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Do you know the feeling of finding something that you have been looking for for such a long time? It feels awesome. I have a crush for sadistic evil mistresses as I am sure you are aware by now, and in mainstream hollywood culture you don't come across those very often.

Hellraiser was one of the first horror movies that I saw. Like all first horror movies you have seen it earlier in your life than you should have...and save to say the male pinhead and the lore in that movie left an impression. My wicked mind dreamed of a female version and I think the latest hellraiser has a female as pinhead (haven't seen it, yet...safe to say that the later hellraiser movies that i have seen have all been disappointing)... and judging by the artwork that you can find on the web I am not the only one. 

And now I finally have found the model...

I am not sure if I can put her into Shadow over Blackmore. She is so clearly a Hellraiser Franchise character that she doesn't even come with commercial rights so I might get into trouble with copyright things...which sucks big time, of course...

...because on the other hand I want to do this so bad, she would be perfect for hunting the character in Blackmore, bargaining with him and so on!

Not only one, but a whole group would be even better!

I am trying to alter her but it is difficult. the skin is unique and comes with the head marks, so you cannot change the skin colour too much (though a bit is possible). But the main thing are the pins of course, and the pins make the character! you just can't do the character without them!

Maybe giving her hair is the solution?

I don't know.

It is literally all that is on my mind right now, somehow making this character work. Maybe you got ideas? In the end I think I won't risk it, the character skin itself doesn't come with a commercial licence so the creator was already aware of the problem, I think. Man, but think of getting caught in a dungeon by two of these beauties...or three!

Lots of rambling about that one character that most likely won't even be in the update...but this has been on my mind the last 3 days, so I thought I'd share. Let me know in the comments if you have a solution...or maybe I just do some heavy bondage artwork with her 4free...

Have a nice sunday and

stay kinky!




Intensely hot! Even if it was one dark and sadistic leader with other minions who will do anything to please her including deep torture and mental anguish on mc. Amazing


Just WOW. :D You are right. You barly see alienatrixes in media. :) Have a great week :)