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The demon that would come to be known as Ragnok the Defiler was not always the dangerous lilin that he has become. No, Ragnok began his life as Xanessh Thanieri. A mortal kin of the exalted line of Aion, the Eternian Patron of Ariestis. Xanessh was the cousin of King Dryas Alcmaeon.

As a ram of Caprini ancestry, Xaneesh would have been a powerful awoke even if he had not shared the blood of Aion, but, like the rest of the Elioudan of Eternian of Artisans and Artificers, Xaneesh was possessed of a staggeringly potent mana density and incredibly deep spirit well. His attunement to the flow of mana was equally as impressive, as well as his incredible source retention. Like all of his bloodline, he was destined to be a powerful mage.

Despite his natural gifts and blessings, Xaneesh was never content with himself or his station in life. As cousin to the King he would have power, prestige, and authority; but nothing to the levels that he felt he deserved. Worse, the ram was a lustful and hedonistic kinling. He often spent long days fornicating, eating, and reveling in the decadence his arcane might and social status afforded him. He often shirked responsibilities, disregarded laws and rules of courtly etiquette; earning him more than a few reprimands from the Ariesian crown.

Things would change for Xaneesh when King Dryas invited his cousin to the capital to celebrate his fortieth naming day. Several members of the Ariesian aristocracy, foreign dignitaries, lords and Kings, as well as representatives from the Holy Church of Caprica. Specifically several members of the Council of Cardinals. A rare and momentous occasion, given the past friction between the Caprica and their former colony.

Caprica had long both figuratively and literally looked down upon the Ariesians for abandoning their place among the clouds in Caprica, as well as breaking away from the Holy Church. Ariestis still practiced the ‘Septemian’ belief in the creator and his seven Eidolons; but were not as pious as their Caprini brethren. Likewise, the Ariesians had chosen a King and exalted an Eternian patron, rather than be ruled as part the Theocracy. Only Ariestis’ acceptance of ‘Septemism’ as its official religion prevented a ‘Holy War’; especially after King Aion accepted the power of ascension. Relationships between the two had been thawing, and the Cardinals’ presence were a sign of a positive change in political relations. Xaneesh, however, would shatter that growth with one heinous act of selfishness and depravity.

Among those visiting from Caprica were Cardinal Marius Farina and his daughter, the maiden Livia Farina. Livia was a beautiful ewe with soft features, cold blue eyes, soft white hair and wool that covered a dark brown undercoat. Young, vivacious, and possessed of a particular wit. She was a welcomed addition to the partygoers in the King’s Hall. Xaneesh immediately lusted for her.

The Ariesian noble tried his best to charm the young woman, offering her his company and conversation; but his reputation had preceded the bold ram. Many had warned the lamb of his deleterious desires and wicked charms. Livia tried graciously to refuse his company, but Xaneesh was persistent. Having never known rejection, Xaneesh was aggressive with his pursuits; and when Livia was finally firm in her refusal. Xaneesh was insulted by her lack of interest. That is when Xaneesh decided to take what he wanted.

Using his arcane abilities, he forced his will upon Livia, enchanting her and dominating her mind. Xaneesh would have his way with the young maiden right there at the party, though his actions would go unknown for at least a month before news of his depravity reached the King. His cousin Marius was furious, but his rage was nothing compared to that of the Cardnials, who demanded Xaneesh be brought before the Council to face divine justice.

Xaneesh refused, and when the King sent his envoys to his cousin’s estate to convince him to answer for his crimes, he rebuffed them. Eventually King Marius grew tired of Xaneesh disrespect and defiance, and sent his soldiers to seize Xaneesh; but the elioudan would not be captured. He killed the soldiers who’d come to arrest him and then fled, realizing that in doing so he’d escalated the situation and made an enemy of the King.

King Marius declared Xaneesh a villain and an enemy of the crown. A huge bounty was placed on his head and his once patient cousin ordered that the ram be bound and brought before the King. He also allowed the Holy Knights of Caprica to assist in the hunt for Xaneesh, the first time an Ariesian king had allowed a foreign power to mobilize in their lands. It would take several years and several battles to finally bring Xaneesh to justice.

In his time on the run, Xaneesh had become something of a folk hero to those who exalted hedonism, power, and depravity. Biencien Witches had flocked to the Ariesian’s corner of the Mana Forest to seek Xaneesh out. Thus began the cult of Ragnok. A secret society that denounced the conventions of society and embraced passion, pleasure, and power above all else.

Many witches and cultist faithful had fought alongside Ragnok to spare him of the King’s justice, but proved unable to defend their master when a legion of Caprini Paladin’s descended upon him. Much to Ragnok’s anger and sense of betrayal, his cousin King Marius did not speak for him. Did nothing to deny the Caprini’s claims that he was under their power and jurisdiction. Gagged, bound, in a cage warded to suppress his arcane might, Xaneesh, now referred to as the Ragnok, after the ancient myths of the demon of lust, was taken to the arcane kingdom high above the clouds.

Ragnok’s trial would be brief and merciless, his punishment cruel, but fair. The Church to sever the rams link to the flow of mana, deadening his ability to sense the flow and disrupting his attunement; basically making him mundane. He would live the rest of his life in Silenus, the land below the floating Kingdom where the unfortunate Caprini who are either born or made mundane are forced to live. He would not be free however, for he was sentenced to a life of servitude on as a barge slave on the Stayr river. Hopefully, spending the rest of his days repenting for his crimes. This of course would not come to pass, for the Caprini had underestimated the zeal in which his followers had come to worship him.

Even among the Caprini there seemed to be blasphemous and descendants enamored with the stories of the dashing rogue. Those who rebelled against the city's pious nature sought to see if the demon was that in true, or only another kinling that had displeased the Cardinals. Foolishly, they met with his followers and were convinced of his lies. These descenters knew not the danger this Ragnok represented, and unwisely believed freeing him to be a mere political statement. Instead they unleashed a monster who would do anything never to be bound again. To that end, Ragnok began the ‘taking’ of other kinlings.

In daubacherious rituals and hedonistic sex, Ragnok draw in the energies of his followers and those foolish enough to aid them. He drained them of all they had, leaving them nothing but withering husks. He swore revenge on those who had ‘wronged him’ and began a bloody campaign of terror against Caprica, Ariestis, and any who would oppose him; and with his stolen might, he was a legitimate threat to all.

During his reign of terror he continued to defile and dominate friend and foe alike, growing stronger in the flow. This however began to take its toll as his body and mind slowly but surely subverted him. No longer a kinling, even a simple elioudan, the hunger and lust for power had changed Ragnok into a demon true,  a subverted entity addicted to the taking of others. His dark majesty reigned in the shadows of Theria for over a hundred years, before a party of adventurers, led by the Caprini Paladin Zarex Barba, finally defeated him.

After a grueling battle where many of his allies fell to either Ragnok or his Biencien supporters, the demon was finally defeated by the combined efforts of Zarek, a Leverin Strider named Arissiel Elidathis,a Ahesian Nereid warrior called Moselle Ulliel, and an Ariesian summoner, Galanthis Thanieri. The last living Ariesian of the Thanieri bloodline.

Together they defeated Galanthis and sealed him in a tomb under spell and ward. The arcane prison was designed to purify his stolen quintessence so that it would return to the flow without any of the ill effects of subversion. They thought they’d killed the defiling demon, but had only struck him a grievous blow. He would not die in his tomb, but sleep. Waiting, hoping, lusting for the day when he would be released to once again prey upon the lands of Elcrest.

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