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Sometimes things just turn out good. I had so much fun this week! Creating the monster that waits for your at the other level of the tower, creating the game mechanics for it and making the long corridor that you have to walk through...

...and collect some clues.

I know these monster scenes are not for everyone, like not everyone liked the slug encounter in the game. But I love to create it so you have to deal with it. There will be options to bypass the encounter and while this one will be a bit more scary than the slug queen, there won't be like jump scares or anything like that, don't worry :)

But maybe some clicking sounds that run chills down your spine :)

The entire encounter is almost done...i have a hard time to not spoiler her to you (well, you see a bit of her in the first picture), but i think this time it is best to let you wait until you see the scene ingame!

After that, there is the Bellatrix scene remaining, another story encounter and a dream sequence. Plus hopefully 3 side quests, depending on how long they take i might decide to only make two...but I pretty much promised Vivienne, Dr. Monroe and the futa orgy already. Whatever it will be, it looks like another busy week for me! :)

Alright, that's it for this sunday!

I think it is time to say this again: Thank you for the support that you guys are giving me! Because of you I can just go out there and buy the assets that make these renders awesome, like the cobwebs or all the parts that I needed to create the monster! You guys are awesome and this is possible because of you!

Stay kinky!




I liked the slug as well, cause i´m a fan of medusa, lamia and arachne.... hybrids are very interesting in my opinion. Especially the movement. There are nice femme fatale hybrid stories out there :P I totally go with Franks and Villians thoughts. Thank you very much for all the effort. The assets are equal to your creatvity. Both are awesome and high quality. :) Have an awesome week, Darktoz. I can´t wait to play the results :P

eldritch enlightenment

Looks like we'll get ourselves a drider, time to pick up slipper...


I'm a wimp, but thank you for the care with the jump scares : D