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Hey there Patrons!

Gonna keep things quick this week as it's a small update. Had a pretty rough week this week as well with a mix of computer problems at the start of the week and then just personal issues later in the week with being in a bad headspace. But lets get to the art!

The big (in multiple ways) plus is getting Edogz350's Riptide piece done. Kai getting a heaping helping of growth in the form of a couple cans of Riptide Black, the piece acting as a follow-up to Edogz350's previous commission featuring Kai and Ripley. More of their sharks is coming up soon (additional continuations as well), so that'll be fun to work on!

More progress on another Riptide piece for Violet Neon, a good ol' Riptide Blue muscle growth pic. Looking forward to finishing that one this week, Sarina is a really cute shark and getting to beef her up has been a lot of fun.

And then just a couple warmup sketches this week. A group pic of the Smiths (Val, Brooke, Kiyoko), wanted to do them with a lot of size difference since it's a fun theme. Might also change their respective heights as well. Previously they were all pretty close together but having them be more varied might be more fun. Next we've got a pic of Brisket and Drumstick that's a take on the Adidas sports bra meme going around on Twitter. Hopefully I'll get the time to finish that piece. And last we've got two beefy snake ladies flexing for Snektember and Biceptember. Olly obviously is the bigger one, and Scarlett, while not always buff by default, has been known to have a bit of beef, and now's the best time of year for her to show that off!

And that'll do it for this week's snapshot. Wish I would've gotten more done, but sometimes you just have crappy weeks. Here's to hoping next week is more productive!

As always, thank you all so much for your support! I hope your weekend is going well and that it's relaxing and restful for you, and that you have a wonderful week! Art packs are going out tomorrow at 1 PM Pacific time, so look forward to those!



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