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Another sunday update with some render previews. As you know Shadow over Blackmore is currently on a short break and I am focussing on Femdom City MANTIS at the moment. It won't be finished with this coming update, though.

But the first endings will be in the game. Hannah and Jezebel for example. I have almost finished both of them. I want to do a prisoner ending as well that happens when you fail to pay taxes and visit the judge a 2nd time. Btw these are kind of "bad" endings. That means your journey in femdom city will end if you decide to go with jezebel or hannah for the last time (game over ;).

Then I want to do one or two more story scenes. We are currently at 84 or 86 days (not entirely sure) and it is time for you to make a choice of some sort ;) . Also the hospital and uptown deserve both another scene but that's not a priority...

The (story) choices that I thought about, meaning the mistresses you can end up with at the end of the story, are Eva, Beatrix, The camp (well, mostly Jazz McDormund but she will be willing to share you with the others) and the futa army.

In my point of view, these make the most sense for story endings (there will be an escape option and a free roam in femdom city option as well). Hannah, Charlene, Bella and Roxxy and all the others do also deserve endings but they don't really have to be tied to the story, if you know what I mean (well, Bella does maybe).

If you think that I have missed a mistress that should be a story choice, let me know.

So...yeah pretty much all I can say other than I am working on more scenes and animations this upcoming week ;)

Have a nice sunday and

stay kinky!




I love you


I played again with MANTIS, because there are problems with saving/loading - I thought: just make a long game without saving. However, it then became very slowly around day 40, and at some point the game then simply crashed without error message. Maybe it would make more sense to put the game on a more stable variant for now?!


would be the best solution, but would also require a lot of time to port the game to another engine