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You know what time it is, another Snapshot Saturday post is ready, so lets get into it!   

So the volume of drawings is arguably down this week if you go by sheer number of bodies drawn, but with good reason, with the completion of Glitch's sketch page taking up the majority of the time worked this week, but WHAT a page if I do say so myself! It's probably unsurprising but I really got sucked in to that piece, but then when the prompt is to draw an already big buff shark getting even bigger and buffer, and you're... well, *me*, that's a recipe for a good time! Other commission work included making additional progress for SampoMon, where I had initially forgotten that the prompt was meant to include some new gauntlets for the main character Svan to wear. I had fun designing them, but I knew when I sent the sketch off that I'd have to do another pass over it because there are issues with the foreshortening (or perhaps more accurately, the lack thereof).

The rest of the sketches are a mix of warm-ups and warm-ups turned concept sketches. Starting at the top right, I did another pass at Rhea's design, and it's getting pretty close to where I want it to be for the big fluffy girl, though I might push the proportions a bit more to make her a smidge wider. From there right below that sketch, what was a warm-up on doing more shape and silhouette focused design turned into another kobold (shocking I know), which I felt had a pretty tomboyish/spunky attitude, so the idea came to me that this was a kobold artificer or an inventor of sorts! Only minimal character details for her exist so far, but Gizmo (working name) has an enormous ego, she's a bit of a creative genius, and closet simp for her dragon friends, to the point of deep down wanting to be one herself. Definitely want to do more with her in the future!

On the bottom row, we're starting with the initial rough sketch re-do of the Vallory sketch I included in last week's Snapshot. I had mentioned that I wasn't really happy with the one I had done at the time, and while there's not really a ton different so far in this stage, I'm already liking the posing better. The more direct head-on approach already has more of the vibes I wanted for the piece, with Vallory practically squaring-up against the viewer in terms of presence, though obviously she's not getting ready to beat anyone up! Moving along, the last bit of sketches, while broken into two parts, were actually done in the same sitting, starting with a revisit to one of my older kobold conceps Chamomile, a snoozy kobold who just wants to sleep and cuddle! I tweaked a few things about her design for this one, with the context of the change being that when I drew her initially, I did a different sketch shortly afterwards that had a similar (but wasn't quite the same) design for another kobold, but with a bigger chest, though still a snoozy vibe. I had pondered at the time making the two the same, but ultimately never came back to it. So as I was going through my older sketches that day, I saw Chamomile and decided to flesh her out a bit more, giving the bigger chest (and her ENORMOUS tail) a bit of details to explain their presence and changes. I took a few tries to get the feeling right, ultimately ditching some of the heavier builds I was experimenting with and instead keeping the initial dangerously thick thighs and huge tail, and slim/soft everything else. But I wasn't satisfied after that, so I did some concepts for two more kobolds afterwards, Cinnamon and Sugar! A femboy and transgirl couple that dress in big cozy clothes and are very physically affectionate. Chamomile's influence very much rubbed off on them!

But I'll go ahead and stop there for now since there's not a ton of info around those two, and this post is already getting pretty long winded for the number of sketches I have. I'm looking forward to getting more progress on commissions done this week, with another sketch page in the works as well as more big buff characters!

As always, thank you all so much for your support, and I hope you are enjoying your weekend, and that you all have a wonderful week!



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