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I need some honest feedback on an ambient track I made.

I needed another simple ambient track to mix it up so that the main ingame theme of tSoB doesn't get too repetetive, but I didn't find anything so far. I have had trouble finding good simple loop music in the past already and it takes a lot of time to search.

Long story short I decided to make something that fits the athmosphere myself, but it is very hard for me to rate my own track and if it is good enough for the game, so...:


It is nothing fancy, but if you could download the track, listen to it and give feedback in the comments if you think it would be fitting and is good enough quality, that would be nice! Thanks!

July is finally almost over and the weather is getting worse where I live. For rendering that is certainly good news. Progress was good though, despite the hot temperatures. Still have a lot of scenes to render but at least it is certain that this will be the biggest tSoB update so far...once again ;)

Have a good start into august and

Stay kinky!




The first few seconds when it's just the beat sound a bit off. Can't quite put my finger on it, it's a bit like the sounds are too close to each other. The rest of the song is a solid base however, though I think it needs at least one more element in it to bring in a bit more variety. PS: That picture you posted is funny. :D


would it be better if the beat and bass start at the same time right away?


Sound is good for me 👍


I need some bellatrix back in my life 😪


To be honest I like it but what’s the vibe your going for with the back ground ambiance vibe wise?


seems ok? am i listening for quality? hard to give feedback without knowing the context.


yes you are a bit late, that was 4 months ago ;) was asking if the quality was good enough to put it into the game