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I made sure everyone had drinks and they were all comfortable on the sofa, then I sat down across from them on the love-seat. I let my eyes unfocus as I stepped back into Lily's apartment.

"They're all yours," I told her with a smile. I gave her a hug and added, "Good luck!"

Lily smiled and hugged me back, "Thank you Mara. I'm sure it will be fine."

I settled onto her big leather sofa while Lily turned towards the window, and I watched her vanish as she stepped out into our body. I focused on the windows that were our eyes, to watch my three girlfriends as they waited for the meeting to begin. 

"Are we in trouble or something?" Amber asked nervously. 

Melissa shrugged, "I doubt it? Lily's never called a meeting like this before that I can think of."

"None of you are in trouble," my demon mom announced, in a slightly amused tone. 

It was kind of a funny sight. Sexy but funny. On the right was Melissa, the tall sexy busty blonde. She was wearing a pair of panties and a tight t-shirt that left almost nothing to the imagination. On the left was Susan, the tall curvaceous redhead. She wore a nightshirt, and nothing else. And in the middle was Amber, looking small and cute. She was dressed for work though so she also looked sexy, in low heels, tight jeans, and a slightly-revealing top.

I was attending the meeting too of course, but I was doing it remotely. By which I mean, I was sitting on the big leather sofa in Lily's apartment in our head. She was out in our body so everybody could hear her.

Susan asked, "So what's going on? Why did you need to meet with us?"

Lily replied, "I have something to discuss, something important. Susan, Melissa, Mara you all remember what happened when we defeated Verothilas. Amber you've heard the story as well. There was a release of demonic energy, which impacted everyone present."

The three of them all nodded, and Susan asked "We're not all dying of demonic radiation poisoning are we?"

"No Susan," Lily replied and I could tell she was trying not to laugh. She continued, "Just over a month ago Mara made a very astute observation about that event, and had a very cunning idea that led to an important discovery."

I saw some surprised looks on my girlfriends' faces, but nobody spoke up or questioned so Lily kept talking.

"Thanks to Mara, I believe we have an opportunity to tap into more of Verothilas' power, while keeping her contained within the brooch. There are some risks of course, it's something I've never done before and have never heard of anyone else doing either. But I'm confident in my magic and I believe the benefits outweigh the possible risks."

Melissa asked, "So what do you need us to do?"

Lily shook our head, "I don't need you to do anything this time, Melissa. Mara and I will handle the preparations ourself. The reason I wanted to speak with you all was to let you know what we're planning, and to give you all a choice."

"What sort of choice?" Susan asked.

"Whether or not you wish to be present when we attempt it," Lily replied. "Mara has no choice, she and I are bound within the same body so she'll be there regardless. The three of you however..."

Melissa figured it out first, like I expected. "If we're present we might get another hit of demonic magic, right? That's what you're saying? We might become even more succubus, less human?"

Susan and Amber both looked surprised, they glanced at Melissa then back at me and Lily. 

"It is a distinct possibility," my demon mom replied. "I don't know what to expect when we try this. It may be a repeat of what we experienced at the solstice. It may be less. Or it may be more. After the first attempt I'll have a better idea going forward. I expect this might be a process we'll repeat, though I can't say what the timetable might be. The first attempt will answer a lot of questions."

I finally spoke up, "Lily tell them the other risk. I know you said the odds are really low but you have to tell them anyways."

"I know Mara. I was getting to that," she replied. Then she addressed my girlfriends again, "There is a chance, however remote, that the process will get away from me and the energy release could be too much to contain. For that reason we'll be doing this somewhere remote. I've had Mara researching cabins and cottages for rent, in remote locations."

Susan pointed out, "If we destroy someone's rental cottage, they're not going to be happy."

"I wouldn't do it in the cottage," Lily replied. "We'll use that as a base but attempt the magic some distance away."

After a pause she added, "There is also a chance, albeit remote, that if enough energy is released at once... Well the results could be fatal. Neither Mara or myself believe that would happen, she's confident enough that she's agreed to do this with me. But she insisted I tell you all the risks, even if they are astronomically remote."

Both Melissa and Susan looked uncertain, I could imagine they both had more questions or concerns. They both looked like they were getting ready to ask those questions when Amber spoke up.

"I'll go. I kind of want to see that."

I think even Lily was surprised by that, and all of us stopped and stared.

Amber grimaced slightly at all the eyes on her. "What? You've all cool magic stuff going on, I just want to fit in a little better. And it sounds like it might be kind of spectacular, I want to see it. I missed out on the stuff in December, I don't want to miss out on this."

We all kept staring at her for a few more moments, then Melissa slowly turned to look at me and Lily.

"You know Mara's mother won't be happy if she winds up even more demonic. I think Emma deserves some kind of parenting award already, for all the stuff she's put up with so far."

I sighed, "I'll talk with Melissa about that afterwards."

Lily relayed that out to the others. She added, "I don't need you all to answer immediately. I just wanted to let you know it was coming up, and prepare you to make that decision when the time comes. You won't be expected to choose until then. And it's ok to change your mind if you want."

That last bit was probably aimed at Amber. Like the rest of us, Lily had a hard time believing the shy quiet mousey cutie really wanted to get a big blast of demonic energy in the face.

For the next moment I was distracted as I suddenly found myself wondering if that sounded as lewd as I thought it did. But I quickly focused on the conversation again, someone was talking.

"Thanks Lily," Susan said. "I'm sure we'll all be thinking it over, and I'm sure we're going to talk with Mara about it too. Do you have a rough idea when you're going to try it? I mean, are we talking about something that's going to happen in a few days? A few weeks? A month or two?"

