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This only includes non-Nover!Buttons' Caleb's route so far (both with usb and without) and Noh's POV (which I'm still figuring out where to put given that my plot has been rearranged).

Either way, I'm being less productive than I should be right now due to sleepiness. Still, there's a couple of nice juicy reveals (and there will be another 10,000 or so words by Monday).

Link: https://dashingdon.com/play/wildelight/project-houdini/mygame/

. . .


For those wondering why Buttons with low relationships with Nick don't have their scenes in yet, it because they learn about Nick's brain connectivity issues at a . . . hehe . . . less opportune time in the future, and that needed to be rewritten around (originally, they discovered in this scene). 

I'm very excited for Nover!Buttons this time around, because the drama will be fun (although it might make achieving a certain task slightly more difficult).

The start of Isaiah's version to this scene is just missing because there's a coding error that I can't find due to lack of focus right now. That part, I'll upload tomorrow after a good night's sleep (with all rest of all three scenes and Nover!Button scenes dropping sometime Monday).



that reveal…… vengeance better be ready for me to show up at their doorstep with gasoline and matches 😡


I had a small error! I loaded a previous save where I made all the same decisions I previously made to not have Liz/Andy suspicious of me, but in the limo they said they knew K AND my Button were not who they claimed to be, but then back at the house the scene continued as if Liz/Andy were only accusing K and not Button, and that my Button had vouched for K.


Hello! Thank you for the update! I seem to be running into some sort of issue in chapter 12 with a K romancing button. After the session with Sovi, Button doesn't meet Glitch and K, instead I'm getting Rosy


Ok, I take the above comment back, I tried using the link again and it worked fine now.


Okay...I think I'm finally emotionally ready to play this now. I'll probably be here screaming when I'm done 😂