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Hey there Patrons!

Hope you had a good week last week, and if you celebrated Thanksgiving, that it was a fun time for you! We've got a bit more than usual to go over this week because of the holiday weekend, so lets get to it.

I'll start off with some quick general observations, but I won't spend a lot on them because part of it is more of the recent "Shit kinda sucks and I'm struggling", but to really quickly touch on that, while the actual holiday weekend was a nice break, it didn't do much to alleviate stress and general mental crap I'm dealing with. The last couple days in particular have been a *real* struggle, though I think a good part of that that might be just having a couple "off" art days combined with everything else rather than anything else changing.

Anyway, enough of that, because even with all that I did make good progress on a couple pieces, managing to complete the Comic page for Humility, which I'm really pleased with the end results of! I'll probably post that to the public galleries sooner rather than later just because I think other folks will enjoy it as well. But commission work doesn't stop, and I took a bit of that residual energy into another comic page commission that's been in the backlog for a bit, this one for MeWizard! I'm really excited to get this one completed as well, because it pretty nicely fills the missing niches of my target audience that were left by Humility's page, namely muscle expansion in a growth setting. Hopefully I'll be able to get that finished soon, but as you might have guessed, there's a lot of ongoing projects on my plate.

I also managed to get a piece for Moovember done, and this was loosely voted on by Twitter folks as far as whether or not it was going to be a new character, if she was going to be buff, and how big her boobs were going to be. So say hello to Melody! Or Mel for short! Fun side-note, I had apparently written down a cow named Melody to be a Green Horn Lounge employee who was also big, strong, and dong-having, but had totally forgotten about that when I was designing the character. So I guess that was a happy accident! I'll probably do some minor tweaks to her design before fully signing off on it, notably relocating where the heart-shaped spot goes to be a bit more central so it shows on low-cut shirts, but broadly speaking I'm pretty happy with the design.

Moving on to other November themed pics, I also started cleanup on the Patreon Growvember reward pictures, but with the recent ongoing struggles, I obviously didn't get those finished by the end of the month. I'll be working on those over the next week to get them finished before the November Art Packs go out on the 10th, and I'll give them their own post if I get them finished before the next Snapshot update.

Only other art stuff to touch base on are a couple thumbnails and initial sketches for more commissions, one for Kezzup which will feature their normally huge and buff owl girl being turned into a shortstack strong gobbo, which will be fun to do because shortstacks are great, and then another comm for OverPhoenix which features Ellen from Beastars with a super buff body struggling to get through a doorframe. First time getting commissioned for fanart, so that'll be a fun new experience!

Last bit to go over for this update, I'll be sending out December reward pic posts right after this goes live. Spoiler for those, this month's votes are going to be *much* more straightforward than previous months were, and as a way to say thanks for the upcoming Holidays, every patron will get to participate regardless of what tier they're subscribed at! Though realistically I think that only means one or two more people will get to participate who don't normally get to, but still!

Alright, that'll do it for this post. Thank you all for your continued support, especially through these most recent times I've been going through! I may not be super vocal about it all the time but each little bit of support really means a lot to me and helps keep me going. I hope you all have a wonderful and restful weekend, and that this week is a good one for you! Until next time!



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