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Another week already? Man this one flew by.

Hello again Patrons! It's time once again for another snapshot update!

I was pretty busy this week, both in regards to working on art, as well as non-art related responsibilities. The unfortunate downside to that means that I didn't get as much done as I wanted to this week, though I suppose it could be argued that there's still plenty to show. All that said, I did want to get two pieces done this week, and while I got close, I didn't hit that mark, so I'm a little bummed about that. But enough of that, let's get into the breakdown!

So by far the headliner for this week is the Riptide pinup for Glitch, featuring a shark-ified version of their big booby zard Jess! And it wouldn't be a proper Jess piece if she wasn't finding some way to make her already enormous breasts even bigger! This was a really fun piece to work on, particularly getting to design a shark form for Jess and having a wonderful excuse to give her a monstrously thick tail (her tail is normally pretty damn juicy for those not aware). It's also the first pic featuring the flavor Riptide Red, which is the hyper themed flavor! Though it also comes with a bit of growth everywhere else as well, as do all the main flavors. Really happy with the piece overall, especially her design, and the fact that I was able to get it completed as quickly as I did.

From there we've got more riptide pieces, the next one being for Edogz350! This one is a continuation of their previous shark-related commission, which I think I mentioned the last time it came up in a snapshot piece. I wanted this piece to be finished by the snapshot, but I didn't quite get there. Linework is nearly done, and then it'll get the flat color treatment after that. And while I suppose I could have postponed the snapshot update to get it done for that, that felt like it would be disingenuous. 

The last of the riptide pieces for this snapshot is some initial sketches for Minerva, aka RileySharkie, of their shark girl Razzy getting some growth treatment of her own! This one was one of the few that elected to have a random flavor rolled, and Razzy got one of the Tropical Splash! flavors, which are meant to be less extreme in their effects and provide more specific end results. Razzy got the flavor that gives her a little bit of everything, though mostly focuses on hyper sized growth and accentuated body curvature! Not a bad roll to be honest! (Though I'd argue there are no "bad" choices of Riptide flavors, haha!)

More commission work to be had this week, as I made some progress on the Comic Page for Humility! The first few panels were finished after a re-work, because after some time I realized I wasn't particularly happy with the initial concept from a story-beat perspective. I'm much happier with what I have now, and hope to have the comic finished before too long, though with the amount of projects I'm working on in tandem, I guess we'll have to wait and see. Still, a LOT of good growth happening in that comic, and I'm really excited to do a proper comic page, since it's something I've been wanting to do for god knows how long. If everything goes well, I'd like to start offering them as commission options in the future!

From there, we have just a couple of warm-up sketches over various days. Nothing too particularly noteworthy here in my opinion, as like last week, I was once again really only using these to prep for drawing for the day rather than trying to get any cleaned up piece for showcasing. Another pic of Cali experiencing some unexpected growth, much to her clothing's despair, and a bunch of pinups of beefy ladies, as we are getting in to Biceptember! Thorne is a new character, and aims to bolster the ranks of buff cisgender women characters, as so many of my already existing buff ladies are non-binary in some degree, and I could probably use some other options from time to time!

On that last note, if I can find the time, I'd like to get these all done as pinups for the month, but at the very least I'd like to have one done for a Patreon exclusive. I plan to give these a quick cleanup pass to make it a little bit clearer as to what's going on in each, and then put them up for a vote for preference later, probably sometime this week. That being said, if you'd rather I spent that time on a pic of a different character (e.g. Vallory, Brisket, Caliza, etc.), be sure to let me know, if not now, then when I put the vote up!

Alright, that'll do for this one. I'm really good at making these wordy huh? As always, thank you all so much for your support, including the new patrons who've joined recently! Every little bit helps make this a more viable full-time option for me, and I can't thank you all enough for helping me reach that goal! I hope your weekend is going well, and that the rest of it is relaxing and restful for you, and that you have a wonderful week! Until next time!



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