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“Okay...once more for the records." A feminine voice spoke, followed by another.

“My name is Rebecca Stone. I'm an investigator of the paranormal. I'm 25 years old. And live in the Montreal area...”

"Come on, we'll need more than that..."

“Oh? Do I have to give more details? How much more?”

"Everything! The readers will need to know everything about you!"

“Everything?! Is that really necessary?”

A brief pause, followed by a sigh of acceptance.

“Well fine, I suppose that I am meant to advertise myself, but aren't most adverts like...Short and stuff?”

"You do know the definition of a news article...right?"

“Okay fine, fine, fine...fine...So, I guess I should explain why I investigate the stuff I...Investigate...Well, it all started when I was eight years old, my family moved into this old house in Montreal, dad got a new job there, the place was cheap, and the only catch was that it was supposed to be haunted.”

"Go on?"

“Mom and Dad did what most people would do when they get told that, and thought everyone was just crazy and the like, paid them no mind and carried onward. Then um...Things got uh...Weird...”

"What do you mean by 'weird'?"

“You know how sometimes people say they can hear voices in the walls? Well, a few days in, we all started to hear them...my mom and dad especially. Telling us...no, screaming at us to leave. We all thought it was just some teens messing with us. I mean, we all knew that the paranormal didn't exist, that had to be it...”

Rebecca stopped to swallow her breath before continuing.

“Then I saw them one night. October 12th, 10:21 pm. I saw them floating. Crying. Begging...Twisting...Breaking...Yelling at me to run...”

She would squeeze her hands, crossing them in her lap as she recounted the events of her past.

“So I did, and from that moment on, I realized that beings beyond our understanding existed, and I spent almost every waking moment studying it, trying to figure out what had happened on that night.“

"I assume there's not much useful material out there to study?"

“Yeah...Most of the books and stuff I found was garbage of course, old religious text that said they could exorcise demons and bullshit like that, straight-up snake oil being sold in most places...Took me years to find anything that worked, any sort of reliable source that I could use to understand the paranormal and supernatural..."

"And how I could take on each and every being I could confirm existed. Which, I guess brings us here. Where I make a living as a private investigator, haven't got much on me... I have my books along with stuff for summoning and cleansing rituals. Even ingredients for a spell or two if I need to make a quick getaway or whatever reason. Along with this old busted up taxi where I er...May sleep every now and then...”

"You're really that worse off for money?"

“I mean I shouldn't be surprised, being a witch for hire doesn't really pay the bills all that well...”

"So...how do you have a ta-"

“I'm not explaining where I got the taxi from.”




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