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...I am not sure what I am doing wrong, if it is just bad luck or if rendering just is the worst thing that you can do for a graphics card, but it looks like after only 3 years my rtx 3080 got whipped a few days ago and now i suddenly get nothing but crashes and display errors. I worked that thing pretty hard, I know, but I read that even miners can use their cards 4 years+. Maybe I am just bad at maintenance, since I am not even doing basic stuff like dusting it off from time to time...

Predecessor rtx 4090 is on its way (weirdly still has the same amount of video gb, 16, but might still improve render speed). 

Vivienne content is coming along nicely so far, will surely be fun. Hopefully the new graphics card will be arriving soon so I can start with the animations (rendering itself doesn't work but setting up the animations in daz works, at least for now). Until then I will focus on the inventory and character sheet stuff!

It is freezing cold here in germany, so better not go outside but play (femdom) video games instead ;)

Have a nice start into the new week and

stay kinky (and warm)!




Sorry to hear about your graphics card but I am so excited to for Vivienne content. I still can't really tell you why I like Vivienne so much since I'm usually all about the bigger girls but she really does it for me. If only she was futa or at least used a strap on.


I doubt you did anything wrong. Unless you’re in an extremely dusty environment, or have pets that shed a lot and can get next to your pc, it should have been fine. I’m wondering if it might be a driver problem? Try completely uninstalling the GPU drivers with Display Driver Uninstaller, then reinstall your drivers


What are you using exactly to make these renders, you gotta remember non related game engines don't use GPU and mostly relies on the CPU.


i started sending my pc for cleaning atleast ons a year after i burned down my last CG

Frank Kuschmann

Yeah, that reminds me that I have to clean my PC inside again too before my processor goes on strike. I wish you a successful week with your new graphics card!

Frank Kuschmann

And, Lady Vivienne, please, I would prefer coffee, if you don't mind.