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Joey waddled over to his Dad's car. Joey couldn't believe it as he lifted the car effortlessly. He had never felt so strong before. The adrenaline rush was incredible as he lifted the car high above his head. He felt like a superhero, a modern-day Hercules. Joey's Dad watched in amazement as he effortlessly lifted the car. He couldn't believe what he was seeing Joey had become relatively strong over the past few months etc but this was on a whole new level. As he put the car down, his Dad stood there for a moment in awe before he cheered and congratulated him on his incredible feat. Joey was beaming with pride!

Several days went by and without any effort, Joey had grown again. In just a few short days, he grew from a staggering 16 feet tall to an absolutely massive 43 feet tall, and his weight had blasted up to almost 28 tons! Needless to say, his neighbours were absolutely shocked by the sudden transformation.

At first, many of them didn't even believe it was possible. They thought it must be some kind of optical illusion or maybe a strange prank. But as the days went by and Joey continued to grow, it became clear that something truly incredible was happening. Some people were scared of Joey's new size, worried that he might accidentally step on them or cause other kinds of damage. But others were simply amazed by the spectacle, marvelling at the sheer scale of his growth.

Despite all the attention, Joey took it all in stride. He remained calm and collected, even as people gathered around him to take pictures and try to figure out what was going on. And while his neighbours may have been shocked by his sudden growth spurt, Joey himself was simply grateful for the chance to experience something so incredible.

It was a difficult predicament that Joey's father found himself in one afternoon when he had to give his son a shower on the roof of their home. Joey's musky odour was starting to really choke up the air! Joey had grown too big for the confines of their house, leaving them with no other choice. Despite the unconventional circumstances, Joey's dad remained calm and patient while his son lifted him up the house's roof. The roof of the house stood at 28 feet tall, Joey was 43 feet tall! His Father was still extremely apprehensive as he gorked up at his gigantic son towering over him! Joey's head was almost as big as his entire body! And those traps and shoulders, he could camp up here if he wanted! Joey was careful not to lean on the house too much, any excessive force would send it crumbling! Joey was deeply appreciative of his father's assistance, and the two of them were able to find a way to make it work. Prepped with a hose and a sponge, his Father helped clean out his ears and washed his neck as Joey stepped into the stream, feeling the water rush over his body, washing away the sweat. He lathered up his huge hairy treetrunk legs, gigantic hairy pecs and nipples that were the size of car tires, as the water washed over him. He could easily shower himself, but he found it way too funny seeing his tiny Father slave away with a tiny sponge.



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