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It was lunchtime at school, and Charlie and Rowan were sat together discussing the morning's antics. “Did you see Mr Brown's face when I told him to get stuffed!” Charlie laughed “And Samantha, she’s fucking going to be sore tomorrow! Charlie proudly announced! “No, you didn't?!” Rowan exclaimed, “You both…?” He paused “Where?” Charlie Answered, “The bathrooms stupid, this morning!”  The pair laughed hysterically when suddenly they felt a presence behind them. “You know you guys really think you're so big and hard, right? Failing to hand in your homework, sneaking off to the toilets during class, Samantha is only using you, you know.” Stood looming above them stood the biggest guy Charlie and Rowan had EVER seen! There was no questioning it was Marshall, who stood there in his signature green and white striped polo, only this version of Marshall must have now been 6’4 and was hairier than before! In fact, he had more facial hair than the two bullies combined! How his polo still fit his hulking body was anybody's guess!

Marshall's muscles bulged and rippled with every movement he made, showcasing the incredible strength he possessed. Despite his imposing physique, Marshall moved with ease and grace, quickly settling in next to the bullies as if it were the most natural thing in the world. The two bullies seemed to shrink in comparison as he took his seat. It felt good to stand up to them finally, and he couldn't help but smile as he took a seat. Rowan, alarmed by this hunk in front, darted from the scene. At once Charlie tried to belittle him, in the back of his head he was shocked that this was same same puny wimp from only 2 days ago but at the end of the day this was Marshall a guy he hated and wanted to make his life hell. That was the kind of person Charlie was, and no amount of growth spurts would change that. Marshall pretended to be offended before he erupted with laughter. Charlie, clearly annoyed the insults were no longer making Marshall cry like a wimp, stormed off to the school toilets.

Marshall followed a few minutes behind, careful not to attract Charlie's attention. Marshall took a deep breath as he walked into the men's bathroom. Marshall had always feared Charlie, but he knew he had to face him now. As he turned the corner, he saw Charlie standing by the sink. Marshall could feel his heart racing, but he tried to stay calm. "Hey, Charlie," Marshall said, his voice shaking slightly. Charlie turned to face him, a smirk on his face. "What do you want, loser?" he sneered. Marshall stood up straight and looked Charlie in the eye. "I want you to stop bullying me and the other kids in school," he said firmly. Charlie just laughed. "What are you going to do about it? You're too scared to even stand up to me." But Marshall wasn't scared anymore. He took a step towards Charlie, his fists clenched at his sides. "I'm not scared of you anymore, Charlie. I'm sick of you picking on me and everyone else. It's time for it to stop." Charlie looked taken aback for a moment, but then he just laughed again.

"You think you can take me on, little man?" he said, stepping closer to Marshall. Marshall didn't back down. “Little man” rang through his head. Is that what he thought of him, “Little?” Maybe it was the testosterone, but he began firing the insults right back at him. “Now you listen here, you little runt ok? I have more strength in this fucking arm than your entire body combined! Do you really think you can beat me? You wanna pick on me again I’ll fucking wreck you!” Marshall yelled, “Wow, that felt great.” Marshall thought to himself.

Charlie was caught off guard by Marshall's sudden defiance. He couldn't believe that Marshall, of all people, had the audacity to stand up to him. Charlie's pride was wounded, and he lashed out, unleashing a torrent of insults and jeers. Who knows, maybe Charlie was genuinely annoyed by Marshall's actions or he was just scared of losing his status as the tough guy in school. Man, Marshall couldn't believe how relentless this guy was with his insults and rude comments. Even though Marshall had grown like crazy in just two days, adding over a foot to his height and 250Ibs to his weight, this bully didn't let up on the verbal attacks. It was so frustrating!

The abuse continued, and without warning, Marshall turned to the mirror to stare at his beautiful reflection and removed his polo, revealing his enormous pecs and six pack abs. His pecs alone were bigger than Charlie's head! This was not lost on Charlie, who abruptly stopped insulting him as he gazed up in awe!  Marshall wore a smug look as he calmly undid the buttons of his trousers, revealing a “love trail” that thickened progressively until it met the waistband of his bulging briefs. He had become so turned on by the size difference between them both and the sight of his gigantic muscles. He was now the jock! His cock, which had grown extensively over the last few days, stood to attention, barely contained by his underpants. Charlie was stunned he couldn't say a word! “Hmm, seems like I… I mean us have gotta take care of this now!” Marshall winked. Marshall began to strip down, revealing as he did so a dense patch of pubes at the base of his giant cock. Without warning, he backed Charlie into the corner and, in one clean pull, ripped the front off Charlie's shirt, the buttons fell around them, echoing, “Get on your fucking knees!” Marshall commanded, pushing down on Charlie's chest and forcing him to his knees, “Get sucking!”



Blue Nerd

woah getting bigger and more confident!