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It was another muscle-dream-filled night for Marshall. In his dream, he found himself transformed into a towering giant, standing over 18 feet tall. As he looked down upon the world below, he felt a sense of power and invincibility. However, his dream quickly took a bizarre turn when he suddenly found himself at school unsuspecting Rowan and Charlie were sitting at their desks when they felt a sudden rumble. The shaking grew stronger and stronger until the walls gave way, and in came Marshall, holding bricks in his hands! In a comical twist, the boys tried to run away, but Marshall was too quick for them. He scooped them up by their necks and brought them closer to his face, the terrified bullies tried to break free. He lifted them up to his grinning face, close to his mouth. He let out a deep breath of hot, hot air. It was moist, humid air: like steam and their clothes became wet from his breath.

Marshall awoke suddenly! Once again, with no natural explanation, he had grown overnight. He squeezed into his same old outfit, which was fastly becoming WAY too small for him, and an evil smile crept over his masculine face.



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