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Ok, so, listen up! :)

I'm DONE with almost all the render scenes for the next Episode for Captured by Dark Elves! That usually means it's really close to the finish line.

And while that is good news, I actually don't know when it will be released, because I have to do so much stuff that I haven't done yet (like successfully adding the spiders as new enemies for example).

In my previous games, that stuff was rather easy...in the Asylum I would just have to add the variables and switches plus the dialog, and then the episode is ready. Femdom City was the same, plus some unique VN mechanics. But now I have to be careful with level progression, XP, Health, Combat System and all that stuff.

Why the hell are you telling us this?

Because I'm still not sure when it is going to come :). I don't know how long it will take. So basically I'm telling you that I'm close to finishing it without really knowing it ;).

It could be going really fast from here and it could be released next weekend...or it could be takin' longer (depends on some real life things like job and stuff as well, things I cannot influence) than I expected to implement those things and balancing the game.

Long story short:

Release Date: Coming soon...maybe next weekend...but maybe not :)

(I know this is kind of stupid but it's the best I got :D)

Now, something else. The poll from last week gave me some very good insights, so we will keep it up with them. While Game related Polls will still be for the Kinkster Tier only, I think it's only good and fair to give all of you a chance to speak up about what you currently think of the direction of my games.

In Femdom City the Jobs are just animated scenes without any text, unlike The Asylum or Captured by Dark Elves, where you always have dialog with all the scenes.

Do you prefer the way it is handled in Femdom City or would you like dialog with some of the Jobs as well? Remember that it would be more difficult to 'grind' the game this way (getting a good amount of money in a short period of time).

The 2nd thing I want to talk about is the point of view. I'm very pleased with the new 3rd person renders of Femdom City, but since all my previous games were POV, I understand why a few of you told me that they really need First Person Scenes in the game. So let me know about that as well.

(I'm not too sure wether to ask you this or not since most of my games have been 1st person view so far and you guys are supporting me because of these games...so you might be a bit biased :D)

That is it again, guys! If you don't hear from me next sunday, that will most likely mean that I'm very close to finishing CbDE...or that I've finally lost my mind :D

Stay kinky!



'I think Femdom City 1st/3rd person scenes just right' should be 'I think Femdom City's 1st/3rd person scenes are well balanced'. Looks like I'm unable to change the sentence afterwards :)


Good luck with Dark Elves, hope there's no hiccups in production!


I did vote for the more dialog in the Job scenes but I want to clarify what I would like, it would be great if we could say stuff or have some kind of action that affect the performance of our character at his job, I hope I'm clear at what I try to say.


YES! I know exactly what you mean, something like the fishing minigame in Stardew Valley! I'm trying to find a way to implement something like that, but I haven't found a solution yet. The minigame in 'The Asylum' wasn't good but a first try. Definetly on my agenda!


I really enjoyed the first person perspective for Asylum, cause it adds a whole level of interest and immersion to the game since you can't very well pick what you look like. Without the third person allowing you to pick what your character looks like, its just not as engaging. However, the pixel character art was the best part though, almost like playing a classic Pokemon game with the puzzles, while reserving the scenes for 1st person.


Yes, that is the upside of it. The downside of it is that sex scenes (Threesomes, Spitroast etc.) are limited down to one angle, making it difficult to get the best out of it. Although I'm thinking you can get a bit more creative as long as the head is somewhat covered or not visible in the scene...


Good luck Darktoz! I came for The Asylum but I'm staying for Dark Elves...it's my favorite of your projects by far. Very hype for an update.


For this kind of thing, i personally tend to have a preference for quantity over quality, and gameplay-wise, i like when you can blaze through a game. When you can speed up the game progression, skip cutscenes, dialog and move quickly, i can really enjoy playing through a game multiple times, and it allows me to better enjoy all the content especially when you have choices to make. I thought it was kind of a chore to replay through The Asylum for instance, since you couldn't really skip the most time-consuming scenes


Well, you can hold down the enter button which speeds up the process. It isn't like the 'Skip Button' in Femdom City, but since Games like The Asylum and Captured by Dark Elves have these scenes as 'bread and butter' of the gameplay, filling them with dialog is vital.


Looking forward to seeing it when it's ready.

Whisky frisky

I looove switching between first and theird person views.


Me too, it is a pretty big bonus that comes with that engine. It's something that isn't really possible in rpg maker unfortunetly