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The Asylum

Download the Walkthrough! 

Are you planning to visit the Asylum again? Well, not without this detailed Walkthrough! I spent the nights in and worked my ass off just so that you can enjoy the Darktoz Classic even more and I think that...

...ah, who am I kidding. A patreon supporter named Nix approached me recently, saying that he's working on a complete walkthrough on the game. I had already made piece with the idea of answering "How do I get the Dr. Horney ending" for the rest of my life, but this version of his was already so detailed, that it took little effort from my side to update and complete it.

So thanks to Nix you guys now have a detailed walkthrough for the Asylum! Take it with you when you visit it next time :)

 Big "thank you" to Nix!

Captured by Dark Elves


It's now free to play for all! So please, feel free to share this link! Make some marketing moves for me and post this game on social media, reddit, your favourite fetish forum or wherever else. Or just enjoy playing it ;)

Femdom City M.A.N.T.I.S.

It's coming next, it's coming somewhere next month! And those who know me know that it will most likely be the middle of next month...sometimes the end, never the beginning. I'm making ok progress. Could be better, could be worse. Working on the new characters is hard, because it should really feel like a city full of mistresses, and making mistress after mistress after futa without being repetetive and making them look similar is very hard! It is also the most fun part to create a new character, so I will definitely not rush it.

Have almost all job updates done, have done the new job as well. I have all busts ready so that you can talk to the people you see on screen.

Femdom School is still missing, story encounters are missing, cops encounter is missing, 2nd tax encounter is missing. A lot is missing.

I will not manage to get it into this update, but the next update has to bring an extended bad ending into the game. Just so that people see what I mean to do with it. Right now you can't fuck up in this game unless you give Jazz all your money and are not able to sleep anymore. And that's more like "shit, I have to reload now."

But the game is all about avoiding (or embracing) the places where you could end up: Prison, Pony Farm, Factory, Factory II, Futa Slave Traders, Asylum. We have to pick one (it won't be Prison. I have too much stuff planned for Prison. Basically a game within in the game...that will take too much time since we are still at the beginning). Might be something for another Kinkster decision.

Mmmh...I realize I already begin to think two steps ahead. Still have to do some work ;) That's it for this week! Have a nice sunday!

Stay kinky!




This is awsome you are doing great keep up the good work 👍


Sunday is always best day in week thank you Darktoz


Is the test version the current version? Play for 10 days and then stop.


Yes. The original Femdom City has 10 days, Femdom City M.A.N.T.I.S. has 10 days as well


yes looking foward to the update . finally back to femdom city.

Boku no Otokonoko

Sorry if you already said about this, but when do you plan (or are you even planning?) to unite the original FC 10 days story with M.A.N.T.I.S. story in one software structure (I mean in one game)? I think it's fine if the renders are different. This game is awesome, and I feel it has to be a whole art composition. Sorry for my poor angelish (⌒_⌒;)


I'm not planning to unite the two. Femdom City ends exactly where M.A.N.T.I.S. begins. Only M.A.N.T.I.S. will get an update.


Hey Darktoz, First post here ever. Love your games, are you planning on keeping a 10 day maximum? Would be cool if I can keep playing even if it's repetitive 🤖


hi there :) no, I am planning to make it more open world. I am planning something like a message that says " The storyline is over for now, but you can keep playing. Please save your progress now so that you can continue here with the next update!" Not sure if that is going to work out, though


Thanks Nic! Also your ideas for MANTIS sound great.


Hello , i am a new supporter. i want to ask if there are any new features to any of these games? I mean, whilst i was not supporting, i was able to play the asylum, BDSM tournament and Captured 4U in their final version. I just finished Captured by dark elves episode 2 and i am waiting for episode 3. Is there anything new i can play at the moment apart from the Femdom city demo?


Femdom City MANTIS is the successor of the Femdom City Demo. The first days can be played here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/all-darktoz-19751202">https://www.patreon.com/posts/all-darktoz-19751202</a> Apart from that the versions all have the same content. You support so that I can keep making more, you are not 'buying' existing content ;)

Mr. Much

Great walk-through for The Asylum! Thanks to this I was able to see the (Bad) Rose Ending when you try to enter B2 on Day 2. Even though this is a bad ending (and you presumably die), this actually might be my favorite ending. Maybe because I have a natural soft spot/kink for 'dominant, kinky, mad scientist ladies', who knows, haha. Anyway, once again, great work!


thanks :). yes, a lot of people have missed that ending...glad you liked it!


Having tested MANTIS, it looks really good. I hope you can allow variable choices/routes down the road like Asylum was pretty solid in having different endings despite very simplistic variables being involved. I personally hope you have a very difficult route for a decent ending or two for our intrepid hero (maybe very high reputation gives him a decent life compared to most males) and mostly fairly bad endings otherwise (femdom heavy, etc)


Right now it's all about filling MANTIS with content and places. Endings are a bit far away at the moment, even though I would like to include a bad ending soon...


so it this the latest version for The Asylum?For supporters


the asylum is complete. it is available for download to everybody with the same version. Here it is: <a href="https://darktoz.itch.io/fetish-stories-the-asylum" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://darktoz.itch.io/fetish-stories-the-asylum</a>

Eques Leo

A question... is it actually possible to save Jake and still get Melanie ending? I've tried it over and over and it seems you cannot get sufficiently high affection with Melanie to get her ending if you promise to help Jake escape on day 1. Am I correct?


Not entirely sure, but I do think it is possible with helping Jack. You would have to nail every dialogue with her, get the strapon encounter, win every minigame. Still, could be wrong here, and unfortunetly I currently can't look it up because I don't have the file on my laptop currently. Sorry.