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Hey there Patrons!

Woah, a snapshot on Saturday for a change, like how it is in the tag? Crazy.

There's a good amount of things to touch on with at least two items probably going to be wordy, so let's jump right in!

Most notable takeaway is that there's no completed piece this week, though I will admit that I have postponed snapshot updates in previous weeks to finish a piece for the post. And while I probably could have done that again this week (probably finishing Humility's comic page), I just didn't feel like doing it again. Lately I've been having difficulty getting ramped up to working and I wanted to see if getting a post done before diving into art for the rest of the day or however would be a better way to approach slower days, though whether or not this is the best week to do that (a quick aside, I've been sleeping like trash this whole week, haha) is another discussion entirely.

Anyway, with that out of the way, there's still a lot of sketches going on, some with larger project implications than others. We'll start with the biggest piece this week though, Humility's comic page! There were bursts of time where I was able to get linework done in a reasonable time frame, and other stretches of time where it was taking too long, but overall I'm pretty happy with the progress, especially because I'd been wracking my brain with how to reconcile the story beat progression from frames 4 to 6, and all of the ideas I had thought up until this week for panel 5 really didn't sit right with me, but I was finally able to get over that hurdle. Hopefully this piece will be done before the end of the weekend, or at the very least before I head out for Thanksgiving vacation.

There were a couple other commissions that got work done on them as well, though with the inks for Humility's piece taking a huge amount of the time worked, that resulted in only a number of thumbnail sketches for one piece and some preliminary cleanup for a second one. Still, progress is progress I guess.

The next major ticket item is of course the Patreon November Reward, and right out of the gate I had a few separate ideas for how to go about showcasing the growth. Given Vallory's particular scope of magic powers and unique lore tidbits (i.e. the fact that she's actually constantly growing bigger, and only her magic is keeping her at a "stable" size), I decided that instead of a series of quick explosive growth (as fun as that might be), I would instead go with a slower but still substantial rate of growth spread over a day (or maybe several), and include some expository text to go along with each image. Perhaps it's because I'm bummed that I missed OC-tober for more story and character focused projects, or perhaps it's because I've been on such a story/image series kick lately with the commissions I've been working on, that I wanted to bring that into this piece and have some more lore out there for folks to enjoy.

Either way, I'm going to try and get all 5 of the sketches made, but it will all depend on time.

Another sketch that spurred from missing OC-tober was the character Lineup/height chart. A lot of my characters are very big, and based on previous numbers, were also surprisingly uniform in height, with a lot of them hovering around the 25-30 foot range, so I wanted to see how tweaking their heights to be a bit more varied would feel just on a gut reaction level. I definitely like where it's heading, though I'll need to figure out the specific lore reasons why things are.

Segueing from "lore reasons for why things are the way they are", a couple of body-type sketches were done as warm-ups this week as another "OC-tober in November actually" thing. Specifically when it comes to Cali and Val when compared to each other, as well as how they would normally be in their most comfortable forms. To quickly paint an example, Val's past had her forced to live a more masculine identity, and when she relocated she was free to live more as herself, which leaned more feminine and gave her a lot of confidence in the parts of her body she had to suppress before, which would beg the question of "would she have larger breasts normally?" along with "would she actually be as buff or hung as I've been drawing her given that previous association?". I've been asking similar questions for Cali and a couple other characters too, so suffice it to say, there might be some soft re-vamps of a couple characters in the near future. Nothing super drastic though.

And then quickly touching on the last warm-up sketches, I was reminded of some old pinups of giant dragons emerging from volcanoes similar to models in swimsuits coming out of a pool or using them as a hottub, and I really wanted to draw Vallory doing that. Might keep a pin in the idea to complete later because it's always been a macro trope I enjoyed.

Okay! That'll do it for this one! Next weekend is obviously Thanksgiving weekend in the states, so if there *is* a snapshot update, it'll go out on Sunday, but honestly I don't anticipate making one next week, so expect the next snapshot for the first weekend of December!

As always, thank you all so much for your support! I hope your weekend is a good and restful one for you, and that you have a wonderful week this week! And if you're in the states and doing anything for Thanksgiving, I hope you have a wonderful time with that as well! Until next time!



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