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...I looked at the potential gallery (memory room) that I want to make, thought "this is easy, I can make this in three days!", started, got frustrated, thought "this is stupid, no way it has to be this frustrating!" thrown it overboard for now and instead started rendering the Vivienne scenes :D.

Memory room is not going to be as easy as I thought because most of the scenes are "dynamic", meaning usually it will check for a variable like chastity. But since the memory room isn't really part of the main game, those variables are not initialised.

Ideally you should be able to choose it before the scene plays from the memory room (so you can play it with or without chastity, depending on what you want to see). If anyone already did something similar in Ren'py and has the code lying around please tell me ;).

Right now I am just focussing on the Vivienne content, which is way more fun, anyway. Will show you next week how she's living ;)

Have a nice sunday and

stay kinky!




Will be Vivienne available next day? ^^ Or did i missed some content with her on the current game stat?

Lost Soul

So hyped for Vivienne I had my eye on her since I first saw her in game! Can't wait to see what you do with her!


How do we download new updates for Blackmore and how do I get the newer versions of FemdomCity on android