery; transmisia / transmisic slur; attempted assault ***

=::= Amber's PoV =::=

"Another great shift for the amazing Amber," Christine said with a grin as she started doing the close-out procedure on the register.

Her words made me blush as I finished organizing one of the displays.

My manager looked over at me as she added, "Seriously. In just over six weeks you've rocketed past almost all my other staff. I mean even some of the full-timers! Your numbers are amazing."

"Beginners luck I guess?" I tried to brush off the compliments. It was always hard accepting praise regardless, but I felt like I really couldn't take credit for my sales prowess when a lot of it was thanks to my supernatural talents.

She laughed, "Maybe in the first week you could call it that. But it's been a month and a half Amber, you're definitely not a beginner anymore."

"And I know it's not just luck," she added. "Not when you're spending time studying the website and memorizing the products. You've put a lot of effort into this job, more than most part-time staff would ever dream of."

I blushed again, but I couldn't deny that part. Although my reasons probably weren't quite what she was expecting. 

The bottom line was I was grateful to Lily for giving me my miracle, and I was committed to repaying her. I knew she took a chance with me, and even though she said I'd keep my transformation regardless I was determined to make it up to her. I gained energy for her by selling enchanted sex toys and adult novelties, so I committed myself to doing the best at that job that I could. And I used all my natural and supernatural talents to make it happen.

It didn't hurt any that I actually enjoyed the work and I took pride in doing a good job at it.

"You can leave that stuff for tomorrow Amber. Let's call it a night, ok?" Christine had obviously finished the close-out, and she was probably eager to head for home. She logged out of the register then looked over at me and smiled.

It was about a quarter after ten, Friday night. It wasn't my favourite shift, especially when I had to be back by ten Saturday morning. It was a decent shift though, between people coming in to pick up something to surprise their partner, or lonely folks getting themselves a gift for the weekend, business was pretty good. 

And almost every single thing I sold received an enchantment as I scanned it and dropped it in a shopping bag. Not just sex toys, but lube and stimulating gel, BDSM stuff, lingerie, pretty much anything. As long as it would be in contact with someone's body while they were enjoying sex, I'd enchant it as I rang up the sale.

I finally looked back to my manager and nodded, "Ok Christine, I'll finish this in the morning."

She smiled again and we both ducked into the back room. I put my small purse over my shoulder then pulled on my oversized hoodie, while she grabbed her jacket and purse. 

"Can I give you a drive home?" she offered as she looked me over.

I tried not to grimace. Christine was mostly straight, but my succubus beauty thing would get the better of her on a regular basis. Even with my hoodie on now it would take a while for the effects to wear off, and I could always see what she was imagining when she was looking at me. 

Usually she fantasized about the two of us having sex in the back of her car, but now and then something different would pop up in her thoughts. Like last week, she saw me sell a large double-ended dildo to a cute lesbian couple. Then Christine spent the rest of the day imagining the two of us using one of those together behind the counter. 

Today's fantasy was something new and unlike most of them, this one actually left me flustered. Earlier in the evening I sold some BDSM gear to an attractive but stern-looking woman. Now while Christine stared at me she was picturing herself naked on all fours here in the staff room, with that leather collar locked around her neck and the ball gag in her mouth. She was imagining me standing beside her, holding her leash tight in my left hand while I used the riding crop in my right hand to gently smack and tease her backside.

Honestly it was kind of baffling because I was positive I couldn't even dom a puppy, never mind my boss.

I tried to push the images aside and forced myself not to blush as I replied politely, "No thank you Christine. I'm ok with the bus, it gives me time to unwind after work."

I could tell she was disappointed again, but she didn't try and pressure me. 

"Ok Amber," she replied. "Maybe one of these days you'll take me up on my offer."

"Maybe," I replied with another polite smile. I knew which offer she was referring to, even if she didn't. And odds were that would never actually happen.

She shut off all the lights then unlocked the front door so we could get out. Then she locked it up again and said, "Have a good night Amber, see you tomorrow."

I smiled, "You too Christine."

The parking lot was almost empty at this time of night. Her little coupe was across from the shop, and there were two cars at the far end. One was next to the coffee shop, the other was by the exit onto the road. The coffee shop closed up for the night same time as us, and everything else in the building closed four or five hours ago. We were in an industrial area, so a lot of the businesses were only open from nine to five and most of them weren't open to the public. 

Christine waved as she drove past me, then turned onto the road and she was gone. 

I actually would have preferred to get a lift home but I was pretty sure she'd try and take advantage if I ever got into the car with her. I knew if Melissa or Susan were in my position they'd probably accept the ride and would be happy for any other action that came with it, but that really wasn't me. 

Instead I was looking at a thirty- or forty-minute trip. It took me a few minutes to walk from the store out to the nearest late-night bus stop, and I sometimes had to wait up to ten or fifteen minutes for the next bus to come along. Then I had a few minutes on that bus before I had to change to another one. Then that took about twenty minutes to get me to my stop, and finally another little walk to get home.

So it was just past eleven o'clock as I emerged from the bus and started making my way through my neighbourhood towards home. I noted all the lights were out when I passed Susan's house, I assumed all three of them were in bed together. Then I noticed Melissa's car was missing and figured she was probably out on business. I knew she tended to work Friday or Saturday nights.

As I walked by I wondered again about Sue's offer. She invited me to move in with them, she had two spare bedrooms and she said I could take my pick. It wouldn't be much of a move, literally just around the corner, but it was a sign of independence. It was part of growing up and all that stuff. So far I'd been on the fence about the idea. 

