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I know I'm a bit early since it is saturday, but I'm away tomorrow and I always think it is better to talk to you on the weekend where people tend to have a bit more time.

Captured by Dark Elves Episode 2 was very well received. It will be released for non patrons next week so that you guys have it exclusive for one more week to go. The only complaint was that this episode was a bit too grindy for the taste of some, and I can understand where this is coming from. I've played it a lot myself and we all know that the battle system is something that gets a bit repetetive.

That's the flaw of a RPG Maker Game. The battle system is what it is. Captured by Dark Elves will get an episode 3 and multiple ending episodes, meaning there will be certain big endings based on your decisions and a few subendings of these endings on who you end up with. After that, I will move on. Not only move on to another game, but also most likely another game engine. And maybe a new graphic style as well, because I slowly reach the limits of what my render engine can do.

I will have a Kinkster discussion on the future project during this week, explaining what I'm planning, what I want to do and so on. But Captured by Dark Elves is not finished and will definitely get its deserved ending, and that will take some time :).

Now, on we go...with the next focus shift! M.A.N.T.I.S., baby!

I will tell you what I have planned for this Update on Femdom City M-A-N-T-I-S:

- Update all existing jobs with new scenes (3-4 each)

- New Blue Oyster Futa Whore job (got voted by kinksters)

- TV watching in the blue oyster (you might remember that from the original Femdom City)

- Femdom School (Raise your stats, learn from cruel teachers, meet mean schoolgirls)

- Femdom City Cops

- Story Updates (More encounters, Beatrix de Jaager story, taxpay with Eva, even more encounters...)

- Be able to talk to every person you see on every scene

- ...?

So far, so good. I have already optimized the leveling system so that you now get better feedback when raising your stats. I have also implemented two hotkeys for "saving" and "loading", as you guys asked me to do. But overall I've just started with rendering the scenes and making the new characters.

I will keep you updated, as always, but right now it is too early to give an estimation on when I can release it. I know some of you guys want a release date and an early one at best, but I have to say that the last episode of Captured by Dark Elves was full of bugs because I rushed it in order to get it done on point. It all got fixed on the next day because of you guys providing help and giving awesome feedback, but I would try to avoid staying up until 4 a.m. in the morning, uploading bugfixes and new versions this time. 

Like I said, I've just started...give me some time to make it good ;). This version of MANTIS will also be the one that is going to be released to the public (the current version is still Patreon Only), so I better make sure that this update is going to be awesome!

That's it, enjoy the weekend, guys and girls :)

Stay kinky!




Awsome keep up the good work dont rush things becuse then mistakes happend take your time😊


Thanks for the update! :) Loved Dark Elves but i’m also looking forwards to Mantis.


Careful on changing engines, a new engine comes with a lot of new problems. Besides I love your current art style and feel you hit the nail on the head between fantasy and realistic bodies.


Keep up the good work, take your time :)


I love my art style, too! But there is a problem and that is the content available for my engine. I don't have the scenes that I want, things like good chastity cages are missing, I miss good posable handcuffs, male latex encasement suits, furry and beastmen stuff, torture devices, real military uniforms and so on. All the good vendors have stopped producing content for my render engine :(, all have switched to DAZ3D :(. Now, for the new game engine, that is a no brainer for me! I've always wanted to do that. I have already switched from rpg maker to tyranobuilder to visualnovelmaker and back to rpg maker. But rpg maker cannot do the stuff that I want to do for future games. I have a few big dream games that I want to create, where the gameplay is just as awesome as my xxx scenes, where you enjoy every aspect of the gameplay. that's why I have to move on, away from rpg maker.


Just to make clear. Is CbD Episode 3 the last episode and will end with different endings. Or is Episode 3 the first episode with different endings and there will be more?


