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Ok, this should be the final version! And...it should fix the "picture stuck in background"-bug. I say it should because I personally do not have that error (according to the last poll, only 20% of players do). But I spoke with the creators of the engine and they gave me a new piece of code to implement. I also rearranged ALL scenes in order for better performance. The game should run very smooth now! Starting up the game the first time might take a bit of time depending on your system:


Keep in mind, the save folder is still in:

 C:\Users\"name"\AppData\Local\MANTIS\User Data\Default 

That means if you can simply erase the old 0.3.3 version since the save files were not saved inside the folder.

Also made another poll to see if you still have bugs or problems with this version. I think that it will never work 100% fine for everybody and every pc...that is just how it is. 

 So fingers crossed. If this works, all bugs are fixed and I can move on!

Hope you are all sane and safe in these difficult times!

Stay kinky!


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