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Oh hey there Patrons, didn't see you over there! Come on in we've got another weekend snapshot to go over! 

Cringe intro aside, let's jump right in! So this week right off the bat you can see was a quality over quantity week. The two star pieces are the Retrospring drawings I did, which featured Abby once again, and Vallory in a truly massive size. As a quick aside, I'll be posting the Retrospring pictures here per the previous post change, but they will follow similar "roundup" posts for image sets, where I'll post all of the ones I did for a month in a single large post to avoid clutter. That said, I'm very happy with how both of these came out, but I spent WAY too much time on the piece of Val, partly because the first day I was working on it I was battling being in an "off-day" where any art was a struggle, and the next day I spent time concepting some minor redesign work that I wound up scrapping. 

That being said I'm not planning any major overhaul to Vallory, but the idea I'm exploring can be seen in the middle sketch. Namely, more stripes along her arms and legs, and formalizing her having wings. I have a lore reason ready to go for her stripes (markings that develop with age/maturity), the wings I'm still trying to settle on a why for those, but I have a few avenues to explore.

Moving on to the rest of the pieces, another large time-sink this week was doing some rework on Sampomon's commission. This was very much a case of moving too quickly to start, because when I started to go into cleanup, I noticed that the perspective on the environment was a mess, and while I realistically probably could've gotten away with what I had, I just didn't like seeing it, so I reworked it, fixed the leg that was too short, and sent it back to the client, who was fine with the re-work thankfully. More work on that and other commissions will be taking place this coming week, along with the reward pictures for the Macro March Growth Drive, which finally have thumbnails! I spent a good amount of time mulling over how best to work everyone in at the obscene sizes they were at, and it boiled down to the fact that having a simple composition was probably the best answer here, just so everyone could be on display. So look forward to more bigness on that front as well!

Finally we've got another sketch as part of the Draw Your Mutuals I started back in February, though that was for followers. I'm going to try and get another batch of those out by the end of the month as well, though we'll see if I have enough time to do that with everything else going on and in the works. But I started this round with a sketch of Padunk, because she's been a longtime friend and honestly, fluffy characters are great!

Anywho, that'll do it for this week's check-in! As always, thank you all so much for your support, and I hope that your weekend is going well, and that you have a wonderful week!



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