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So, here we are. First of all for all russian native speakers there is good news: 0.3.3b is just done and contains the russian translation! You can get it right here:

Download PC 

There is a small typo fix as well but that is pretty much it, so if you don't want the russian translation there is no real point in downloading 0.3.3b if you have 0.3.3a. I will upload the MAC version and the Android version later to itch.io!

Shoutout to itch.io btw, they finally gave me 2gb space for each file! It is their maximum file size...so it won't work forever (Shadow over Blackmore already is at 1gb and only at version 0.3), but at least it is a solution for players currently having trouble with the mega download.

I have been playing around a little with other game engines, especially one for point and click adventures (it is called visionaire studio). Compared to a visual novel style you have a character that you can move around (you can look at point and click adventures like monkey island or leisure suit larry for a reference). It is intriguing because with that you would not have to render movement into the pictures, but a moving character once. You can also have the npc characters move on screen. And the text appears over the characters head instead of a seperate textbox. It is interesting. Not sure if the next game will be like that, but I will keep playing around with it.

But the new game is far away anyway...since femdom city still needs two updates before it is finished and I also told you guys that I want to add the Vivienne side quest next.

So that is the focus and I'll start working on it now: Vivienne side quest, Memory Room (the gallery where you can replay scenes) and maybe inventory and character sheet overhaul (will most likely break all saves!).

You can tell me in the comments what you think the Vivienne Side Quest should be about!

Let's get started into an interesting year full of kinky stuff ;)

Stay kinky and welcome to 2024 :)!




For Vivienne I feel the stuff she did in the old promo image was fitting. Feminization, chastity, and feet. So maybe like caging the protagonist and doing CEI with her feet or something. We haven't really had much cum play in SOB yet, so it would be different. Also if there's feminization, it would nice if it wasn't just clothes.


not just clothes but what else? do you mean makeup, hair and such or really like behaviour changing?

K Choi

First of all great work on the game so far! I reckon Vivienne is my fav character of them all. I like that she seems to have a bit of mystique and intelligence, so I'm happy you are finally doing a side quest with her. I like the idea of some strict predicament bondage, tease and denial, with chastity involved. Maybe even some choices that end up with a bad (good) ending with becoming her personal slave or something, but without ending up in a permanently bound position like with the other endings.


I know this comment is late, but Vivienne seemed like a dominant sugar mommy -- she spanks and spoils her cherished pet.


ha, i like it. sugar mommy wasn't exactly what i had in mind for her, though :D