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The reporter blinked, putting her pen against her notepad as she pinched the bridge of her nose. Her long black hair neatly ran down her back. Her clothing is best suited for office work which was a white long-sleeved blouse paired with a black pencil skirt, her identification badge resting on her hip that read Elizabeth Reed.

"Well, Miss Stone." Elizabeth leaned forward as a small smile grew on her face. "You're in luck. I have some work for you."

Rebecca jumped up from the reclining position she took on the hood of the taxi. "You do!?" she cleared her throat before trying to compose herself, acting her definition of 'cool' "Oh...uh, yeah? You do?" if it wasn't for the amount of McDonalds wrappers decorating the back seat of her 'home' she might actually have succeeded.

Elizabeth recoiled slightly, letting out a nervous chuckle from the sudden excitement shown by Rebecca. She must be really desperate... the woman thought to herself before opening her mouth once more to speak.

"Have you heard of the Windview Hotel?"

"The one that burnt down seven years ago?" Rebecca answered, flopping onto her stomach to reach around into the car to grab a packet of gum off the dashboard.

"The one and only."

"Mhm, what of it?" She tossed a piece of gum into the air, catching it in her mouth before coughing, almost choking on it before being able to chew on it properly.

"...There's been reports of ghostly figures being spotted there." She flipped through her notebook, taking out photographs of the site, and handed them over to the blonde woman who looked them over.

"You sure these ain't 'shopped?" she squinted at the photographs.

"That's what my boss says. But I know there's a story buried here. Even if they are fakes. Couldn't hurt to check it out. People love a good hoax."

Rebecca handed the photographs back over to Elizabeth who put them away in the notepad once more. "Well, jobs aren't really just falling at my feet. Who am I to refuse? You will pay, right?"

"Of course. Do well enough and I'll pay extra."

"What if there isn't anything for me to do anything?"

"Then you'll get the base rate..."


The two would set off, travelling towards what once was the site of the Windview Hotel.



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