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I have been going through the comments of the last post and read them all. I realized how much love there is for the game and its characters. I am rendering new scenes for it for the first time in ages and I really like going back to the old characters :)

But for some the experience of Femdom City is still a kind of buggy one, especially with loading saves and on mobile.

The Visual Novel Maker engine used for fcity is pretty much abandoned and doesn't really get support, so I am thinking of something that I have avoided so far just because of the workload that comes with it: Porting the game to Renpy! For those who don't know: Renpy is the engine used in Shadow over Blackmore. It has nothing to do with the artwork, but the mechanics of the game. How smooth things run, how saving and loading is handled, all that sort of stuff!

The upside would be no more saving issues and a functioning mobile version. Most likely a more stable experience and a better overall performance on desktop as well (that is not 100% guaranteed, since you can only say that for sure once it is ported). If the end result is good and stable, I might also publish the game on steam (nice for you if you want to have it in your steam library, nice for me to get some additional exposure. Oh, and the game would get translated in other languages, since Renpy makes that easy...

The downside would be that this would take time and I can't say how much. But femdom city mantis currently has the most content of any of my games. By far! I think if you go and play it for the first time and explore everything until you get to day 86 you spend 2-4 hours ingame! If you've played it you know how many animated scenes this game has! So it is by no means an easy task.

I also don't know how many of the userbase really have performance problems and/or saving and loading issues. It could be 2% of the player base and these are just very vocal or it could be 20% and most of them just say "well, it is what it is"... 

If you want to take a look at it yourself just compare the performance of The Shadow over Blackmore and Femdom City MANTIS. If both work equally well for you, you might just want a faster update with the current engine.

Tell me what you think in the comments and please vote so that I can see what you, my community, think about it!

Should Femdom City MANTIS be ported to Ren'Py, yes or no?

Stay kinky!



I'd say only if you hire someone for the port as to not slow down progress on new content.


that would be the best solution! but it would have to be someone that is not only trustworthy but also proficient in both renpy and visual novel maker!


I'm surprised so many people voted in favor of it. I think if the options were: 1) port to RenPy, delay all new releases and updates by X months; 2) release 2/3/4 updates for Femdom City and Shadow over Blackmore the results of the poll would be very different.