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Ahoy there Patrons, and Happy Father's Day! Unless you live in one of the few countries that doesn't celebrate it today in which case, happy Sunday!

Gonna be quick with this week's update for a couple reasons, one being there's not a ton of drawings to go over, and two being I want to get back *to* drawing!

We had two headliner pieces this week, with NinjaKing's commission taking up most of the worked time this week, though given it got the color treatment, that should hardly come as a surprise. An individual post with its own snapshots will go out tomorrow or Tuesday, as per the new posting cadence I'm going to go with. Behind that was Abby in the latest Retrospring pic. Unsurprisingly she's been quite popular there, so I wasn't shocked to get a question asking if she was single. It was the perfect excuse to draw a stale meme though!

From there we've got various warmup sketches that I did throughout the week. Nothing terribly noteworthy from my perspective, though Red's design continues to get work and I'm happy with some of the lore stuff I'm working out for them. Might have more on that front in the future. Also sketched out some other memes that were going around with the kobolds, the BIG PANT and BIG JAKT character design meme has been getting a lot of other artists giving their own takes and I'd like to get a piece out for that. And then a really low effort Shadow Wizard Money Gang kobold, because memes are fun.

Closing out with a quick personal note, while I am happy that I got a commission with colors done this week, I would have liked to do more for this update. I've been chipping away at Sampomon's commission as well, but I didn't include it in the image above because at the smaller resolution the progress doesn't really show. I wanted to get that done by the weekend, but that clearly didn't happen. Oh well!

Alright, that'll do it for me this week. As always, thank you all so much for your support! I hope the rest of your weekend goes well, and that you have a wonderful week!



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