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So the vast majority of you guys want to see fcity ported. It was also pointed out in the comments that it is in your best interest that porting it does not take much time. If I do the port to renpy myself it will take quite a lot of that.

The solution would be to find someone who knows both RenPy and Visual Novel Maker and is trustworthy and let him do the port while I keep working on new scenes. I will ask around if someone like that exists (maybe you know someone? if so, let me know).

If not, we will decide what to do after I am done creating the new scenes for the update. I am currently leaning towards making this update with the old visual novel maker engine and then start porting the whole game after the update (while working on shadow over blackmore).

I have made a few nice scenes already! I gotta say I thought it would be disappointing to return to my old render engine and artstyle, but it is actually quite refreshing and fun! Especially animations...

...are so much easier if you can use "Inverse Kinematics", meaning you can really pin arms and legs in place so they don't move with the rest of the body!

I will focus on making more scenes this week and the next...and if everything goes according to plan, this is all the time that I need for them. So the next game update might hit you sooner than expected ;) !

Have a nice sunday, a good start into the new week and most importantly

stay kinky!




Stick with the old Engine. Less complicated, stays faithful to the original style of the game and it we'll get faster updates. Plus you're having FUN with it! :)


oh, if you mean the visuals with original style, then render engine and game engine are two different types. game engines are for the mechanics, shadow over blackmore uses renpy and femdom city uses visual novel maker. but for the artwork i use a render engine. femdom city uses poser pro 11 which you see above and shadow over blackmore uses daz3d ;) might be a bit confusing... the artstyle for femdom city will stay the same since i don't plan to switch the render engine for that game :)