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Month is coming to an end and I'm quite busy fixing the released Episode of Captured by Dark Elves, but I got an important question that can't wait. I will keep this very short so that you can focus on the poll :) You can select only one answer!

Stay kinky! See you in August!



Personally I really liked BDSM Tournament. I am a sucker for combat in games like these (I know a fair few people dislike RPG maker style combat but I love it). I just wished losing in that game has sexy consequences. Maybe we might see more of that in the future?


you mean just fights? because captured by dark elves has quite a lot of them. Or fights vs. women? that might come back. I'm not sure if the old fighting system of bdsm tournament will make a comeback, though. rather not. I like the sideview battle system a bit more


Yeah maybe I should clarify, that did in fact mean fights with women. Or just fights with people/things that want to have their way with the player. Fight smart and be high enough lvl and I should be able to defend myself. Fail and well, then I guess I wouldn't have the strength to stop them from doing whatever they wanted, sort like what happens in CoC, ToA, Lilthes throne and games like it.


Since its a divided audience, make Femdom city 80% non-futa, and make Captured 80% futa. For me, I don't really care about mixing two genres but some people here would disagree.


I am still unable to win against the creature after day2 in Captured. Also the setting of Femdon is more interesting.


Personally I love all your games but Dark Elves has me the most hyped for it's potential. Arena, exploration, relationships/affinity, training, levels, skills, perks, mechanically, it has a lot of potential. There could be some UI improvements, (more obvious when levels are gained, tool-tips/game hints), but the core of the game is my favorite of all your work. Glad you had fun making it!


I'm mainly supporting because of the Futa! ;p


The only game works on my mac is The Asylum T T


I support you because your work rocks!


I will, from now on, always mix. Not only two genres, but multiple. Don't care if some people here disagree. I'm not limiting myself!


It might be all one big Femdom Story in the end ;). The crawler is not that difficult to beat. Just make sure you are Level 2 when you face him and have a good amount of health and stamina...then use the Stamina Skill 'Double Swift Strike' all the time.


I've learned something pretty big about the RPG Maker engine...it won't affect the UI, I'm still figuring that out...it will affect the maps, which are my main problem with the game. It's the one thing apart from the menu where you still say: Ah, I've seen that before. Just because the game looks different than all the other RPG Maker Games doesn't mean that it has reached its potential...it's not even close yet


That is strange, because Captured by Dark Elves uses exactly the same engine. And that doesn't run on your mac while the Asylum does?


Just double my patronage for the new Captured update. It's AMAZING and I eagerly await more.


I love all the femdom stuff you release, though i do prefer a bit of a mix than just pure futanari


I think all my current and future games have/will have a mix :)


Can't wait for the new update to Captured by Dark Elves i really enjoy that game is pretty fun and i just loove elves :D


YAY thanks mate!<3 and thank you so much for making elves the dominating species here ^^


Captured by Dark Elves is my favorite out of the three you've been working on.

Malakaison (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-29 15:55:45 I would say it is 1ºAssylum (because i want to see the other endings,) ->2ºCaptured->3ºFemdom City
2018-08-06 15:37:47 I would say it is 1ºAssylum (because i want to see the other endings,) ->2ºCaptured->3ºFemdom City

I would say it is 1ºAssylum (because i want to see the other endings,) ->2ºCaptured->3ºFemdom City


Mmmh...because of your Baldurs Gate avatar I would have thought that Captured gets first on your list ;)


Yes but I got Interested in your games because of The Assylum and Im really eager to see the endings