Episode 3 will have no endings. The endings will come afterwards. At least that is how I planned it


Like the asylum. I just wanted to be sure that the third Episode will be the last. But I am sure your next project will be even more incredible.


no, not like the asylum. The Asylum was basically endings where you end up with your favourite mistress. this time ending episodes will be bigger, but less in numbers. For example: You escaping with your inmates, setting up the bomb, fighting your way back out of the skull mine will be one ending. You helping to find Arachna would be another ending. These endings have different subendings like you deciding on your way out to team up with Shyael...or another inmate. It's complicated, and usually it leads to confusion when I try to explain things two steps ahead. I should have just kept my mouth shut :D


well i like Mantis better but i know you will do amzeing work on both so do tyt . you are still the best out there


thank you! sorry if I did not make that clear: MANTIS is definitely the NEXT update! I always jump from one to the other ;)

Nikolay Donets

Will there be a new game + with saved exp&skills so that we can re-run the Captured by Dark Elves without grinding again? What about gallery?


That's a good idea! That's a good way to explore all content without consuming too much time and without simply having cheat codes xD


A gallery isn't possible, I've tried that already with The Asylum! New Game+ on the other hand is a fantastic idea! I have to keep that in mind!


Hey, CbDE 2 was great, i had so much fun by playing it. Especially the part when i was fighting with Tallice and Khadra together. And im curious about Malthara. I hope there will be an (sub-)ending in which you can life together with one of the Dark Elves, and be happy with her (not get totally dominated all the time) but of course thats just a wish and totaly up to you. Nice Game so far.


thank you :). Yes, I should definitely consider doing more onmap events like that. I have something like that in mind, but I don't really want to give anything away about the endings and it's not always the best idea to talk about something I haven't even started working on ;)


The updates to FDC sound awesome, I can't wait. I didn't get to the end of CBDE I found it too difficult to maintain enough energy to get through all the combat scenes. I don't think that style of gameplay is for me really, but I still love the artwork in it. Keep up the great work.


Well, that is why it's good that I work on two games ;). Thank you :)


hey darktoz, when's the next update for any game comming out? roughly?


He usually aims for one a month and the latest release of Captured by Dark Elves is about a week or two old so, I imagine the next update of Femdom City Mantis will be around middle of next month all being well.


Hey! I just became a supporter after trying out the Femdom city demo about a week ago and since then I've also played all the Captured by Dark Elves episodes, and I must say I really like the atmosphere your games cultivate! (I was always into femdom, but the music and art in Femdom city even reminded me of Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines a little, which is one of my favorite games) Anyways, I just wanted to ask whether there will be any way to import saves from the demo to the official release of M.A.N.T.I.S? I had 450 dollars for my first tax collection and took all the decisions to please Eva in my demo playthrough for example, and I think it would be cool if the game would remember those choices somehow! Great job with the games Darktoz!


You mean the old public demo? No. A beta of Femdom City MANTIS is already out and can be played by supporters: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/all-darktoz-19751202">https://www.patreon.com/posts/all-darktoz-19751202</a> If you mean that new version, then hopefully yes, I try to make that possible! And thank you. I loved Bloodlines as well! It is funny that you mention it at this time, because I just watched the live announcement trailer of Bloodlines 2 :D

Mr. Much

How I ended up on your patreon earlier this week, I'm not even certain anymore. With trillion tabs open and clicking link after link, I couldn't recall it for the life of me, but I simply would like to leave a comment here, saying that you're doing an awesome job! I just finished The Asylum in 1 sitting, with the Bonnie / Ashley escape ending and it was a total blast. I also played the Dark Elves one all the way through, but afterwards I learned that I played the episode 1 version, so in order to experience all the goodness after the continue, I'd have to replay it all again (which I definitely will, but I got to give it some time. :P). Anyway, keep up the great works and I will definitely be playing more of your games in the future!


Thanks so much! You can actually keep your saves from episode 1 and transfer them to episode 2! Here is one way to do it: <a href="https://darktoz.bdsmlr.com/post/45670968" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://darktoz.bdsmlr.com/post/45670968</a>


Any chance of a future VtMB-inspired game then? The player could be a mere human toy or a lowly ghoul for various female-only clans. One clan with tall, muscular vampiresses, one with Futas, etc... :)


I have something like that in mind, but it wouldn't be only vampires. I think of all the supernatural stuff: Ghosts, Banshees, Ghouls, Occult Necromancer circles, demons, devils, werewolves, monsters. We can talk about it when CbDE is closer to being finished :)