My family had been so accepting about my transition and everything, I felt really lucky in that respect. But my mom was kind of pushy and nosy at times, always complaining about how I dressed and my appearance not measuring up to her standard. She didn't care so much when she thought I was a guy, but now that she knew I was a girl she seemed to want me to conform to her standards or expectations of what femininity was all about.

On the other hand, I worried that moving in with Sue and Mara and Melissa would leave me feeling more awkward and out of place. After all, they were two part-succubi and a half-sex-demon. I could only imagine what sorts of stuff the three of them got up to on a regular basis, and I wasn't quite prepared to be a part of that. I knew they wouldn't try and force me, but just being in the same house as that might feel weird.

So the idea of moving in with them was left on the back-burner again, and I rounded the corner to cover the final few dozen meters to home.

I was just two doors down from my house, walking quietly along the sidewalk, when someone stepped out from behind the neighbour's tree and blocked my path. Even in the dull orange glow of the nearest street-light I recognized Matt's former-friend Rahul. He was less than two meters away from me and I could smell the liquor on him.

I stopped in my tracks and took a half-step back as my heart-rate suddenly spiked. I was so close to home, but even if I tried to dash around him I'd have to fumble with my keys. I thought about going the other way, running back to Susan's place. I knew she and Mara would protect me, and Lily too of course. But I just wasn't that fast, he'd catch me before I got to the corner let alone all the way to Sue's house.

He looked me over then growled, "Hello Amber."

Except he didn't actually say that, he used my deadname.

I tried to act brave and calm, I started moving to go around him as I said, "Just leave me alone Rahul, I haven't done anything to you."

He scowled, "Shut up freak! Your tranny friend isn't gonna save you this time. It's just you and me, just a couple guys taking care of some unfinished business."

He looked angry and seemed drunk. Or at least, he'd had enough to drink to give him a little more courage. I remembered Mara saying Rahul was a coward, but I was positive he was prepared to attack me. He looked like he wanted to hurt me.

I took another step to the side, as I tried to put myself in a better position to get around him, then gulped and shook my head, "I'm not going to fight you. Just leave me alone ok? I never did anything wrong."

He took a step closer, he was near enough to grab me and I reflexively stepped back again. 

Rahul sneered at my reaction, "Cowardly bitch. I guess I'm not surprised though. Did you ever have any balls, or have you always been..."

His voice trailed off and his eyes widened as he looked to my left. I realized with a start that I wasn't alone. 

Standing by my side was Mara. She was stark naked and her horns and tail were visible, but the look on her face was equal parts calm and contemptuous as her eyes locked on Rahul's.

My would-be assailant didn't move, and he'd gone completely silent as he stood there staring wide-eyed at my girlfriend. I wasn't sure if he was paralyzed with fear or what was going on with him. I still felt scared myself, Mara didn't exactly look ready for a fight. She looked like she'd come straight from bed and obviously hadn't paused to put on clothes or hide her demonic attributes.

Without taking her eyes off Rahul she asked me in a calm quiet voice, "Amber are you all right?"

Something in her tone resonated and it struck me. This wasn't Mara. It was Lily who'd come to my rescue, and I felt a huge wave of relief come over me.

"I'm ok," I replied softly. "Thank you so much for coming."

"Good," she stated. "Now go on home Amber, I'll take care of things from here. Or if you prefer, you can spend the night at Susan's house. The side door is unlocked, you can let yourself in."

I glanced from Lily to Rahul then back to Lily again, as it dawned on me what was going to happen. She wanted me to leave because in all likelihood she was going to feed on him. She was going to kill him, and she didn't want me to see that.

The jock hadn't moved or made a sound since Lily arrived, I knew he had to be caught in her magic somehow. And I had a sort of morbid curiosity, I almost wanted to see what was going to happen. But I knew that wasn't a good idea.

"Ok Lily," I replied quietly. "Thanks again."

I glanced past Rahul at my front door, then turned and quickly, quietly walked back around the corner. As promised, Sue's side door was unlocked and I quietly let myself in. I took off my shoes then tip-toed upstairs and into the guest room at the end of the hall, and closed the door behind me.

There were some spare nightshirts in the closet, so I got undressed and borrowed one of those. I left my clothes folded up on a chair by the window, then finally curled up under the blankets on the queen-sized bed. I couldn't sleep though, at least not right away. There was still too much adrenaline after that encounter. And my thoughts were still racing, as I wondered what Lily was going to do, how it would happen.

I don't know how long I lay there staring at the wall, but it had to be at least thirty or forty minutes. Eventually I was startled by a very soft gentle knock at the bedroom door.

"Yes?" I half-whispered.

Mara slipped in then closed the door again behind her. She had a nightshirt on now, and as she approached the bed I could tell by the way she moved that this was definitely Mara rather than Lily.

"Hey Amber," she said softly. "Lily said you might like some company? Would some cuddling help you to relax?"

I nodded and whispered, "Yes please. Thank you Mara. And thank you to Lily as well."

She smiled and settled into the bed next to me. I finally felt myself start to relax as her arms wrapped protectively around me while I pressed myself against her side.



Holy shit, that got my heart rate up. 😱 Well, one fucker less to trouble the girls. :)


Great chapter, on a side note is there a way to do CW so it is only visible if you are in need of it? At times it can be very spoiling, like "attempted" gave the chapter less impact as you knew they wouldn't succeed.


sorry about that! i wish there was some way to do spoiler tags on Patreon. their posting text editor can't even handle centred text or different fonts or colours, it's incredibly frustrating.