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First off, there is no real new news on Captured by Dark Elves. I'm currently finishing the new maps and still confident that it is coming by the end of this month. Didn't have much time last week, but this week is looking better with 2 free days and a looong weekend :)

I got a few questions for you guys that hopefully help me to make better decisions in the future on how I spend my precious project time.

You can select multiple answers here so click on whatever you prefer and what hits your preference. It is important to me to know these kind of things, since we are currently growing very fast and I have big plans for my games :)

And, of course, you can give additional feedback in the comments. Always appreciated!

It is again time to say 'Thank you!' by the way. Thanks to you I am now one of the top 100 Adult Game creators here on Patreon! And that means that my goal of becoming the number one Adult Fetish Content Creator is very reachable if I keep working hard!

That's already it...it's like always, when I'm getting closer and closer to a new release I also tend to get a bit quiet and focus on my work. 

Stay kinky!



Huh, seems like right now I am the only one who voted for sound and music. But I guess most people don't really care about music in their porn games. If you ever need help with something heavy for your soundtrack tho, you know, going into the metal direction, I would be more than happy to help!


That' s a good poll. :)


More than the music, I think he should improve a little bit the sound effects, I'm not sure but I think the sound of the whipping scenes has not changed for a long time and for me it is quite repetitive, it's my opinion anyway so meh :)


Well, the thing is that I already got a good artist with Wenderheaven, who costum made the main theme of FCity and most of the Captured by Dark Elves music. Most people like the soundtrack because it fits the athmosphere. Heavy Metal would be a bit difficult unless it's for an action sequence or a hardcore sex scene (in my point of view). For the sound effects: It is hard to get a royalty free sound effect that is high quality and usable, so I usually stick to the ones I found that I rate for good quality. Will try to remember it and try to find another whip crack sound for variety :)


:D ...also, almost nobody wants romantic and straight sex or maledom in the games :D


id like more maledom, but not romantic stuff


yeah, maybe that wasn't the ideal phrasing from me...what I meant with that option was if you would like to see other things in my games than just femdom and futadom :)


Ah, interesting. yes, forgot to add that in the poll, so I think we just add that to the 'I want to see more variety' option :)


I was not referring to that effect precisely, rather in a general term, like sound of high heels in some scenes for example, maybe all this is nonsense for everyone else but you were looking for opinions :)


Yes and it is a valid point, but I was reffering to it in a general term as well. When you are a game developer and you just found a usable sound for a whip or a gun or a punch you tend to stick with it instead of looking for another one. Finding these kinds of sounds is quite difficult and takes a lot of time, so once you got one, you store it and don't really think that you've up until now used it in every game ;)

The Playful Otter

I notice there is no option for keep a steady pace as I am enjoying how things are going at this moment. I wouldn't say you need improvement, but not improving is impossible if you continue to work towards improvement.


It makes sense... I've never designed a game so I don't know how hard it is. Anyway I hope we can help you create an even better game for the future <3


the option for steady pace is you don't select one of the options for it above ;) ... For me, improving is very important! I want to be on a level where at one point people will say that my games are just so much better than the rest of what they've tried. It is also a great motivation to see what is possible, when you look at BDSM Tournament and then at Captured by Dark Elves or you go back to Captured4You and then play Femdom City you see a big difference, and that was all during one year.

The Playful Otter

Agreed. Your rate of improvement is both impressive and inspiring. I look forward to following into the future to see how good you become and what you create.


Personally, I do enjoy more game-like erotic games as opposed to visual novels. Although undeveloped, I like Captured by Dark Elves the most out of all your work.


I thought about it a while now, and maybe Captured by Dark Elves is so unpopular because it is that short...rarely more than an intro. Maybe people are waiting first to see if there will be more...so I'm making sure that the next episode will be a lot longer with a lot of content.


Yes! That's exactly what it needs. It has a lot of promise, levels, skills, affinity system, but none of that gets to shine until there's more content.


You talk in another comment about how the game didn’t perform super well. I like the game and all but even having enjoyed it and essentially "100%'ed" it it does have some notable issues that I thought I’d give you feedback over. So, here it is. The dialogue system 80-90% of the time just running through all the options in the dialogue tree garners you a negative reaction, even for options as seemingly innocuous as “what can I do for you?” The negative response isn’t a problem on its own, but the thing is that it also appears to lower the characters <3 for you as well with the red bad heart showing up. This means that the optimal strategy is to save before Every. Single. Dialogue. Option. Now, perhaps it's just to show its only a negative response currently and that later it will be favorable, but that's the thing- I can’t tell one way or the other. So until then I’ll just continue to save and reload every few seconds when I run through a tree of dialogue options I haven’t seen before. Potential fix for this? Just remove penalties(or the symbol for the penalty) for just running through the basic dialogue tree. Leave penalties for bad choices in actual scenes, not just for asking if you can help them. It disincentives exploration. 2. The game play The gameplay of the mining/rpg segments also feels perhaps a little too RNG based, since again, optimal strategy dictates you save before every rock you try to smash so that you avoid random encounters as much as possible(since smashing rocks also gives you EXP for less resources expended generally speaking). This one probably requires a bit of an overhaul to some extent that might not be worth the development time. Maybe just make the things you purchase with skulls more efficient so that its not as punishing when you have bad luck? You can also literally get into unwinnable situations, like the Crawler fight. It comes as a surprise so if you are low on HP and SP congratulations, you probably have to restart the entire game or close to it. Again, the best solution here might be to just make the items you get a little more strong. Lowering Xp requirements for leveling or increasing XP gains might also be a good idea. Players want to see as much content as possible and having it gated because it's basically impossible to level enough to “see” everything could be potentially frustrating. Of course, that could also increase replayability? During scenes also you can’t quit to title, so if you make a bad choice and want to reload you have to close the game and watch the long 10~ second opening before you can actually load your save again. Either shorten the opening to get into the game or make hitting escape possible at all times. Welp, those are my suggestions and criticisms. Hopefully you find them of some use, and know that it comes from a place of respect, not hate. Good luck! I’m always excited to see what you have coming out next.


