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Here it is, the final version now available for every supporter:

Mega NZ Link 

(The Gamer+ Tier already has this version)

Here is the mobile version for android user:

Mega NZ Link (Android APK) 

And here is the complete walkthrough for the game:


Intro Episode 

Episode 1 

Episode 2 

To keep your saves from the previous episode simply follow this short explanation:


Thank you all for the amazing support! I will take 2-3 days off now and recharge my batteries, that means I won't be as quick as usual in responding to messages and comments.

After that I will start working on a big update for Femdom City MANTIS, meaning every job will get 3 new scenes, a new job gets implemented, some user friendly changes, all mistresses can be talked to, new story encounters and more background story, the femdom school will be available and many, many more things :)

Have a nice sunday! Stay kinky!



Francois Champagne

Thanks for all of your works and I can't wait for the next update of Femdom City MANTIS!


Hi; i love you work; CbDE is a great game., but my heart belongs to Femdom city. hop e to see the update pretty soon :) keep up the great work


hey darktoz, i really like your ideas and style but i have 2 questions, why so much pov style? feel like we miss some good scene with just that, and it's a bit frustrating not be able to see the good part of each scene, i mean idon't mind spending some time grinding lvl if i can see everything and here it's not possible, why?


Was kind of my signature when I started out...wanted to make people feel like they're experiencing it that way a) because it's easier to render, you don't have to focus on the difficult parts like expressions of the suffering character and head movement and b) can be more immersive. Unlike Femdom City MANTIS, where you see your avatar, the character can look like you imagine him to look. That being said, Femdom City is already in 3rd person and future games most likely will be like that as well, but I can't simply change the pov perspective of a game that has been like that for 3 episodes already. That being said: These animations are rendered pictures, displayed one by one, five in a row. There will always been a fixed camera angle...and there is a good chance that I will miss your favourite angle. This isn't 3d ;)


yeah i understand ;) anyway i like the style of your game it's rly good so far, and we can see i real improvement since bdsm tournament GJ


Thanks for your great work. In the walkthrough you said you should have most at level 2 and perhaps one with level 3. Have i just been terribly unlucky with rng? Everythings mined, im three glowing stones up, just the last one to click. Ive even finished the escape (well, as far as its finished). But still only level 12. I also mined everything in the last installment. I'm like 400xp off level 13, but can't trigger encounters. Ive got two points in 3 traits and one in endurance. Are there other places i can score xp?


Will u make mantis so that u can have 1st pov and 3ts pov or just 3stpov?😊


It will continue to be as it currently is. It will mainly be 3rd person with 1/3rd to 1/4th of the scenes being optional available as 1st person pov as well


Stupid quest will ask should i start the game in the old part before i start this new game ?


not sure what you mean? You can use your old saves in the new version. But you do not need the old version for starting. The new version that you can download contains all the previous versions! So if you want to start out new you can do that with the new version, no problem


So some scens are 1person and some not?


no, some scenes have both angles. Mantis is already out and playable so you can check for yourself what I mean: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/all-darktoz-19751202">https://www.patreon.com/posts/all-darktoz-19751202</a>


Hi Darktoz. I followed and became a supporter just today. Just wanted to ask about your update frequency for the games. Escepcially 'Femdom City: MANTIS' .


Hi! I don't make promises on updates. My frequency is that a new update will come when it is done and when there is enough content to enjoy. It usually takes me a month, sometimes two, or something in between.


I know i played it was just sondering what u where going to do in the futere😊thx for ansewering


i write bad, but you find out exactlie what i mean you are so good. thanks for wery good answer


I give detailed Updates on the progress usually every week on sunday. But since I just finished the walkthrough and the android port of CbDE, I've just started this week...so I'm not very far if that is what you want to know. Mostly implemented some improvements of the GUI and the base code plus hotkeys for saving and some additional scenes for the existing jobs


Is there only a prologue in mobile version? After defeating the crawler I get "to be continued" screen and game ends


No, that must be the wrong version. The normal android version has the same length as the original desktop version


Ofcourse episode 3 would be awesome, there's too little futa games right now who was good storyline :)


Link is dead :(


of course it is, this post is past half a year old. if you want to access the games just click here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/all-darktoz-19751202