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I have altered the xenobite so far that she doesn't really resemble the original anymore...but that makes her missing something. I think the character is not quite as good without the nails. Also the blue skin is much better than the red...still looks good but...i don't know. Most likely not good enough to make it into Blackmore (also kind of looks like Tara a bit now).

We will put her on the backburner for a while. Not sure what to do with her...she can get comfortable with all the other alien dominatrixes in my closet waiting for their time to shine :D

Anyway,  I am now at the end half of day 3. You will have to explore another level on the tower for a bit to get your list with names in order to work...and that level has someone in it that does not want you to leave so fast ;)

This is all that I have so far...and yes, that is not that much :( It is missing office items (chairs, desks and old pcs...and cobwebs. Floor walls and the bright light right at the start of the level is already very awesome, though. The fade into darkness will be edited in, of course. I am on it...won't take long. Will be interactive (meaning you can click on most of the stuff), grungy and scary :)

And that's all for this weeks update...don't have much else to say so I just wish you a good start into the new week and

stay kinky! :)



Frank Kuschmann

But that second dominatrix with red eyes that you are showing us here doesn't look bad at all and she even has a scaring blue skin - lol. I suppose we will get some shocking descriptions about the things that we will nearer look at in this blood splattered room? (*cold sweat*)


Here are a few suggestions. You can give her a grungy crown instead made o nails. You remember the crown that Mouth of Sauron or Witch King of Angmar wore in LOTR? Something like that. Corset looks nice. But once again, she misses a regal look.