She replied, "Weeks. I'm nearly ready, right now the biggest challenge is finding a location."

"Most of the cottages are closed for the winter," I said. "It's rough trying to find a place that's remote enough but also still open and accessible, and available."

Lily relayed that as well, and my girlfriends all just quietly nodded. 

"Are there any other questions?" Lily asked.

"I have one," Susan answered. "The duration of my contract is basically open-ended. I'm working for you until you decide the debt is paid. I'm assuming Melissa and Amber have something similar in their contracts. If you're gaining energy from Verothilas that outweighs anything the three of us can give you, will that affect our contracts at all?"

Lily hesitated slightly, then replied, "My plan, which I caution you all is very much subject to change on a whim so don't take this as any form of guarantee or promise, has always been to release you when I've gained my freedom. If this process results in my being freed in a matter of years or even months, then in all likelihood you would be released from your contracts just as quickly."

Melissa asked, "What would that do to us? What does it mean for us? I mean in terms of our transformations, being part-succubus, that sort of thing?"

Susan added, "You mean we wouldn't be bound to you anymore after that?"

Lily answered Sue's question first, "Correct Susan. You would no longer be bound to me, or through me to Mara, Melissa, and Amber."

She looked at all three of them and continued, "None of the gifts I've given you will ever be taken away, you don't have to worry about that. And as for being part-succubus, after the business with Verothilas on the solstice that is out of my hands as well, for the two of you who were present. Even without my essence you will remain part-succubus. You'll still be able to gather energy from the people you sleep with, but it will be all yours. You wouldn't have to deliver anything to me anymore. Amber, as you are now if I free you from your contract you would no longer be part-succubus and you would not have to keep selling sex toys. You'd be fully human, and free to do whatever you wanted with your life."

All three of them were quiet again, and they all had thoughtful looks on their faces. I could guess at least one thing Sue might be worried about, but I'd talk to her as soon as Lily was done.

"Is there anything else?" Lily asked.

Nobody spoke up, so Lily thanked everyone again then she stepped back inside with me. 

"That went ok, right?" I asked with a grin.

She smiled back as she sat next to me on the sofa, "It went as I expected. They're curious but concerned. Susan and Melissa are both wary, they've experienced this before and will likely spend a great deal of time trying to decide whether or not they wish to risk repeating that process."

After a pause she added, "Amber is enthusiastic and curious. And she may not entirely appreciate the risks, but there are some things people have to experience for themselves."

"Ok Lily," I replied as I got to my feet. I gave her a hug then said, "My turn, I'll go speak with them about this stuff." 

"Good luck Mara," she replied with a smile.

Once I was back out in the body I smiled at them, "It's Mara back again. Susan, I just want to assure you right now even without being bound to Lily you're still part of our family. We'll always be the DLP no matter what."

"Thanks Mara," she grimaced slightly. "Did you read my mind or did Lily tell you what I was thinking?"

I gave her a sympathetic smile, "Neither. But I remember the stuff you told us back in November, when you joined us."

Melissa agreed, "Mara's right. We're the DLP and that's forever, with or without a demonic contract."

"Thanks Melissa," Sue replied. Then she focused on Amber and asked, "Are you sure you want to be around for this? If it's anything like what happened on the solstice, it could change you and it sounds like we have no way of knowing how much."

Amber nodded slowly. She looked thoughtful but she replied, "I was pretty sure when I said it. After hearing Lily's other comments, I'm even more sure now."

I couldn't hide my surprise, neither did Melissa or Susan.

Amber saw the looks on everyone's faces so she elaborated, "Lily just said, when she's free and releases us she'll take away her influence. I won't be part-succubus anymore, but you all will because of the energy thing. I don't want to go back to being a normal human again."

Melissa nodded, "Fair enough. I don't think anyone here is going to question or judge you for that Amber."

I agreed, "As long as you understand the risks, the choice is yours. Like Lily said, I have to be there. And I trust her when she says she's confident it'll be safe. The thing we won't know till it happens is how much energy will come out at a time. If it's a little trickle then probably nothing will happen to any of us. If it's another house-breaking blast then it'll probably affect us. We just can't know till the first time she tries it."

"So about your mom," Melissa said as she looked to me. "Are you going to warn her ahead of time about any of this?"

I shook my head, "No. I'm an adult... Well I mean, legally I'm an adult. And this is something between me and Lily. If it does make me more demonic I'll have to explain it to mom afterwards, but if I tell her ahead of time she'll try to stop us."

Susan asked, "Has Lily given you any kind of estimate how likely it is? Like she said the chances of death are astronomically low. Has she indicated what the odds are that there'll be some sort of impact on us?"

"She doesn't know," I replied. "She's confident it won't kill us or obliterate a forest or something. But she thinks there's a big enough risk that she has to do it somewhere remote. Away from the city, away from buildings, and away from normal humans."

"Ok," Sue said. "Tentatively, I'm in."

Melissa smiled, "Then I guess I have to be there too."

"You don't have to," I insisted. 

"I know Mara," she grinned. "That was a tease. But I don't want to be left out, and whatever happens, good or bad, I want to be there with the rest of you."

I smiled and moved to join the three of them on the sofa, and we all had a bit of a group hug.

After a few minutes though I commented, "Since it sounds like we're all on board with this, I'd better get back to work finding us a good location."



I can’t wait for the fireworks! It looks like a big event! Excellent chapter.