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Have you seen The Hunt? It's a movie starring Mads Mikkelsen. Even if you are not able to react to it I'd recommend watching it if you're ever in the mood for a great drama.

Just When I Thought I Was Out...

So I recently finished the Michael Jordan documentary "The Last Dance," and I couldn't stop thinking about Hannibal in this final episode. Just a serial killer so much better than everyone else at the top of his game. It's is kind of like his version of the flu game. Almost everything going against him, all the odds. Alanna knows, Jack knows, and Will betrays him. And yet, he still comes out on top. Walks away casually washing everything away in the rain as he puts on his coat, and then flies to Europe with Belinda. Like MJ laughed and said about Gary Payton and his defense in the finals "I had no problem with the Glove. No problem with Gary Payton."


As i've rewatched season 2, i think I enjoy it, overall less than 1 and 3-still excellent tv though. But this finale is one of the best single episodes for the show and tv in general.


Nice reaction, Jimmy. What a roller coaster episode 13 is. We had to wait a year for a lot of your questions to be answered. Must have rewatched that season two, 2or 3 times in that year too. That impact of the finale always hits. Splendidly well-done and horrific.


I agree with @Liam. You should watch The Hunt. Part of the reason why Mads is one of my favorite actors.


That ending crushed me. Hannibal was so incredibly hurt by what Will has done to him. Their relationship up until this point is so intense, almost hard to define. Friends, father and son, lovers...enemies. Also can we appreciate the music - The last ten minutes were haunting, tragic and beautiful. One of the greatest season finales ever.


"I was curious what would happen" - that might be the greatest answer I've ever heard. I should use it from now on 😂 This one was even better than when Hannibal used it. 😍


I enjoy Mason very much. I think he's hilarious 😁


And here I was, thinking we would have to wait until at least Sunday to see this reaction. This is the moment I’ve been waiting for since Hannibal won the poll.

Cadmus Lochlan

What the fuck. edit...ok I've had some time to digest what we just saw. First off, Alana, you tried. Jack, you tried. Will, you were the chosen one. You just let the emperor whisper one too many times in your ear. Abigail, I don't have anymore tears for you, good bye. Hannibal, how dare you feel hurt and betrayed. You manipulate people, not cultivate actual friendships. I can't wait to see him fall. and the FBI lady, seriously!!! You wanted to execute Will on "evidence" before he was proven innocent, but think you will find evidence on Hannibal?


well we've never seen him kill Abigail - I'm surprised you were convinced right away that she's dead. Just like with Miriam Lass. 🙂 He mentioned it to Will before about the tea cup he shattered and it might come together again. He was really sorry about making Will think he killed Abigail. So he wanted to give her back to him. But then Will betrayed Hannibal and he took her away from him again. It looks like Hannibal won, because he made it out alive - but not entirely. Will could see the wounded animal lying on the floor at the end. Seeing how deeply he wounded Hannibal.


I'm pretty sure Beverly saw Abigail in the basement when she said "Oh my god" and then Hannibal was standing behind her.

Cadmus Lochlan

Jimmy. Hannibal is a great devil the way he is portrayed here if the devil was human. But the devil isn't human, so an actual portrayal of a non human devil is Lucifer. in my opinion ofcourse.


I still cannot believe this was on NBC. I know it was, I watched it there, and every week I asked myself how is this airing? Especially after those last episodes with Mason's face and the literal bloodbath that is the s2 finale. Interesting methods for hypothesizing who is alive or dead. Now imagine pondering that for a YEAR! The wait after this finale was excruciating. So frustrating to see Hannibal best four people (3 solo and 1 by proxy) and stroll off into the shadows. As far as Abigail is concerned she could have been what Beverly saw in the basement before she died? Or he could have been keeping her in one of his many hiding places. Guess we'll never know. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Agree to disagree about feeling bad for Abigail though. If she didn't help her dad he would have killed her. Maybe that would have been the better choice but then does he stop with her or keep killing? Then as Bedelia said to Will what Hannibal does is persuasion. So she went along and did what he told her to do, but knowing Hannibal he was probably drugging her and implanting all sorts of crazy notions and beliefs in her head. Maybe she could have run, maybe what we saw was the most freedom she'd had since he took her. Hard to say. All comes down to choices and unintended consequences. Next season is obviously going to be different but just as a warning be patient. :) As always great insights, reaction, and thanks for the double drop! Was not looking forward to waiting a week for that finale. Cheers.


You shouldn’t think of this show as a prequel to the movie. It is it’s own adaptation of the novels. Things are already different. The Vergers storyline is from the third novel, Hannibal. (Red Dragon, Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal.) So just know this storyline can go anywhere, it doesn’t have to play out to match the movie.


What I love about the music is that it's an extremely slowed down version of the Aria from "Goldberg Variations" that the show has used as Hannibal's theme since the first episode. Amazingly subtle callback.


He's only seen Silence of The Lambs, I believe, so season 3 will be entirely fresh for him.


I'd argue Will and Hannibal are drawn towards one another because they are completely opposites. Will has pure empathy, Hannibal has no empathy. That's what I think Will meant when he said he changed Hannibal at the end. By putting himself in Will's shoes Hannibal has started to empathize with him without realizing it, rather than just caring about him for purely selfish reasons (like Abigail). He's not 100% evil anymore. He's like 99% evil now lol. Will corrupted his purity.


So excited for Season 3 . You're my favorite reactor to this show