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Late last night I had an epiphany that required changing the first scene of Chapter 13 (more detailed explanation with spoilers after the ellipsis!). This also meant tweaking the interim scene in Chapter 12 which was meant to go before Noh's scene, a task which I mostly accomplished today (and should have the beginning with up in an hour or so, thus why this post is just temporary).

In doing so, the scene became to long and I decided to end Chapter 12 a little earlier than intended. Essentially, choicescript recommends keeping files under a certain amount of lines for things to run smoothly (variables were already being lost because files were getting too long). I was going to need three separate files for Chapter 12, which ended up being 58,000 words as opposed to the usual 20-25k per chapter. 

So now the tail end of Chapter 12 is the beginning of Chapter 13.

Chapter 12 still counts in at 46,000 words, but the last bit including Noh's POV has been bumped to Chapter 13. That being said, Kenzie's date scene has been added. I'm still debating on how to handle the platonic versions for Sally and Glitch (how much variability becomes too hard to keep track of?), so right now if you're not romancing anyone you stay at Aeon with Rosy. (Yay?)

The New Demo Link:https://dashingdon.com/play/wildelight/project-houdini/mygame/

If you play now, you won't be bounced back to the start of Chapter 12 when the first part of Chapter 13 releases! I've uploaded a blank file, so any end save will just bounce you to the beginning of 13.

If anyone's interested about what will be new in Chapter 13, I'll talk a little about it below!

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There's gonna be spoilers!

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Back in Chapter 13, I forgot to include the Pollard Test administered by Vengeance. This requisite Pollard Test is the whole reason why Button and Kenzie have to be the ones to infiltrate the organization (instead of Ment AMOs), so it's not something that I can just drop and never mention again. I'd intended to go back and add a DYI Bootleg Brainscanner Thingy (TM) to the back of Andy/Liz's limo (which was mostly written, and also explained why Andy/Liz was driving a freaking limo instead of like a Honda).

But with the recent twist of Nick blipping out (a twist I had in mind for later but moved up the timeline in order to make the date scenes more relevant), I realized . . .

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Won't it be more fun if Button has to take the Pollard Test while having an unstable connection to WIFI NICK? 

Vengeance thinks they're a Five, after all.

This new scene? Eons more interesting and dramatic. I've been writing pretty nonstop since last night to accommodate it. The original version of Chapter 13 was a long Chapter 2-esque housebreaking scene, which will be reused in a later event, but there's still a lot of edges to smooth out. The new and improved Chapter 13 hasn't yet presented a good cutoff point that I'm not still recoding (moving things around when writing a story is relatively easy, but recoding is a different matter).

Chapter 13's first bit will still be up later tonight, but I wanted to let you guys at least enjoy all of Chapter 12 while waiting.

(I'm really sorry for the delay, but I genuinely think this will be worth the wait.)



Hang on I gotta google flower symbolism real quick


Don't bother! Kenzie literally picked it out because it read "dog flower" on the price tag 😅


hello! i’m just letting you know but i think at the beginning of chapter 12, the branch for k-romancing buttons for the narration of them sitting on the couch is missing! (at least that’s what i THINK the problem is from code diving hehe) loved the update btw hehe i’m looking forward to reading what’s coming next!


The fact I sit here LITERALLY BLUSHING reading Kent’s date scene 💓 Personally snap dragons are my favorite even


I'm having the same situation, it sits my button by Sally i stead of Kent, though there's still the option of comforting Kent right during the following conversation. I checked the code and Kent's option appears but only under level puffy, maybe it's that?


I deleted some code by accident due to being tired 😅 It should be fixed now!

Mina Murray

Kent’s date was just perfect 😍 I loved every minute of it!