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Well, this week wasn't the best in terms of rendering new stuff. I had to redo a character because of a skin issue and spend some time on that plus I also have pretty much been busy visiting Faerun since thursday, not going to lie...

"Psssst...he means he is playing Baldurs Gate III!"

Baldurs Gate II was one of the reasons that I wanted to make games, it might be the main reason I made Captured by Dark Elves (which is loosely kind of the predecessor to Shadow over Blackmore), and the new game has been great so far. But I think a chunk of my audience knows this by now ;)!

(I hope you are hunting for ingame femdom scenes as well ;)

Now I'd say that half of the content for Shadow over Blackmore is done! I am a bit worried about the side quests and how long they might take, because there is 3 of them that I want to make. Not only want to but they are kind of necessary and should be big: Vivienne, Dr. Monroe and a Futa Orgy...

Well, I will focus on finishing the main day 3 first and worry about that later ;)

Have a good start into the new week and

stay kinky!




its ok take a break and enjoy Baldurs Gate. I played the whole weekend like a lunatic myself. Mizora is one sexy devil for sure. but unfortunately im too evil and my companions ran away... so not sure i can flirt with her :(


i played an evil party just so that i can see if minthara is worth it...but wasn't impressed, especially for a drow i was expecting more...dominance :( not sure who to go after in this game


:D "Ich muss an seiner Leine rucken." Nice found. Befor real femdom games that was all we had, right? I searched for such films and games as well and found some. It´s like heaven that finally games with femdoms exist. I´m soooo exited for your next update. Even when Dr. Monroe`s site line appears later. Have an awesome week, Darktoz. :)


Ha! so true! It was hunting for femdom scenes in the mainstream games and films :D Have an awesome week as well :)


Mhm a Asmodeus Tiefling with Succubus Vibes would be nice :P


in the game there is a bdsm scene with a loviatar priest...unfortunetly male, but a female loviatar cleric would be nice as well :)


Do you already know, give or take, how many days total is SoB's story going to last?


Yes, roughly. The way I planned it was that there is 10-14 days of pure story content...and like 21-25 days overall (after 21 days there will be an event) so you have "off" days where you can just do side quests or sleep and proceed with the story, and then most days will be like they are right now where you sort of get pushed through the day in order to move the story forward