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Ok, ok. I am very happy that the newest version of Femdom City is now pretty much bug free. Was a bit of a drag to fix the latest bugs but in the end the effort was worth it. Overall the update was very well received by you guys which makes me very happy.


Now, if you want to help me, please share this link on every kinky place you know to get more people interested. I know this is shamelessly using you guys for marketing, but word of mouth is still the strongest marketing and the more you do it, the less I have to do it...which means I can focus on working on my games!

Eva Smith wants more tax!

Before I come to that, one quick announcement for my USA supporters: You are now one of us. See, us europe plebs (and most of the rest of the world) had to pay a tax on our pledges (called VAT). Turns out you will have to pay that as well now. Patreon keeps sending me dozens of emails of "How to explain it to your patreon supporters" and I am like ok...but when this came for europe years ago you pretty much said nothing...and now you are making a big deal about it? Maybe it is because of the difficult times that we're in right now, I don't know.

Starts 1st of july. I am sorry that you have to pay taxes on supporting me. You should not. And I hope you will still support me. But I am supporting a lot of creators here on Patreon and no one ever said to me "So sorry that you poor europe guy do have to pay VAT to support me".

Plus I have already raised awareness of the importance of taxes with my Femdom City gameplay mechanic :D :D.

Now, CbDE

Captured by Dark Elves is getting close. Close to being finished (in general, not the next update...I have just started with that). The endings that are missing are: Prisoner Endings, Demon Ending, Khadra Ending, Talice Ending, Za'Ress Ending, Samira Ending.

That makes 2 updates:

Update one: Talice (Extended), Demons (hybrid), Khadra (story)

Update two: Samira (Extended), Prisoners, Za'Ress (story)

After that is done, I will try to add a New Game+ mode...and after that Captured by Dark Elves is finished.

Right now the plan is: CbDE Update One, Mantis 0.4, CbDE Update two. But that can change, all I know right now is that the first bunch of endings is coming next, because I started this week to render it...

That's pretty much all for now, will tell you more about the progress next week!

Thanks for your support and

stay kinky!



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