Thanks for the input, I've read all of it. Please let me tell you why I disagree with the 2 main points you bring up: The dialogue system doesn't punish you for talking. It indicates that when you get an answer with a negative heart, you don't have enough reputation with the npc to get the answer yet. It's basically the same like it was in the Asylum. Right now there isn't a way to lose reputation! 2nd Part: It is almost impossible to not reach level 2 when you get to fight the crawler UNLESS you do the savescum method. Getting to mine is the core of the game. Ore and Gems give you money, Fights give you XP. So you do actually need both. The splash screen lasts 4 seconds. I can't make it skipable because of the engine, and I don't think it's that bad unless you do savecheat all the time. But there is no real reason to savecheat. I really don't think that the game is that difficult when you're careful with the item selection and mine with just a little strategic thought...


Ah, sorry not entirely true...you get a small reputation loss when you don't deliver a good performance during the xxx encounters. but like I said, smalltalk dialogue options never lower your affection/reputation


Focusing only on the RPG/Mining part, wouldn't you think that a crafting system would solve the mining/rpg problem? For example, if the MC could craft better weapons & armour with the minerals he found AND also then find special material (Say gems) that he could add to his weapons/armour/accesories to give them special properties. So with that he could, for example, craft a weapon and then improve it with a gem (Say an Ametrine or a Charoite because they are purple like the skulls) that gives extra XP/Skulls (Or both) for battles/mining, and then also get an extra bonus if he is wearing a full set of XP/Skull collection bonus equipment (I mean if he crafts and wears a full set of armour/weapon/accesory with the aforemention property) And the same would go for other properties like defense, critical hit, HP, fire/cold/lightning/poison/light/dark damage, etc. What do you think? PD: Sorry Darktoz, I posted this before your replies loaded on my browser!


Well, I think a Gemcrafted Pickaxe with lightning damage and +2 to strength would be a bit over the top :D There will be some simple crafting available, but it will be simple and fit the setting (your friend Goren got the Blacksmith job for a reason ;). The dark elves won't allow you to wield weapons...at least not at this stage of the game ;)


Looking at the poll I really cannot answer as I like the pacing and the constant improvement you have been showing. Now I would like to ask you about your thoughts on Futa on Female, would it still be Femdom? I mention it because (At least in Captured by Dark Elves) you have plenty of females in confrontation for hierarchy issues, and I think that it could fit in that scenario/situation.


Well, I think I would keep the updates coming like every month, it would just mean that there is 'more' content in every episode then. About the Futa on Female: Yes, it will happen in Captured by Dark Elves :). Not sure how often though...SPOILER: I've currently rendered one scene with Elorae and Astrid...planning one more with Malthara and Shyael but that isn't safe


LOL, yeah I agree that an OP pickaxe would be a bit ridiculous. I always check on craftig systems if there are any XP plus, gold/currency plus or magic find plus properties first as it helps me grind less and save IRL time. But I honestly do not remember if the game was to grindy or not, BUT with all that said, it kind of gives the player some control over the pacing of the game (An oxymoron in a femdom game I know!) :-)


Ah, so the first thing is a clarity issue. To me, it looked as though I was losing reputation every time I talked to them rather than just not being high enough rep to talk to them properly. Perhaps make it more clear that you aren't losing reputation except for when you fail to perform in certain scenes as you said? As for second part, Crawler fight wasn’t difficult because I wasn’t level 2, it was because I had put myself in a state where it was unwinnable due to not being at full HP/SP(and therfore had to restart a large chunk of the game). For the leveling thing, I was more saying how it's basically required to have a perfect first day mining in order to hit level 2 in time for the first couple of scenes where you need a level to “satisfy” them. I might be wrong though, only ran through the game a couple of times.


in the new version samira will give you a hint that the crawler fight is coming. I will think of an additional tutorial text to point it out that there is no affection loss in smalltalk dialog :)


I have to agree here. I Think Captured by Dark Elves has a huge potential, espesially the story. Combining fantasy and femdom, Two of my favorite things :) Also, if you take a look at some forums, the demo has a lot of positive feedback.

Whisky frisky

Buddy not being funny but i can go to e-hentai and read a thousand comics. Finding a good femdom/futadom game is one in a million.

Whisky frisky

In fact i just looked the actual number is 14,386.... it's kind of a saturated market.


well, most of the stuff is femdom-female and futadom-female...it isn't as saturated as it seems ;)